These packages are required to installed on your OS for other used plugins:
Flavour: Mocha
If you are using tmux, the color scheme doens't show properly.
To enable the theme schema set the following config in your .tmux.conf
set -g default-terminal 'xterm-256color'
set -as terminal-overrides ',xterm*:Tc:sitm=\E[3m'
💡 The leader key is mapped to 'SPACE'
Command | Description |
SPACE + w |
Fast saving ( Save file ) |
SPACE + nH |
Disable search highlight |
SPACE + op |
Toggle neotree filetree |
SPACE + ss |
Split editor horizontally |
SPACE + sv |
Split editor vertically |
CTRL + h |
Move navigation focus to left |
CTRL + j |
Move navigation focus up |
CTRL + k |
Move navigation focus down |
CTRL + l |
Move navigation focus to right |
K |
Move selected line up> Available in the visual mode |
J |
Move selected line down> Available in the visual mode |
Command | Description |
SPACE + ot |
Horizontal terminal |
SPACE + oT |
Floating window terminal |
CTRL + wN |
Exit terminal insert mode |
Command | Description |
Show file search |
SPACE + lg |
Live grep search |
SPACE + , |
Show all buffers |
SPACE + gb |
Show git branches |
SPACE + th |
Show help tags |
Command | Description |
SPACE + fa |
Action for easy align |
Command | Description |
ALT + h |
Switch to the left tab |
ALT + l |
Switch to the right tab |
ALT + 1 |
Go to tab 1 |
ALT + 2 |
Go to tab 2 |
ALT + 3 |
Go to tab 3 |
ALT + 4 |
Go to tab 4 |
ALT + 5 |
Go to tab 5 |
ALT + 6 |
Go to tab 6 |
ALT + 7 |
Go to tab 7 |
ALT + 8 |
Go to tab 8 |
ALT + 0 |
Go to the last tab |
ALT + p |
Pin current tab |
ALT + w |
Close current buffer tab |
ALT + W |
Close all buffer tabs |
ALT + o |
Pick tab buffer |
Command | Description |
SPACE + gg |
Git |
SPACE + gf |
Git fetch |
SPACE + gp |
Git pull |
SPACE + gP |
Git push |
SPACE + lg |
Open LazyGit |
SPACE + gh |
Open diffview history |