Create AspNet MVC based websites and applications with IronPython to combine the power of the .Net Framework and Python.
The following things are currently supported:
- Application Startup
- Creating controller and actions
- Using different layout techniques
- Use bundles for embedding Script and Styles
- Use method decorators for routing and http-method filter
- Base implementation of the filter system
This example shows some very basic usage. It creates an application and one Home
controller which will be registered automatically.
# ------------------------------------------------
# This is the root of any IronPython based
# AspNet MVC application.
# ------------------------------------------------
import aspnet
# Define "root" class of the MVC-System
class App(aspnet.Application):
# Start IronPython mvc application.
# Routes and other stuff can be registered here
def start(self):
# Register all routes
# Set layout
class HomeController(aspnet.Controller):
def index(self):
return self.view("~/Views/Home/Index.cshtml")
For creating a controller, just let your class derive from aspnet.Controller
class ProductController(aspnet.Controller):
# Index endpoint which is available over:
def index(self):
return self.view()
All controller can be automatically registered using: aspnet.Routing.register_all()
on application startup.
To make an action only accept post request, just use the httpPost
class ProductController(aspnet.Controller):
def add(self, model):
# ....
Register bundles to load them in your views:
# Load style bundle
bundle = aspnet.StyleBundle('~/Content/css')