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makeSnapShot and individual versions of updateILC for particular chan…
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TimSheard committed Mar 28, 2023
1 parent f30072d commit ff75603
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Showing 3 changed files with 129 additions and 125 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions eras/shelley/impl/cardano-ledger-shelley.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,13 +59,15 @@ library

hs-source-dirs: src
-- Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.LedgerState.Types
-- Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.LedgerState.IncrementalStake
Expand Down
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions libs/cardano-ledger-core/src/Cardano/Ledger/UMapCompact.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -307,8 +307,12 @@ instance Show (Trip c) where

-- =====================================================

-- | A unified map represents 4 Maps with domain @(Credential 'Staking c)@ for
-- keys and one more in the inverse direction with @Ptr@ for keys and @(Credential 'Staking c)@ for values.
-- | A unified map represents 4 Maps with domain @(Credential 'Staking c)@
-- 1) Map (Credential 'Staking c) RDPair -- (RDPair rewardCoin depositCoin)
-- 2) Map (Credential 'Staking c) (Set Ptr)
-- 3) Map (Credential 'Staking c) (StrictMaybe (KeyHash 'StakePool c))
-- 4) Map (Credential 'Staking c) (StrictMaybe (KeyHash 'Voting c))
-- and one more map in the inverse direction with @Ptr@ for keys and @(Credential 'Staking c)@ for values.
data UMap c = UMap !(Map (Credential 'Staking c) (Trip c)) !(Map Ptr (Credential 'Staking c))
deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NoThunks, NFData)

Expand Down
240 changes: 119 additions & 121 deletions libs/cardano-ledger-test/src/Test/Cardano/Ledger/Incremental.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ module Test.Cardano.Ledger.Incremental where

import Cardano.Ledger.Address (Addr (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Coin (Coin (..), Diff (DiffCoin))
import Cardano.Ledger.Core (EraTxOut (..), TxOut, coinTxOutL)
import Cardano.Ledger.Core (EraTxOut (..), TxOut, coinTxOutL, EraPParams(..),PParams(..),ppProtocolVersionL)
import Cardano.Ledger.Credential (Credential (..), Ptr (..), StakeReference (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Era (Era (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Keys (KeyHash, KeyRole (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.LedgerState (LedgerState (..)) -- DPState (..), DState (..), PState (..), UTxOState (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.LedgerState (LedgerState (..),DState (..),DPState (..),PState (..),delegations) -- UTxOState (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.TxIn (TxIn (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.UMapCompact (MapLike (..), View (..))
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.UMapCompact as UM
Expand All @@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ import Test.Cardano.Ledger.Core.Arbitrary ()
import Test.Cardano.Ledger.Generic.Proof (ShelleyEra, Standard)
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck hiding (Fixed, total)
import Cardano.Ledger.EpochBoundary (SnapShot (..),Stake(..))
import qualified Data.VMap as VMap
import qualified Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.HardForks as HardForks
import Control.Exception (assert)

type TT = ShelleyEra Standard

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,107 +108,8 @@ try cred x =
then trace ("cred=" ++ show cred ++ " " ++ show x) x
else x

changeDm ::
(Show cred, Ord cred, Ord drep, Show drep) =>
Map cred Coin ->
Map cred drep ->
Map drep (MonoidRngD (Diff Coin)) ->
cred ->
MonoidRngD (Diff Coin) ->
Map drep (MonoidRngD (Diff Coin))
changeDm m n ans cred dcoin = case try cred (dcoin, Map.lookup cred m, Map.lookup cred n) of
(Del, Nothing, Nothing) -> ans
(Del, Nothing, Just _) -> ans
(Del, Just _, Nothing) -> ans
(Del, Just (Coin c2), Just r2) -> insertC r2 (Comb (DiffCoin (-c2))) ans
(Write _, Nothing, Nothing) -> ans
(Write c1, Nothing, Just r2) -> insertC r2 (Comb c1) ans
(Write _, Just _, Nothing) -> ans
(Write (DiffCoin c1), Just (Coin c2), Just r2) ->
insertC r2 (Comb (DiffCoin (c1 - c2))) ans
(Comb _, Nothing, Nothing) -> ans
(Comb c1, Nothing, Just r2) -> insertC r2 (Comb c1) ans
(Comb _, Just _, Nothing) -> ans
(Comb (DiffCoin c1), Just _, Just r2) -> insertC r2 (Comb (DiffCoin c1)) ans
changeDmDn ::
(Show cred, Ord cred, Show drep, Ord drep) =>
Map cred Coin ->
Map cred drep ->
Map drep (MonoidRngD (Diff Coin)) ->
cred ->
(MonoidRngD (Diff Coin), BinaryRngD drep) ->
Map drep (MonoidRngD (Diff Coin))
changeDmDn m n ans cred (dcoin, drep) = case try cred (dcoin, drep, Map.lookup cred m, Map.lookup cred n) of
(Del, Omit, Nothing, Nothing) -> ans
(Del, Omit, Nothing, Just _) -> ans
(Del, Omit, Just _, Nothing) -> ans
(Del, Omit, Just (Coin c2), Just r2) ->
insertC r2 (Comb (DiffCoin (-c2))) ans
(Del, Edit _, Nothing, Nothing) -> ans
(Del, Edit _, Nothing, Just _) -> ans
(Del, Edit _, Just _, Nothing) -> ans
(Del, Edit _, Just (Coin c2), Just r2) ->
insertC r2 (Comb (DiffCoin (-c2))) ans
(Write _, Omit, Nothing, Nothing) -> ans
(Write _, Omit, Nothing, Just _) -> ans
(Write _, Omit, Just _, Nothing) -> ans
(Write _, Omit, Just (Coin c2), Just r2) ->
insertC r2 (Comb (DiffCoin (-c2))) ans
(Write c1, Edit r1, Nothing, Nothing) ->
insertC r1 (Comb c1) ans
(Write c1, Edit r1, Nothing, Just _) ->
insertC r1 (Comb c1) ans
(Write c1, Edit r1, Just _, Nothing) -> insertC r1 (Comb c1) ans
(Write c1, Edit r1, Just (Coin c2), Just r2) ->
insertC r1 (Comb c1) (insertC r2 (Comb (DiffCoin (-c2))) ans)
(Comb _, Omit, Nothing, Nothing) -> ans
(Comb _, Omit, Nothing, Just _) -> ans
(Comb _, Omit, Just _, Nothing) -> ans
(Comb _, Omit, Just (Coin c2), Just r2) ->
insertC r2 (Comb (DiffCoin (-c2))) ans
(Comb c1, Edit r1, Nothing, Nothing) ->
insertC r1 (Comb c1) ans
(Comb c1, Edit r1, Nothing, Just _) -> insertC r1 (Comb c1) ans
(Comb (DiffCoin c1), Edit r1, Just (Coin c2), Nothing) ->
insertC r1 (Comb (DiffCoin (c1 + c2))) ans
(Comb (DiffCoin c3), Edit r1, Just (Coin c2), Just r2) ->
insertC r1 (Comb (DiffCoin (c3 + c2))) (insertC r2 (Comb (DiffCoin (-c2))) ans)
changeDn ::
(Show cred, Ord cred, Ord drep, Show drep) =>
Map cred Coin ->
Map cred drep ->
Map drep (MonoidRngD (Diff Coin)) ->
cred ->
BinaryRngD drep ->
Map drep (MonoidRngD (Diff Coin))
changeDn m n ans cred dd = case try cred (dd, Map.lookup cred m, Map.lookup cred n) of
(Omit, Nothing, Nothing) -> ans
(Omit, Nothing, Just _) -> ans
(Omit, Just _, Nothing) -> ans
(Omit, Just (Coin c2), Just r2) ->
insertC r2 (Comb (DiffCoin (-c2))) ans
(Edit _, Nothing, Nothing) -> ans
(Edit _, Nothing, Just _) -> ans
(Edit r1, Just (Coin c2), Nothing) ->
insertC r1 (Comb (DiffCoin c2)) ans
(Edit r1, Just (Coin c2), Just r2) ->
insertC r2 (Comb (DiffCoin (-c2))) (insertC r1 (Comb (DiffCoin c2)) ans)
-- ======================================================

-- | A stub type, until we decide what a DRep is.
newtype DRep era = DRep Integer
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving newtype instance NFData (DRep era)
instance (Arbitrary (DRep era)) where
arbitrary = DRep <$> resize 5000 arbitrary

instance (Arbitrary (Diff Coin)) where
arbitrary = DiffCoin <$> arbitrary
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -495,19 +400,6 @@ computeDRepDistr' ::
computeDRepDistr' = f0'

-- =========================================================================
{ isUtxo :: !(Map (TxIn (EraCrypto era)) (TxOut era))
, isDelegate :: !(Map (Cred era) (Pool era))
, isVoteProxy :: !(Map (Cred era) (DRep era))

data ILCState era = ILCState
{ ilcCredDistr :: !(MonoidMap (Cred era) Coin)
, ilcPtrDistr :: !(MonoidMap Ptr Coin)
, ilcPoolDistr :: !(MonoidMap (Pool era) Coin)
, ilcDRepDistr :: !(MonoidMap (DRep era) Coin)

utxoL :: Lens' (LedgerState era) (UTxO era)
utxoL = lsUTxOStateL . utxosUtxoL

Expand All @@ -523,8 +415,15 @@ drepL = lsDPStateL . dpsDStateL . dsUnifiedL . umapD
umapD :: Lens' (UM.UMap c) (View c (Credential 'Staking c) (KeyHash 'Voting c))
umapD = lens Dreps (\_umap (Dreps um) -> um)

ilcL :: Lens' (LedgerState era) (ILCState era)
ilcL = lsDPStateL . undefined
data ILCState era = ILCState
{ ilcCredDistr :: !(MonoidMap (Cred era) Coin)
, ilcPtrDistr :: !(MonoidMap Ptr Coin)
, ilcPoolDistr :: !(MonoidMap (Pool era) Coin)
, ilcDRepDistr :: !(MonoidMap (DRep era) Coin)

updateILC ::
forall era.
Expand All @@ -542,18 +441,60 @@ updateILC dUtxo dPool dDrep ls =
& drepL .~ voteNew
UTxO utxo = ls ^. utxoL
del = ls ^. poolL
vote = ls ^. drepL
delegs = ls ^. poolL
votes = ls ^. drepL
(ILCState credDistr ptrDistr poolDistr drepDistr) = ls ^. ilcL
utxoNew = utxo `applyDiff` dUtxo
delNew = del `applyDiff` dPool
voteNew = vote `applyDiff` dDrep
delNew = delegs `applyDiff` dPool
voteNew = votes `applyDiff` dDrep
cdiff :: Diff (MonoidMap (Cred era) Coin)
cdiff = credDistrFromUtxo' utxo dUtxo
cred' = credDistr `applyDiff` cdiff
ptr' = ptrDistr `applyDiff` (ptrDistrFromUtxo' utxo dUtxo)
pool' = poolDistr `applyDiff` (computePoolDistr'2 del dPool cred' cdiff)
drep' = drepDistr `applyDiff` (computeDRepDistr'2 vote dDrep cred' cdiff)
pool' = poolDistr `applyDiff` (computePoolDistr'2 delegs dPool cred' cdiff)
drep' = drepDistr `applyDiff` (computeDRepDistr'2 votes dDrep cred' cdiff)

:: EraTxOut era =>
Credential 'Staking (EraCrypto era)
-> KeyHash 'StakePool (EraCrypto era)
-> LedgerState era
-> LedgerState era
addStakingDelegation cred kh = updateILC (Dn Map.empty) (Dl (Map.singleton cred (Edit kh))) (Dl Map.empty)

:: EraTxOut era =>
Credential 'Staking (EraCrypto era)
-> LedgerState era
-> LedgerState era
removeStakingDelegation cred = updateILC (Dn Map.empty) (Dl (Map.singleton cred Omit)) (Dl Map.empty)

:: EraTxOut era =>
Credential 'Staking (EraCrypto era)
-> KeyHash 'Voting (EraCrypto era)
-> LedgerState era
-> LedgerState era
addVotingProxy cred kh = updateILC (Dn Map.empty) (Dl Map.empty) (Dl (Map.singleton cred (Edit kh)))

:: EraTxOut era =>
Credential 'Staking (EraCrypto era)
-> LedgerState era
-> LedgerState era
removeVotingProxy cred = updateILC (Dn Map.empty) (Dl Map.empty) (Dl (Map.singleton cred Omit))

updateUTxO ::
EraTxOut era =>
UTxO era ->
UTxO era ->
LedgerState era ->
LedgerState era
updateUTxO (UTxO utxoDel) (UTxO utxoAdd) = updateILC (Dn diffs2) (Dl Map.empty) (Dl Map.empty)
where diffs1 = Map.foldlWithKey remove Map.empty utxoDel
remove ans txin _txout = Map.insert txin Omit ans
diffs2 = Map.foldlWithKey add diffs1 utxoAdd
add ans txin txout = Map.insert txin (Edit txout) ans

-- The derivative of computePoolDistr adjusted for the fact that the the first
-- arg is a View, rather than a Map.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -691,3 +632,60 @@ changeDn2 m n ans cred dd = case try cred (dd, lookupLike cred m, lookupLike cre
insertC r1 (Comb (DiffCoin c2)) ans
(Edit r1, Just (Coin c2), Just r2) ->
insertC r2 (Comb (DiffCoin (-c2))) (insertC r1 (Comb (DiffCoin c2)) ans)


makeSnapShot ::
forall era.
EraPParams era =>
PParams era ->
LedgerState era ->
SnapShot (EraCrypto era)
makeSnapShot pp ledgerState =
(Stake $ VMap.fromMap (UM.compactCoinOrError <$> step2))
(VMap.fromMap poolParams)
dstate = (dpsDState . lsDPState) ledgerState
UM.UMap triplesMap ptrsMap = dsUnified dstate
poolParams = (psStakePoolParams . dpsPState . lsDPState) ledgerState
ILCState (MM credDistr) (MM ptrDistr) _poolDistr _voteDistr = ledgerState ^. ilcL
delegate = UM.viewToVMap (delegations dstate)
ignorePtrs = HardForks.forgoPointerAddressResolution (pp ^. ppProtocolVersionL)
-- pre Conway: (dom activeDelegs ◁ credStake) ∪ (dom activeDelegs ◁ ptrStake)
-- afterwards we forgo ptr resolution: (dom activeDelegs ◁ credStake)
step1 =
if ignorePtrs
then credDistr
else -- Resolve inserts and deletes which were indexed by ptrs, by looking them up
-- in the ptrsMap and combining the result of the lookup with the credDistr.
Map.foldlWithKey' addResolvedPointer credDistr ptrDistr
addResolvedPointer ans ptr coin =
case Map.lookup ptr ptrsMap of
Just cred | VMap.member cred delegate -> Map.insertWith (<>) cred coin ans
_ -> ans
step2 = addRewardsAndCreds triplesMap step1

-- | Aggregate active stake by merging two maps. The rewards map from the
-- UMap, and the computed incremental stake. Only keep the active stake of
-- the rewards. This can be determined by if there is a (SJust deleg) in
-- the Triple. The incemental stake is alway active, since it is recomputed
-- on every change.
addRewardsAndCreds :: Ord k => Map k (UM.Trip c) -> Map k Coin -> Map k Coin
addRewardsAndCreds m1 m2 = assert (Map.valid m) m
m =
-- How to merge the ranges of the two maps where they have a common key. Below
-- 'coin1' and 'coin2' have the same key, '_k', and the stake is active if the delegation is SJust
(\_k trip coin2 -> extractAndAdd coin2 <$> UM.tripRewardActiveDelegation trip)
-- what to do when a key appears just in 'tripmap', we only add the coin if the key is active
(Map.mapMaybe (\trip -> UM.fromCompact . UM.rdReward <$> UM.tripRewardActiveDelegation trip))
-- what to do when a key is only in 'incremental', keep everything, because we know it is active.
extractAndAdd :: Coin -> UM.RDPair -> Coin
extractAndAdd coin (UM.RDPair rew _dep) = coin <> UM.fromCompact rew

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