A node package/cli tool for scraping and viewing episodes hosted on 9anime
Install globally with npm
npm install -g 9anime
Or with Yarn
yarn global add 9anime
Then just run the command 9anime
from your terminal to get started! It will ask you a few questions and then the episode will start playing directly within VLC. If you don't have VLC installed you can get it here: https://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.en-GB.html
Install with npm
npm install 9anime
Or with Yarn
yarn add 9anime
Example Usage
import { Anime, createPuppeteerInstance } from "9anime";
// Create a new instance of puppeteer,
// You can replace this with a custom instance if required
const puppeteerInstance = await createPuppeteerInstance();
const anime = new Anime(puppeteerInstance);
// Destructure and get the first show in the search results
const [show] = await anime.search("jojo");
// Destructure and get the first episode of that show
const [episode] = await anime.getEpisodes(show.url);
// Get the video url for the selected episode
const { video } = await anime.getVideo(episode.url);
// Close puppeteer and free resources