This is the telemetry component for YARP.
The depencies are:
git clone
cd yarp-telemetry
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../
[sudo] make install
Notice: sudo is not necessary if you specify the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. In this case it is necessary to add in the .bashrc or .bash_profile the following lines:
export YARP_telemetry_DIR=/path/where/you/installed/
With IDE build tool facilities, such as Visual Studio:
git clone
cd yarp-telemetry
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --target ALL_BUILD --config Release
cmake --build . --target INSTALL --config Release
In order to allow CMake finding yarp-telemetry, you have to specify the path where you installed in the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH
or exporting the YARP_telemetry_DIR
env variable pointing to the same path.
In order to use this library in your own appliction add this lines in your CMakeLists.txt
find_package(YARP COMPONENTS telemetry)
target_link_libraries(myApp YARP::YARP_telemetry)
Here is the code snippet for dumping in a .mat
file 3 samples of the scalar varibles "one"
and "two"
yarp::telemetry::BufferManager<int32_t> bm(n_samples);
yarp::telemetry::ChannelInfo var_one{ "one", {1,1} };
yarp::telemetry::ChannelInfo var_two{ "two", {1,1} };
auto ok = bm.addChannel(var_one);
ok = ok && bm.addChannel(var_two);
if (!ok) {
std::cout << "Problem adding variables...."<<std::endl;
return 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
bm.push_back({ i }, "one");
bm.push_back({ i + 1 }, "two");
if (bm.saveToFile())
std::cout << "File saved correctly!" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Something went wrong..." << std::endl;
And here is the resulting .mat file:
buffer_manager_test =
struct with fields:
one: [1×1 struct]
two: [1×1 struct]
ans =
struct with fields:
data: [1×1×3 int32]
dimensions: [1 1 3]
name: 'one'
timestamps: [523132.9969457 523133.1979436 523133.3988861]
It is possible to save and dump also vector variables.
Here is the code snippet for dumping in a .mat
file 3 samples of the 4x1 vector variables "one"
and "two"
yarp::telemetry::BufferManager<double> bm_v({ {"one",{4,1}},
{"two",{4,1}} }, 3);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
bm_v.push_back({ i+1.0, i+2.0, i+3.0, i+4.0 }, "one");
bm_v.push_back({ (double)i, i*2.0, i*3.0, i*4.0 }, "two");
if (bm_v.saveToFile("buffer_manager_test_vector.mat"))
std::cout << "File saved correctly!" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Something went wrong..." << std::endl;
buffer_manager_test_vector =
struct with fields:
one: [1×1 struct]
two: [1×1 struct]
ans =
struct with fields:
data: [4×1×3 double]
dimensions: [4 1 3]
name: 'one'
timestamps: [523135.0186688 523135.219639 523135.4203739]
Here is the code snippet for dumping in a .mat
file 3 samples of the 2x3 matrix variable"one"
and of the 3x2 matrix variable "two"
yarp::telemetry::BufferManager<int32_t> bm_m(n_samples, true);
std::vector<yarp::telemetry::ChannelInfo> vars{ { "one",{2,3} },
{ "two",{3,2} } };
ok = bm_m.addChannels(vars);
if (!ok) {
std::cout << "Problem adding variables...."<<std::endl;
return 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
bm_m.push_back({ i + 1, i + 2, i + 3, i + 4, i + 5, i + 6 }, "one");
bm_m.push_back({ i * 1, i * 2, i * 3, i * 4, i * 5, i * 6 }, "two");
ans =
struct with fields:
data: [2×3×3 int32]
dimensions: [2 3 3]
name: 'one'
timestamps: [112104.7605783 112104.9608881 112105.1611651]
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.