The aim of my final year project is to study and design strategies for fitting a given partition of the square unit through Voronoi diagrams.
Since checking the whole search space is not doable, we will be using and comparing different heuristics, specifically the gradient method and the simulated annealing technique.
I am developing my project under the Processing IDE. For computing the Voronoi diagrams, I am using the mesh library.
If you have any question, suggestion or comment, please feel free to write me at [email protected]
So, we are given a specific partition and we want to fit it the best we can...
Let's throw some "random" starting points at the given partition (in black) and calculate the corresponding Voronoi diagram (in green):
It doesn't look like a good approximation... We need to do something in order to improve it. After applying an iterative gradient method, this is the result:
As we can see, the solution is much better now.