Implement basic image processing operations on the input grayscale image using given value and thresold.
1. Clock Frequency = 100 GHz
2. Value = 60 (decimal)
3. Thresold = 160 (decimal)
Convert the Image to binary using Python or Matlab.
Load entire image into a memory (array of 8 bit registers) of suitable size in the testbench and then supply 8bits (i.e. each pixel value) to the design module at every positive edge of clock.
Perform following tasks depending on the state of the ‘select’ signal.
State of ‘select’ signal Operation 2’b00 Increase brightness by ‘Value’ 2’b01 Decrease brightness by ‘Value’ 2’b10 Binarize the image using ‘Threshold’ 2’b11 Invert the image
Store each Byte of the output in another memory and finally write its content to a .txt file using $writememh function.