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ctessum committed Oct 31, 2023
1 parent 7164521 commit 643b419
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Showing 8 changed files with 403 additions and 336 deletions.
195 changes: 94 additions & 101 deletions src/isorropia/aqueous.jl

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

34 changes: 16 additions & 18 deletions src/isorropia/gas.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,23 +14,21 @@ function Base.nameof(g::Gas)

vars(g::Gas) = [g.p]
terms(g::Gas) = [g.p], [1]

# Generate the gases.
# Each gas has an associated MTK variable named
# <name>_g, where <name> is the name of the compound, and
# a Gas struct named <name>g.
# All SO4 immediately goes to aerosol phase as per Section 3.3 (item 1) of Fountoukis and Nenes (2007), so we don't include it here.
all_gases = []
all_Gases = []
for (s, v) [:HNO3 => 1e-8, :HCl => 1e-8, :NH3 => 1e-8]
varname = Symbol(s, "_g")
gasname = Symbol(s, "g")
description = "Gasous $s"
@species $varname = $v [unit = u"atm", description = $description]
$varname = ParentScope($varname)
push!($all_gases, $varname)
$gasname = $Gas($varname)
push!(all_Gases, $gasname)
Generate the gases.
Each gas has an associated MTK variable named <name>_g, where <name> is the name of the compound.
All SO4 immediately goes to aerosol phase as per Section 3.3 (item 1) of Fountoukis and Nenes (2007), so we don't include it here.
function generate_gases(t)
gases = Dict()
for (s, v) [:HNO3 => 1e-8, :HCl => 1e-8, :NH3 => 1e-8]
varname = Symbol(s, "_g")
description = "Gasous $s"
var = only(@species $varname(t) = v [unit = u"atm", description = description])
var = ParentScope(var)
gases[s] = Gas(var)
226 changes: 131 additions & 95 deletions src/isorropia/isorropia.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export Isorropia
Expand All @@ -26,147 +26,183 @@ Substitute in transformed concentrations to avoid negative values, where
`sys` is an equation system and `active_vars` is a vector of variables
to be substituted.
function sub_trans(sys::ModelingToolkit.NonlinearSystem, active_vars::AbstractVector)
function sub_trans(sys::ModelingToolkit.ODESystem, active_vars::AbstractVector)
trans_subs = [v => trans(v) for v active_vars]
subbed_eqs = substitute(equations(sys), Dict(trans_subs))
NonlinearSystem(subbed_eqs, states(sys), parameters(sys); name=nameof(sys))
subbed_eqs = substitute(equations(sys), Dict(trans_subs)) # Type 1 reactions (R_1 < 1.0)
ODESystem(subbed_eqs, ModelingToolkit.get_iv(sys), states(sys), parameters(sys); name=nameof(sys))

# Molar mass in g/mol
mw = Dict(:Na_aq => 22.989769, :SO4_aq => 96.0636, :NH3_aq => 17.03052, :NH3_g => 17.03052,
:NO3_aq => 62.0049, :Cl_aq => 35.453, :NaCl_s => 58.44,
:Ca_aq => 40.078, :K_aq => 39.0983, :Mg_aq => 24.305, :H_aq => 1.00784, :NH4_aq => 18.04, :HCl_g => 36.46,
:K2SO4_s => :174.259, :KNO3_s => 101.1032, :CaNO32_s => 164.1, :HNO3_g => 63.01, :HNO3_aq => 63.01,
:KHSO4_s => 136.169, :KCl_s => 74.5513, :NH4NO3_s => 80.043)

# Species containing each molecule for mass balancing
molecs = Dict(
:K => [(1, :K_aq), (1, :KHSO4_s), (2, :K2SO4_s), (1, :KNO3_s), (1, :KCl_s)],
:Ca => [(1, :Ca_aq), (1, :CaSO4_s), (1, :CaNO32_s), (1, :CaCl2_s)],
:Mg => [(1, :Mg_aq), (1, :MgSO4_s), (1, :MgNO32_s), (1, :MgCl2_s)],
:NH => [(1, :NH4_aq), (1, :NH3_aq), (1, :NH3_g), (1, :NH4HSO4_s),
(2, :NH42SO4_s), (3, :NH43HSO42_s), (1, :NH4Cl_s), (1, :NH4NO3_s)],
:Na => [(1, :Na_aq), (1, :NaHSO4_s), (2, :Na2SO4_s), (1, :NaCl_s), (1, :NaNO3_s)],
:SO4 => [(1, :SO4_aq), (1, :HSO4_aq),
(1, :KHSO4_s), (1, :NaHSO4_s), (1, :NH4HSO4_s), (1, :CaSO4_s), (1, :Na2SO4_s), (1, :NH42SO4_s),
(2, :NH43HSO42_s), (1, :K2SO4_s), (1, :MgSO4_s)],
:NO3 => [(1, :NO3_aq), (1, :HNO3_aq), (1, :HNO3_g), (1, :NH4NO3_s), (1, :NaNO3_s)],
:Cl => [(1, :Cl_aq), (1, :HCl_aq), (1, :HCl_g), (1, :NH4Cl_s),
(1, :NaCl_s), (2, :CaCl2_s), (1, :KCl_s), (2, :MgCl2_s)],
:H => [(1, :H_aq), (1, :HNO3_g), (1, :HCl_g)],

Isorropia(t, 1:3) # Only include the first three of the 27 reactions.
Isorropia(t, 1) # Only include the first reaction.
Isorropia(t, :all) # Choose a pre-specified set of reactions. Current options are `:all` and `:type1` (referring to first aerosol type in Fountoukis and Nenes (2007) Table 3).
An implementation of ISORROPIA II, a model for the thermodynamic equilibrium of gas-aerosol interactions, as described in:
> Fountoukis, C. and Nenes, A., 2007. ISORROPIA II: a computationally efficient thermodynamic equilibrium model for K+–Ca 2+–Mg 2+–NH 4+–Na+–SO 4 2−–NO 3−–Cl−–H 2 O aerosols. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7(17), pp.4639-4659.
struct Isorropia <: EarthSciMLODESystem
Isorropia(sys::ModelingToolkit.NonlinearSystem) = new(sys)
function Isorropia(rxn_nums::AbstractVector, name=:isorropia)
rxns = reactions[rxn_nums]
"ModelingToolkit ODESystem"
"Molar mass for each species in g/mol"
"Species containing each molecule for mass balancing"
"Dictionary of solids"
"Dictionary of gases"
"Dictionary of aqueous ions"
"Dictionary of salts"

Isorropia(t, name=:isorropia) = Isorropia(t, :all; name=name)
function Isorropia(t, type::Symbol; name=:isorropia)
sys_types = Dict(
:all => 1:27, # Use all 27 reactions
:type1 => [3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 26], # Type 1 reactions (R_1 < 1.0)
@assert (type keys(sys_types)) "invalid system type $type, valid options are $(keys(sys_types))"
Isorropia(t, sys_types[type]; name=name)
Isorropia(t, rxn_num::Int; name=:isorropia) = Isorropia(t, [rxn_num]; name=name)
function Isorropia(t, rxn_nums::AbstractVector; name=:isorropia)
ions = generate_ions(t)
salts = generate_salts(ions)
gases = generate_gases(t)
solids = generate_solids(t)
H2Oaq = H2O(RH)

rxns = generate_reactions(salts, gases, solids, ions, H2Oaq)[rxn_nums]
active_specs = active_species(rxns)
active_vars = unique(vcat(vars.(active_specs)...))
active_ions = intersect(active_specs, all_Ions)
active_salts = intersect(active_specs, all_salts)
active_solids = intersect(active_specs, all_Solids)
active_gases = intersect(active_specs, all_Gases)

water = Water(active_salts)
ionic_strength = IonicStrength(active_ions, water.W)
salt_act = Activities(active_salts, (s) -> activity(s, active_salts, ionic_strength.I, water.W))
ion_act = Activities(active_ions, (i) -> activity(i, water.W))
gas_act = Activities(active_gases, activity)
solid_act = Activities(active_solids, activity)
water_act = Activities([H2Oaq], activity)
active_ions = intersect(active_specs, values(ions))
active_salts = intersect(active_specs, values(salts))
active_solids = intersect(active_specs, values(solids))
active_gases = intersect(active_specs, values(gases))

water = Water(t, active_salts)
ionic_strength = IonicStrength(t, active_ions, water.W)
salt_act = Activities(t, active_salts, (s) -> activity(s, active_salts, salts, ionic_strength.I, water.W))
ion_act = Activities(t, active_ions, (i) -> activity(i, water.W))
gas_act = Activities(t, active_gases, activity)
solid_act = Activities(t, active_solids, activity)
water_act = Activities(t, [H2Oaq], activity)
activities = extend(water_act, extend(salt_act, extend(ion_act, extend(gas_act, solid_act))))
balance = Balance(T, active_vars, active_ions, active_salts)
balance = Balance(t, T, active_specs, active_ions, active_salts, gases, solids, ions)
#out = Output(active_vars)

sys = NonlinearSystem([], active_vars, [T, RH],
systems=[rxn_sys(x, activities) for x rxns]; name=name,
# Convert dictionaries of equations into an equation system by combining equations with the same left-hand side.
eq_dict = Dict()
syss = []
for rx rxns
sys, ode_eqs_dict = rxn_sys(rx, t, activities)
push!(syss, sys)
for lhs keys(ode_eqs_dict)
if lhs in keys(eq_dict)
eq_dict[lhs] += ode_eqs_dict[lhs]
eq_dict[lhs] = ode_eqs_dict[lhs]
eqs = [lhs ~ rhs for (lhs, rhs) pairs(eq_dict)]

sys = ODESystem(eqs, t, active_vars, [T, RH]; systems=syss, name=name)
sys = extend(sys, extend(ionic_strength, extend(activities, extend(balance, water))))
sys = sub_trans(sys, active_vars)
#sys = sub_trans(sys, active_vars)
new(sys, mw, molecs, solids, gases, ions, salts)

Create a system of equations for mass and charge balances.
Create a system of equations for mass and charge balances,
where slt, g, sld, and i are dictionaries of gases, solids, and ions, respectively.
function Balance(T, active_vars, active_ions, active_salts)
function Balance(t, T, active_specs, active_ions, active_salts, g, sld, i)
# Return the given species, or zero if the species is not in the list.
g(v) = !isnothing(findfirst(isequal(v), active_vars)) ? v : 0
all_active_ions = unique(vcat(active_ions, [[s.cation, s.anion] for s active_salts]...))
is(v) = ((v active_specs) || (v all_active_ions)) ? only(vars(v)) : 0

@constants R = 8.31446261815324 [unit = u"m_air^3*Pa/K/mol", description = "Universal gas constant"]
@constants PaPerAtm = 101325 [unit = u"Pa/atm", description = "Number of pascals per atmosphere"]
atm2mol(p) = p * PaPerAtm / R / T

totals = @parameters begin
totalK = 1.0e-7, [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Total concentration of K"]
totalCa = 1.0e-7, [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Total concentration of Ca"]
totalMg = 1.0e-7, [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Total concentration of Mg"]
totalNH = 1.0e-7, [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Total concentration of NH"]
totalNa = 1.0e-7, [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Total concentration of Na"]
totalSO4 = 1.0e-7, [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Total concentration of SO4"]
totalNO3 = 1.0e-7, [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Total concentration of NO3"]
totalCl = 1.0e-7, [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Total concentration of Cl"]

ratios = @variables begin
R_1 = 1.0, [description = "Total sulfate ratio from Section 3.1 of Fountoukis and Nenes (2007)"]
R_2 = 1.0, [description = "Crustal species and sodium ratio from Section 3.1 of Fountoukis and Nenes (2007)"]
R_3 = 1.0, [description = "Crustal species ratio from Section 3.1 of Fountoukis and Nenes (2007)"]
@variables totalK(t) = 1.0e-7 [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Total concentration of K"]
@variables totalCa(t) = 1.0e-7 [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Total concentration of Ca"]
@variables totalMg(t) = 1.0e-7 [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Total concentration of Mg"]
@variables totalNH(t) = 1.0e-7 [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Total concentration of NH"]
@variables totalNa(t) = 1.0e-7 [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Total concentration of Na"]
@variables totalSO4(t) = 1.0e-7 [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Total concentration of SO4"]
@variables totalNO3(t) = 1.0e-7 [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Total concentration of NO3"]
@variables totalCl(t) = 1.0e-7 [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Total concentration of Cl"]
@variables R_1(t) = 1.0 [description = "Total sulfate ratio from Section 3.1 of Fountoukis and Nenes (2007)"]
@variables R_2(t) = 1.0 [description = "Crustal species and sodium ratio from Section 3.1 of Fountoukis and Nenes (2007)"]
@variables R_3(t) = 1.0 [description = "Crustal species ratio from Section 3.1 of Fountoukis and Nenes (2007)"]
@variables charge(t) = 0 [unit = u"mol/m_air^3", description = "Total ion charge"]
vs = [totalK, totalCa, totalMg, totalNH, totalNa, totalSO4, totalNO3, totalCl, R_1, R_2, R_3, charge]

eqs = [
# Mass balances
totalK ~ g(K_aq) + g(KHSO4_s) + 2g(K2SO4_s) + g(KNO3_s) + g(KCl_s)
totalCa ~ g(Ca_aq) + g(CaSO4_s) + g(CaNO32_s) + g(CaCl2_s)
totalMg ~ g(Mg_aq) + g(MgSO4_s) + g(MgNO32_s) + g(MgCl2_s)
totalNH ~ g(NH4_aq) + g(NH3_aq) + atm2mol(g(NH3_g)) + g(NH4HSO4_s) +
2g(NH42SO4_s) + 3g(NH43HSO42_s) + g(NH4Cl_s) + g(NH4NO3_s)
totalNa ~ g(Na_aq) + g(NaHSO4_s) + 2g(Na2SO4_s) + g(NaCl_s) + g(NaNO3_s)
totalSO4 ~ g(SO4_aq) + g(HSO4_aq) +
g(KHSO4_s) + g(NaHSO4_s) + g(NH4HSO4_s) + g(CaSO4_s) + g(Na2SO4_s) + g(NH42SO4_s) +
2g(NH43HSO42_s) + g(K2SO4_s) + g(MgSO4_s)
totalNO3 ~ g(NO3_aq) + g(HNO3_aq) + atm2mol(g(HNO3_g)) + g(NH4NO3_s) + g(NaNO3_s)
totalCl ~ g(Cl_aq) + g(HCl_aq) + atm2mol(g(HCl_g)) +
g(NH4Cl_s) + g(NaCl_s) + 2g(CaCl2_s) + g(KCl_s) + 2g(MgCl2_s)
totalK ~ is(i[:K]) + is(sld[:KHSO4]) + 2is(sld[:K2SO4]) + is(sld[:KNO3]) + is(sld[:KCl])
totalCa ~ is(i[:Ca]) + is(sld[:CaSO4]) + is(sld[:CaNO32]) + is(sld[:CaCl2])
totalMg ~ is(i[:Mg]) + is(sld[:MgSO4]) + is(sld[:MgNO32]) + is(sld[:MgCl2])
totalNH ~ is(i[:NH4]) + is(i[:NH3]) + atm2mol(is(g[:NH3])) + is(sld[:NH4HSO4]) +
2is(sld[:NH42SO4]) + 3is(sld[:NH43HSO42]) + is(sld[:NH4Cl]) + is(sld[:NH4NO3])
totalNa ~ is(i[:Na]) + is(sld[:NaHSO4]) + 2is(sld[:Na2SO4]) + is(sld[:NaCl]) + is(sld[:NaNO3])
totalSO4 ~ is(i[:SO4]) + is(i[:HSO4]) +
is(sld[:KHSO4]) + is(sld[:NaHSO4]) + is(sld[:NH4HSO4]) + is(sld[:CaSO4]) + is(sld[:Na2SO4]) + is(sld[:NH42SO4]) +
2is(sld[:NH43HSO42]) + is(sld[:K2SO4]) + is(sld[:MgSO4])
totalNO3 ~ is(i[:NO3]) + is(i[:HNO3]) + atm2mol(is(g[:HNO3])) + is(sld[:NH4NO3]) + is(sld[:NaNO3])
totalCl ~ is(i[:Cl]) + is(i[:HCl]) + atm2mol(is(g[:HCl])) +
is(sld[:NH4Cl]) + is(sld[:NaCl]) + 2is(sld[:CaCl2]) + is(sld[:KCl]) + 2is(sld[:MgCl2])
# Charge balance
0 ~ sum([i.m * i.z for i in all_active_ions])
charge ~ sum([i.m * i.z for i in all_active_ions])

# Ratios from Section 3.1
R_1 ~ (totalNH + totalCa + totalK + totalMg + totalNa) / totalSO4
R_2 ~ (totalCa + totalK + totalMg + totalNa) / totalSO4
R_3 ~ (totalCa + totalK + totalMg) / totalSO4
nonzeros = [e.rhs !== 0 for e eqs]
NonlinearSystem(eqs[nonzeros], ratios, totals, name=:balance)
ODESystem(eqs[nonzeros], t, vs, [], name=:balance)

Create a system of equations for output variables.
function Output(active_vars)
names = Symbolics.tosymbol.(active_vars, escape=false)
ovars = [only(@variables $(n) [unit=ModelingToolkit.get_unit(v), description="Output for $n"]) for
(n, v) zip(names, active_vars)]
ovars = [only(@variables $(n) [unit = ModelingToolkit.get_unit(v), description = "Output for $n"]) for
(n, v) zip(names, active_vars)]
# This ends up with a double transform (e.g. ||v||), but is necessary to avoid cancelling.
eqs = [ov ~ trans(v) for (ov, v) zip(ovars, active_vars)]
NonlinearSystem(eqs, ovars, [], name=:out)

# Type 1 reactions (R_1 < 1.0)
rxn_nums = [3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 26]
sys = get_mtk(Isorropia(rxn_nums))

simple_sys = structural_simplify(sys)


ps = [simple_sys.totalSO4 => 1e-7, simple_sys.totalNa => 1e-20, simple_sys.totalNH => 1e-8,
simple_sys.totalNO3 => 1e-7, simple_sys.totalCl => 1e-20, simple_sys.totalCa => 5e-9,
simple_sys.totalK => 5e-9, simple_sys.totalMg => 1e-20]
prob = NonlinearProblem(simple_sys, [], ps)
sol = solve(prob, TrustRegion())
sol[sys.R_1] # Confirm that R_1 < 1.0
show(sol.resid) # Residuals should be small, but they are not. This means that the solver hasn't converged

sts = [sys.CaSO4_s, sys.Ca_aq, sys.SO4_aq, sys.KHSO4_s, sys.K_aq,
sys.HSO4_aq, sys.H_aq, sys.NH3_g, sys.NH3_aq, sys.NH4_aq,
sys.OH_aq, sys.HNO3_g, sys.NO3_aq, sys.HNO3_aq, sys.HCl_g,
sys.Cl_aq, sys.HCl_aq, sys.NaHSO4_s, sys.Na_aq, sys.NH4HSO4_s]
show([v => trans(sol[v]) for v in sts]) # Negative numbers are fine because we take the absolute value.

sts = [sys.a_CaSO4_s, sys.a_KHSO4_s, sys.a_NaHSO4_s, sys.a_NH4HSO4_s,
sys.a_NH3_g, sys.a_HNO3_g, sys.a_HCl_g, sys.a_HSO4_aq, sys.a_H_aq, sys.a_SO4_aq,
sys.a_NH3_aq, sys.a_NH4_aq, sys.a_OH_aq, sys.a_HNO3_aq, sys.a_Cl_aq, sys.a_HCl_aq,
sys.a_CaSO4_aqs, sys.a_KHSO4_aqs, sys.a_HNO3_aqs, sys.a_NaHSO4_aqs, sys.a_NH4HSO4_aqs, sys.a_H2O]
show([v => sol[v] for v in sts])

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