Pre-built OpenCV-Python/Mediapipe modules that easy to use and understand.
For now it only had Hand Track
. More features will be add in future.
pip install pygesture
- First time use might won't work, so try it again.
- Because it need to generate it own
- Hand tracking technology with the help of Mediapipe.
- This also detect if it
Left or Right
Hand. - I know there a lot of stuff down there but trust me.
- Just read it one by one it easy to understand.
from pygesture import handtrack
import cv2
# [int] maxHand: The maximum amount hand that allowed to be track.
# [bool] drawLandmark: Draw on landmark and connect them together.
# You can also put nothing in there it will also work.
# Ex: handtrack.handDetector()
# There are more options available, you can check the source code if want to learn more.
ht = handtrack.handDetector(maxHand=2, drawLandmark=True)
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
# This is a config for camera resolution.
# But the quality still limit by your camera.
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1920)
cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 1080)
while True:
success, img =
# The value will return everything you need.
# img: is the image result.
# hand: is the value of left or right hand and value of each landmarks on each hand.
img, hand = ht.findHands(img)
# Print it out to see what going on.
# This will return None if no hand detect. Make sure to add a check condition.
# "Hand Track" you can name it whatever you want. But other options may required.
cv2.namedWindow("Hand Track", cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN)
# [Optional] You can use this if you want full screen.
cv2.setWindowProperty("Hand Track",cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN,cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN)
# Display output image.
cv2.imshow("Hand Track", img)
# Wait in milliseconds before capture next frame.
- You can also try the pre-built test.
- Required
- Just Extract it in the same directory as your script.
from pygesture import handtrack_test
Even though there no landmarks number specify.
'lms': [
x: 0.2995750904083252
y: 0.7221927642822266
z: -4.386473335671326e-07,
x: 1.2995750904083252
y: 4.7221927642822266
z: -4.626473335671326e-07,
Each index inside a list is the landmark it self. Start from [0,1,2,...]