Readme: I made this while up for 23 hours (now 24 at the time I'm writing this)
sidenote about hours (the variable): Hope you like millitary time! ehh, you can program a am/pm bool logic it takes like an if statement and another int and bool at worst...I believe in you. :) The reason I didn't want to tie anything to incrementing Seconds, is so you can control what does. If you want to plug this into a more complex system for some reason, you can want i guess...
Documentation: Year, Month, Week, Day, Hour, Minutes, Seconds, are pretty self explanitory, However...
Month_4YR, standing for Month_forYearRollover, is the amount of Months needed to increment the Year integer
D_4WR, Standing for Days_forWeekRollover, is the amount of days that make up a week.
H_ID, Standing for Hours_InDay, is the amount of Hours needed to increment the Day integer
M_IH, Standing for Minutes_InHours, is the amount of Minutes needed increment the Hour integer
S_IM, Standing for Seconds_InMinutes, is the amount of Seconds to increment the Minutes integer
DIM, standing for Days in Month, its the amount of days that have to pass to increment the Month integer
DOW, Stands for Day of week, its there so you can in theory, use its value to, somewhere else, in like..... a switch statement.
Q:What's this useful for?
A: Not having to write this basic as fuck logic for tracking time past, it takes prescious minutes off your life everytime you forget where you placed a file that did something to this effect.
Q:Why didn't you make the values by default work how this stuff works in the real world?
A: Because I care little for assmuning what you will use this for, I think this can also help poeple making creative works, and make them put thought into how date and time works in said work and make the programers have to be not in a coma when importing stuff if they want it to work in the way it does in the real world.
Q:Why didn't you add millaseconds,microsecond,nanoseconds?
A: Do that yourself if you need to be that anal 'bout it. Seconds work just fine. I'd also assume all you'd really do with this is tie it to some that runs every second.
Q: Will you fix Problems.
A: I made this while have being up for 23 Hours, I dont feel bad if I missed something, I might, but don't hold me to it. :)
Q: Have you tested it?
A: ...
And yes I know its not the most efficient thing in the world :)