This project utilises NLP and network analysis to produce a character relationship network for the Lord of the Rings book series. This project was inspired by this repo which conducted a similar analysis for the characters in the Witcher book series. The article detailing this analysis is posted on my website here.
This project relies heavily upon the JSON file of character names taken from here. Although if a better list is available, we should use that list. There may also be some work to develop a csv files that contains alternate names.
The Books folder contains text files of the three books:
- The Fellowship of the Ring
- The Two Towers
- The Return of the King
This is a Jupyter notebook that conducts all the analysis, including generating the network graphs and centrality data. Most of the code foe this project was written here.
The Rmarkdown file is a run-through of how the data visualisations were made. The identically named HTML file is the knitted version of this document.