v1.2.0 (2019-06-20)
Closed issues:
- Support for Julia 1.1.0 (#311)
- StatsModels not accessible on Github (#310)
- Tests fail locally (#304)
- how to put start values into glm estimation (#296)
- How to get log likelihood value (#295)
- Different results between R and Julia GLM (#294)
- Distribution examples in the docs? (#289)
- Logit link saturating (#286)
Merged pull requests:
- RFC: Compute working weights and residuals more carefully to reduce underflow (#312) (andreasnoack)
- Use Project.toml instead of REQUIRE (#307) (nalimilan)
- Add confidence intervals to coeftable (#299) (nalimilan)
- Add more documentation for keyword arguments used to fit GLMs (#293) (galenlynch)
- Rename keyword arguments to follow lower case convention (#288) (nalimilan)
- Add basic documentation for
(#285) (galenlynch) - Don't export as much (#234) (andreasnoack)