Release v1.5.1
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Major Features and Improvements
- Add Feldman Verifiable Secret Sharing protocol (contributed)
- Add Feldman Verifiable Sum Module (contributed)
- Updated FATE-Client and FATE-Test for new FATE-Flow
- Upgraded early stopping strategy: record best model for each metric
- Optimize the model center, reconstruct publishing model, support deploy, load, bind, migrate operations, and add new interfaces such as model info
- Improve identity authentication and resource authorization, support party identity verification, and participate in the authorization of roles and components
- Optimize and fix resource manager, add task_cores job parameters to adapt to different computing engines
- In one-way communication mode, add party identity authentication function, which needs to be used with FATE-Cloud
- Support 1.5.0 retain data upgrade to 1.5.1
Bug Fixes
- Fix predict-cache in SecureBoost validation
- Fix job clean CLI