- Class: SWP391-SE1705-SP2024
- Project Supervisor: Nguyen The Hoang - HoangNT20
- Topic: Topic 10 (Artix)
- Authors:
- Nguyễn Dương Gia Bảo - SE171697 - Rous1141 - FE | BE | PM
- Huỳnh Thiện Nhân - SE171117 - Dacoband - BE | Database Desgin
- Trần Ánh Tuyết - SE170234 - GUI Design | FE
- Nguyễn Minh Thức - SE170592 - Database Design | BE
- Phạm Minh Triều - SE172937 - Documentation
- Project: Arkworks Sharing and Selling Platform - Social Media, E-Commerce hybrid - Consumer to Consumer
- Techs: RestfulAPI - mySQL - ReactJS - MaterializeCSS - Bootstrap - JavaScript - Paypal - MUI - .NET 8 with C# - Vercel - Azure - Avien
- Structure: Using MVC1 Structure
- Send form to Guest to register
- Phone Number
- Password
- Conform password
- Automatically assign roleid to user
- Get user information
- Check whether it is a guest or a user to grant permissions to the user
- If you are a guest, you do not have the right to buy, sell or post works on the website
- User or Admin has the right to create products, add, remove, delete... (Only admin has the right to edit User rights.)
• The website sends detailed information about the work to customers in a new website
• Name
• Information
• The Review of the work
• Add wishlist
• Create a cart if the cart is empty
• Add to cart (detail to cart)
• Name
• Delete 1
• Update the cart when the user makes adjustments
• Delete the entire cart
• Go to payment
• The store allows customers to choose payment methods in many ways:
• Directly text the artist: Message the artist directly to make payment
• Indirect: Online payment via banking app or apps like MOMO, ZaloPay, etc.
• Apply discount code
• Cancel payment
• Check whether the payment is successful or not sent by the web side that accepts the payment (if successful, go back to the payment details page and show a successful payment popup to the customer/ if it fails, go back to the cart page and show payment failed)