Fox's 2D Shooter Game
What's new in this update?
- Released the game
This is a simple 2D shooter game implemented in JavaScript, utilizing the HTML5 canvas element. The game allows players to control a player character, shoot bullets, and eliminate enemies to score points. The code is designed to run directly in a web browser.
- Player Character: The game features a player character that can be controlled using the left and right arrow keys.
- Shooting Mechanism: Bullets are fired when the Spacebar key is pressed, allowing the player to eliminate enemies.
- Enemy Spawning: Enemies spawn at random intervals from the top of the screen and move downward, posing a threat to the player.
- Collision Detection: The game includes collision detection between bullets and enemies. When a bullet hits an enemy, both are removed, and the player's score increases.
- Health System: The player has a health indicator, and the game ends when the player's health reaches zero.
Additional Features
- Highest Score: The game keeps track of the highest score achieved. The highest score is displayed on the screen and updated at the end of each game if a new high score is reached.
- Game Over Screen: When the player's health reaches zero, a "Game Over" message is displayed on the screen, and the game resets for a new session.
Code Structure
- HTML File: The HTML file includes a canvas element with the ID "gameCanvas" where the game is rendered.
- JavaScript (game.js): The JavaScript file contains the game logic, including player movement, shooting, enemy spawning, collision detection, and score tracking.
How to Play
- Open the HTML file in a web browser.
- Use the left and right arrow keys to move the player character.
- Press the Spacebar to shoot bullets and eliminate enemies.
- Avoid collisions with enemies to prevent health depletion.
- Aim to achieve the highest score possible.
- Ensure that the Spacebar and arrow keys are functioning correctly.
- The game may be affected by browser-specific behaviors. Test in different browsers if issues arise.