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DP lecture
Errichto edited this page Jun 18, 2019
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- Say that this lecture we'll solve Fibonacci, stairs and min-path in a grid. We'll think which method is better to learn: iterative or resursive. Then harder problems in next lectures. Each lecture is some theory and some problems.
- A DP is an algorithmic technique which is usually based on a recurrent formula and one (or some) starting states. A sub-solution of the problem is constructed from previously found ones. DP solutions have a polynomial complexity which assures a much faster running time than other techniques like backtracking, brute-force etc. (that was a quote by Dumitru from TC). Most DP problems are about optimizing (min or max) certain value/quantity or about counting something, e.g. the number of ways to get from one vertex to the other, or the number of ways to write N as a sum of smaller values. We can also use it to check if something is possible and report YES/NO.
- In case of optimization or YES/NO problems, you should often consider a greedy approach first. It might give you a much easier solution but it's viable only in some problems and the correctness is often hard to prove. Some problems are a mix of two. The example is max-subarray sum (Kadane’s algorithm).
- Wikipedia says that one of the reasons the word "dynamic" was used is that "it sounded impressive".
- Why iterative (bottom-up) over recursion (top-down)? (https://www.quora.com/Are-there-any-good-resources-or-tutorials-for-dynamic-programming-DP-besides-the-TopCoder-tutorial/answer/Michal-Danil%C3%A1k?share=1&srid=3OBi)
- iteration is much faster than recursion
- one can easily see time and space complexity of the algorithm
- source code is short and clean
- It allows some more complicated techniques in harder problems, like prefix sums and segment trees.
- Sometimes recursion is better
- Visiting too many states. Given N, you can repeatedly divide it by 2 or 3. Count something? Recursion will get to some states only.
- When it's hard to figure out the order, e.g. in graphs. For DAG's, you can do topo-sort first.
- Fibonacci (https://leetcode.com/problems/fibonacci-number/). This is similar to problems about "counting ways" but it's easier because we're just given the formula to use.
- Make a drawing (tree).
- Mention O(1) space solution.
- Mention factorial. Say something about overlapping subproblems and explain why DP isn't needed for factorial.
- Stairs: count ways to get from step 1 to N, if you can jump to one of next 2/3 steps (https://leetcode.com/problems/climbing-stairs/).
- What if we can make at most K jumps? K is given, K <= N.
- Min path from top-left to bottom-right corner in a grid
- link: https://leetcode.com/problems/minimum-path-sum/
- counting version: https://leetcode.com/problems/unique-paths/
- What were base cases in those problems?
- Given some numbers like {1, 3, 5} or {1, 2, 3}, we need to tell the total number of ways we can form a number 'N' using the sum of the given three numbers, allowing repetitions and different arrangements. https://leetcode.com/problems/combination-sum-iv/
- Coin change
- the minimum number of coins used (https://leetcode.com/problems/coin-change/)
- the number of ways (https://leetcode.com/problems/coin-change-2/)
- Forward vs. pull-from-previous dp (TODO: what's the proper name?)
- A line of N wines, i-th with (the default/starting) price p[i]. You can sell leftmost or rightmost. The j-th sell gives j*p[i] money. Find the optimal order.
- solution I - dp[L][R] is the best score of remaining interval [L, R]. We know which year it is already.
- solution II - dp[L][R] is the best score so far, outside of interval [L, R].
- solution III - dp[L][R] is the best score for interval [L, R] as if it was the whole sequence.
- A line of N wines, i-th with (the default/starting) price p[i]. You can sell leftmost or rightmost. The j-th sell gives j*p[i] money. Find the optimal order.
- We can either define dp[L][R] as the best score so far or the best score for the remaining interval [L, R].
- Think what is important after making some decisions.
- https://www.quora.com/Are-there-any-good-resources-or-tutorials-for-dynamic-programming-DP-besides-the-TopCoder-tutorial/answer/Michal-Danil%C3%A1k?share=1&srid=3OBi
- https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/maximum-profit-sale-wines/
- Knapsack
- A state can be defined as the set of parameters that can uniquely identify a certain position or standing in the given problem. This set of parameters should be as small as possible to reduce state space. For example: In our famous Knapsack problem, we define our state by two parameters index and weight i.e DP[index][weight]. Here DP[index][weight] tells us the maximum profit it can make by taking items from range 0 to index having the capacity of sack to be weight. Therefore, here the parameters index and weight together can uniquely identify a subproblem for the knapsack problem. https://atcoder.jp/contests/dp/tasks/dp_d There will be a nice twist in the next lecture/video, where weights can be huge but values are small.
- Why shortest path (in a graph with positive edges) works and the longest path doesn't. We would have to keep track of all visited vertices so far.
- Recovering the best solution for optimization problems like for min-path grid or wines.
- Store results only for two layers of DP state domain. Easy for Fibonacci, harder for path-grid and very hard for wines.
- push=forward, pull=backwards
- PUSH: There is a row of stones. For each stone, you know your range. Compute the number of ways to get from 1 to N.
- PUSH: probability problems
- Hmm, maybe this should be split into separate videos?
- First six problems from atcoder dp contest.
- bonus problem: https://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/166/E
- https://leetcode.com/problems/best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock/ and continuations