v58 - CPU
released this
04 Dec 06:51
1 commit
to main
since this release
[This image will be available on Kaggle Notebooks in the next few days]
== Comparing Rscript /tools/r_list_versions.R | sort ==
acs==2.1.4 <
additivityTests==1.1-4.1 <
adegraphics==1.0-21 <
adehabitatHR==0.4.21 <
adehabitatLT==0.3.27 <
adehabitatMA==0.3.16 <
AdequacyModel==2.0.0 <
> agridat==1.22
AICcmodavg==2.3-2 | ahptopsis2n==0.2.0
alabama==2023.1.0 <
> ANN2==2.3.4
> anyLib==1.0.5
aplpack==1.3.5 <
areaplot==2.0.0 <
armspp==0.0.2 <
arrow== | arrow==
asht==1.0.1 | ashr==2.2-63
assertr==3.0.0 | assertive.base==0.0-9
> assertive.files==0.0-2
> assertive.numbers==0.0-2
audiometry==0.3.0 | autocogs==0.1.4
aweSOM==1.3 | automap==1.1-9
> aweek==1.0.3
> aws.s3==0.3.21
> aws.signature==0.6.0
BAS==1.6.4 | BART==2.9.4
> BAS==1.6.6
baseline==1.3-4 | baseline==1.3-5
bayesforecast==1.0.1 <
> BayesTree==0.3-1.4
bbotk==0.7.2 | bbmle==1.0.25
> bbotk==0.7.3
> BDEsize==1.6
> bdscale==2.0.0
beanplot==1.3.1 <
> benchmarkme==1.0.8
> benchmarkmeData==1.0.4
> berryFunctions==1.22.0
> BETS==0.4.9
> bib2df==1.1.1
biclust== <
> bigmemory==4.6.1
> bigmemory.sri==0.1.6
> bigreadr==0.2.5
> bigsnpr==1.12.2
> bigsparser==0.6.1
billboarder==0.4.1 | bigutilsr==0.3.4
bindr==0.1.1 <
bindrcpp==0.2.2 <
bio3d==2.4-4 <
birk==2.1.2 <
bizdays==1.0.13 | biwavelet==0.20.21
blme==1.0-5 | blandr==0.5.1
bpcp==1.4.2 <
brant==0.3-0 <
bridgesampling==1.1-2 <
brms==2.20.4 | brnn==0.9.3
brnn==0.9.2 | broman==0.80
Brobdingnag==1.2-9 <
broom.mixed== <
bslib==0.5.1 | bslib==0.6.1
bspm==0.5.5 | bst==0.3-24
> BTM==0.3.7
> buildmer==2.11
Cairo==1.6-1 | Cairo==1.6-2
calibrate==1.7.7 <
circular==0.5-0 <
cleanNLP==3.0.4 | cleanNLP==3.0.7
clinspacy==1.0.2 <
> clustrd==1.4.0
> cmm==1.0
cobalt==4.5.1 | coarseDataTools==0.6-6
cocor==1.1-4 | cobalt==4.5.2
> codep==0.9-1
collapse==2.0.3 | coinmarketcapr==0.4
> collapse==2.0.6
> collapsibleTree==0.1.8
colormap==0.1.4 <
compare==0.2-6 | compareGroups==4.7.2
> comprehenr==0.6.10
> concatenate==1.0.0
> ConfIntVariance==1.0.2
> ConfusionTableR==1.0.4
conText==1.4.3 <
> ConvergenceClubs==2.2.4
> CoordinateCleaner==3.0.1
> coreCT==1.3.3
> corels==0.0.4
covr==3.6.3 | covr==3.6.4
> cropcircles==0.2.3
crosstalk==1.2.0 | crosstalk==1.2.1
> CustomerScoringMetrics==1.0.0
> cutpointr==1.1.2
> CVST==0.2-3
d3r==1.1.0 <
> daewr==1.2-11
daqapo==0.3.2 <
> dataPreparation==1.1.1
dataset==0.2.1 <
data.tree==1.0.0 | data.tree==1.1.0
> datos==0.5.1
dbscan==1.1-11 | dbscan==1.1-12
ddplot==0.0.1 <
deldir==1.0-9 | deldir==2.0-2
descr==1.1.7 | descr==1.1.8
DescTools==0.99.50 | designr==0.1.13
deSolve==1.38 | deSolve==1.40
DHARMa==0.4.6 <
> Dict==0.1.0
diptest==0.76-0 | dimRed==0.2.6
> diptest==0.77-0
> dirmult==0.1.3-5
> discretization==1.0-1.1
distr==2.9.2 <
distrom==1.0.1 <
> dlookr==0.6.2
> donut==1.0.3
dotCall64==1.1-0 | dotCall64==1.1-1
dplyr==1.1.3 | dplyr==1.1.4
> drake==7.13.8
> DRR==0.0.4
duckdb==0.9.1-1 | duckdb==0.9.2-1
> easycsv==1.0.8
easystats==0.6.0 | easystats==0.7.0
> economiccomplexity==1.5.0
edgar==2.0.7 <
edgarWebR==1.1.0 <
eeptools==1.2.5 <
elmNNRcpp==1.0.4 <
epiR==2.0.65 | EpiEstim==2.2-4
> epiR==2.0.66
> etrunct==0.1
> eulerr==7.0.0
evaluate==0.22 | eva==0.2.6
> evaluate==0.23
> evir==1.7-4
exactRankTests==0.8-35 | ExcelFunctionsR==0.1.4
explore==1.1.0 <
eyetrackingR==0.2.1 <
FactoClass==1.2.8 <
FAdist==2.4 <
> fanplot==4.0.0
farff==1.1.1 <
> fastcluster==1.2.3
fastICA==1.2-3 | fastGHQuad==1.0.1
> fastglm==0.0.3
> fastICA==1.2-4
fastshap==0.1.0 <
fBasics==4031.95 | faux==1.2.1
> fBasics==4032.96
filesstrings==3.2.4 | finalfit==1.0.7
finalfit==1.0.6 <
fishualize==0.2.3 | FinTS==0.4-6
fixest==0.11.1 | fixest==0.11.2
flexdashboard==0.6.2 <
> flexsurv==2.2.2
> fmesher==0.1.4
ForeCA==0.2.7 <
> forestmodel==0.6.2
> forestploter==1.1.1
> forge==0.2.0
> fpow==0.0-2
fpp2==2.5 <
> fTrading==3042.79
funData==1.3-8 <
gam==1.22-2 | gam==1.22-3
gamlr==1.13-8 | gamclass==0.62.5
gap==1.5-3 | gamm4==0.2-6
gap.datasets==0.0.6 <
gcookbook==2.0 <
> gdistance==1.6.4
genalg==0.2.1 <
GeneralizedHyperbolic==0.8-4 | GeneralizedHyperbolic==0.8-6
geofacet==0.2.0 <
geostatsp==2.0.1 <
> GetBCBData==0.7.0
GGally==2.1.2 | GGally==2.2.0
ggdist==3.3.0 | ggdensity==1.0.0
> ggdist==3.3.1
ggExtra==0.10.1 <
ggformula==0.10.4 <
> GGIR==3.0-0
ggmap==3.0.2 | ggmap==4.0.0
ggpattern==1.0.1 <
ggpmisc==0.5.4-1 | ggpmisc==0.5.5
ggpp==0.5.4 | ggpp==0.5.5
> ggResidpanel==0.3.0
> ggRtsy==0.1.0
> ggseas==0.5.4
ggspatial==1.1.9 <
ggstats==0.5.0 | ggstats==0.5.1
ggtern==3.4.2 <
ggThemeAssist==0.1.5 | ggthemes==5.0.0
ggthemes==4.2.4 <
ggvis==0.4.8 <
> githubinstall==0.2.2
glm2==1.2.1 <
GLMMadaptive==0.9-1 <
glmmML==1.1.5 | glmmML==1.1.6
> glmnetUtils==1.1.9
> GlmSimulatoR==0.2.5
gmailr==2.0.0 <
> gMOIP==1.5.0
> goft==1.3.6
GPArotation==2023.8-1 | GPArotation==2023.11-1
graphlayouts==1.0.1 | graphframes==0.1.2
> graphlayouts==1.0.2
gridpattern==1.1.1 <
> grnn==0.1.0
> GSODR==3.1.9
gtExtras==0.5.0 | gtools==3.9.5
gtools==3.9.4 <
gtsummary==1.7.2 | gutenbergr==0.2.4
> gWidgets2==1.0-9
> HardyWeinberg==1.7.5
hashr==0.1.4 <
> hdi==0.1-9
> HDInterval==0.2.4
histogram==0.0-25 <
> hopkins==1.1
> HRW==1.0-5
htmltools== | HSAUR3==1.0-14
htmlwidgets==1.6.2 | htmltools==0.5.7
> htmlwidgets==1.6.3
httr2==0.2.3 | httr2==1.0.0
> huge==1.3.5
> humaniformat==0.6.0
> ibdreg==0.3.8
ICS==1.4-1 | icesTAF==4.2.0
ICSNP==1.1-2 | ICglm==0.1.0
imguR==1.0.3 <
> imputeR==2.2
IndexNumber==1.3.2 | inaparc==1.2.0
> incidence==1.7.3
> inferr==0.3.1
insight==0.19.6 | insight==0.19.7
interp==1.1-4 | interp==1.1-5
> inTrees==1.3
ipc==0.1.4 <
> isdals==3.0.1
> ISwR==2.0-8
> itsadug==2.4.1
JM==1.5-2 | jmvcore==2.4.7
JMbayes2==0.4-5 <
jqr==1.3.1 | jqr==1.3.2
JuliaCall==0.17.5 <
kernelshap==0.3.8 | kernelshap==0.4.0
> khroma==1.11.0
klaR==1.7-2 | KMsurv==0.1-5
kmed==0.4.2 <
kml==2.4.6 <
> knockoff==0.3.6
> kpeaks==1.1.0
kza== | kutils==1.73
> kyotil==2023.11-27
> labdsv==2.1-0
lagged==0.3.2 <
lamW==2.2.1 | lamW==2.2.2
landscapemetrics==2.0.0 | landscapemetrics==2.1.0
lares==5.2.2 | lares==5.2.3
latrend==1.5.1 | latexpdf==0.1.7
lava== | lava==1.7.3
> leaderCluster==1.5
leaflet== | leaflet==
leaflet.providers== | leaflet.providers==2.0.0
> leaftime==0.2.0
learnr==0.11.5 | lemon==0.4.7
leiden==0.4.3 | lessR==4.3.0
lessR==4.2.9 <
> lfda==1.1.3
lifecycle==1.0.3 | lifecycle==1.0.4
lightr==1.7.0 | likert==1.3.5
linearModel==1.0.2 <
lintr==3.1.0 | lintr==3.1.1
listviewer==4.0.0 <
litteR==1.0.0 <
lme4==1.1-34 | lme4==1.1-35.1
> lmSubsets==0.5-2
> locpol==0.8.0
logspline==2.1.21 | logisticPCA==0.2
lpdensity==2.4 | LowRankQP==1.0.6
> lpSolveAPI==
magicfor==0.1.0 <
manipulate==1.0.1 | MAPA==2.0.6
MAPA==2.0.5 | mapboxapi==0.5.3
> maplegend==0.1.0
> mapmisc==2.0.3
maps==3.4.1 | maps==
MatrixModels==0.5-2 | MatrixModels==0.5-3
matrixStats==1.0.0 | matrixStats==1.1.0
> MBA==0.1-0
> mboost==2.9-8
mclust==6.0.0 | mclogit==0.9.6
> mclust==6.0.1
> mcmc==0.9-8
> MCMCpack==1.6-3
> mdatools==0.14.1
> medrxivr==0.0.5
memery==0.5.7 <
merTools==0.6.1 | memuse==4.2-3
MetricGraph==1.1.2 | MetricGraph==1.2.0
MFPCA==1.3-10 <
> midasr==0.8
> miic==1.5.3
> mipfp==3.2.1
> miscset==1.1.0
missRanger==2.3.0 | missMethods==0.4.0
misty==0.5.3 | missRanger==2.4.0
> mixsqp==0.3-48
> MLDataR==1.0.1
> mldr==0.4.3
> mlmhelpr==0.1.0
> mlmRev==1.0-8
mlr3==0.16.1 | mlr3==0.17.0
mlr3learners==0.5.6 | mlr3learners==0.5.7
mlr3tuning==0.19.0 | mlr3tuning==0.19.2
mlr3viz==0.6.1 | mlr3viz==0.6.2
mlrMBO== <
> mokken==3.1.0
> mombf==3.4.2
mosaic== | MPV==1.63
mosaicCore== <
mosaicData==0.20.3 <
moveHMM==1.9 <
msgps==1.3.5 | msm==1.7.1
msm==1.7 <
> mstate==0.3.2
> MTPS==1.0.2
> multipanelfigure==2.1.5
MultNonParam==1.3.9 <
mvbutils==2.8.232 <
> mvnormalTest==1.0.0
MVTests==2.1.1 | MVTests==2.2.2
mvtnorm==1.2-3 | mvtnorm==1.2-4
> nabor==0.5.0
ncdf4==1.21 | ncdf4==1.22
Newdistns==2.1 <
nhanesA==0.7.4 | nleqslv==3.3.5
nimble==1.0.1 <
nleqslv==3.3.4 <
> nlstools==2.0-1
> nnfor==0.9.9
nomclust==2.8.0 <
nsyllable==1.0.1 <
> oai==0.4.0
> OddsPlotty==1.0.2
> OECD==0.2.5
ontologyIndex==2.11 | opdisDownsampling==0.8.2
OpenImageR==1.3.0 <
OpenML==1.12 <
OpenRepGrid==0.1.14 <
opera==1.2.0 <
optimbase==1.0-10 | OptimalCutpoints==1.1-5
outForest==1.0.1 <
pageviews==0.5.0 | PairedData==1.1.1
pak==0.6.0 | pak==0.7.0
pals==1.8 | pamr==1.56.1
> panelr==0.7.8
parameters==0.21.2 | parameters==0.21.3
paran==1.5.2 <
party==1.3-13 | party==1.3-14
PASWR2==1.0.5 <
pavo==2.9.0 <
> pbv==0.4-22
pdfetch==0.2.9 | pdc==1.0.3
> PearsonDS==1.3.0
penalized==0.9-52 <
perm==1.0-0.4 <
> pgmm==1.2.7
> pharmaversesdtm==0.1.1
philentropy==0.7.0 | phonTools==0.2-2.2
phonTools==0.2-2.1 <
pins==1.2.2 | pins==1.3.0
> plot3Drgl==1.0.4
plotrix==3.8-2 | plotrix==3.8-4
plotROC==2.3.1 <
pls==2.8-2 | pls==2.8-3
PNADcIBGE==0.7.3 <
> poissonreg==1.0.1
> polspline==1.1.24
> polylabelr==0.2.0
PolynomF==2.0-5 <
poorman==0.2.7 <
posterdown==1.0 <
> ppclust==1.1.0
pracma==2.4.2 | pracma==2.4.4
pre==1.0.6 | prcr==0.2.1
printr==0.3 <
pROC==1.18.4 | pROC==1.18.5
projmgr==0.1.0 | projpred==2.7.0
propagate==1.0-6 <
> proustr==0.4.0
pso==1.0.4 <
psychometric==2.3 | psychometric==2.4
> psychTools==2.3.9
pwt8==8.1-1 | pwt10==10.01-0
qgam==1.3.4 <
qlcMatrix==0.9.7 <
qqman==0.1.9 | qqconf==1.3.2
> qqplotr==0.0.6
qs==0.25.5 | qs==0.25.6
qtl==1.60 | qtl==1.66
questionr==0.7.8 | queueing==0.2.12
QuickJSR==1.0.7 | QuickJSR==1.0.8
qwraps2==0.5.2 | qwraps2==0.6.0
> R2WinBUGS==2.1-21
> randomcoloR==
rapidoc==8.4.3 | rapidoc==9.3.4
rasterVis==0.51.5 | rasterVis==0.51.6
rBayesianOptimization==1.2.0 | rbenchmark==1.0.0
rbcb==0.1.13 <
rclipboard==0.2.0 <
RcppEigen== | RcppEigen==
> RcppNumerical==0.6-0
> RcppSimdJson==0.1.11
rcrossref==1.2.0 <
RCurl==1.98-1.12 | RCurl==1.98-1.13
rddensity==2.4 | Rdpack==2.6
Rdpack==2.5 <
rdrobust==2.1.1 <
reactablefmtr==2.0.0 <
readJDX==0.6.1 | readJDX==0.6.4
> readsdmx==0.3.1
recolorize==0.1.0 <
> RecordLinkage==0.4-12.4
> ReDaMoR==0.7.2
> ReinforcementLearning==1.0.5
> rENA==0.2.4
reportROC==3.6 <
> Rfast==2.1.0
Rforestry==0.10.0 | rgbif==3.7.8
> RGCCA==3.0.2
rgl==1.2.1 | rgl==1.2.8
RgoogleMaps== | rglwidget==0.2.1
rhandsontable==0.3.8 | RgoogleMaps==1.5.1
> rintrojs==0.3.3
RJSONIO==1.3-1.8 | RJSONIO==1.3-1.9
rlang==1.1.1 | rlang==1.1.2
RMariaDB==1.1.1 | RMariaDB==1.3.1
> RMTstat==0.3.1
RNifti==1.5.0 | RNifti==1.5.1
> robfilter==4.1.3
> rockchalk==1.8.157
RODBC==1.3-21 | RODBC==1.3-23
> roperators==1.3.14
> roptim==0.1.6
rosm==0.3.0 | rotationForest==0.1.3
RPostgres==1.3.2 | RPostgres==1.4.6
rprojroot==2.0.3 | rprojroot==2.0.4
Rserve==1.8-11 | Rserve==1.8-13
> rsm==2.10.4
> RSNNS==0.4-16
rSPDE==2.3.2 | rSPDE==2.3.3
> rsq==2.6
RSQLite==2.3.2 | RSQLite==2.3.3
> rstpm2==1.6.2
R.utils==2.12.2 | RUnit==0.4.32
> runonce==0.2.3
> R.utils==2.12.3
RVerbalExpressions==0.1.0 | rversions==2.0.2
rversions==2.1.2 <
> rwa==0.0.3
> rWind==1.1.7
> rworldxtra==1.01
Ryacas==1.1.5 <
sand==2.0.0 <
santoku==0.10.0 <
sarima==0.9.1 <
scales==1.2.1 | scales==1.3.0
scattermore==1.2 | scalreg==1.0.1
> sciplot==1.2-0
sctransform==0.4.1 <
sdmvspecies==0.3.2 <
see==0.8.0 | see==0.8.1
segmented==1.6-4 | segmented==2.0-0
sendmailR==1.4-0 | sensemakr==0.1.4
seriation==1.5.1 | seriation==1.5.2
> sgd==1.1.1
shapper==0.1.3 <
shiny== | shiny==1.8.0
shinyBS==0.61.1 | shinybusy==0.3.2
shinybusy==0.3.1 <
shinydashboard==0.7.2 <
shinyFiles==0.9.3 <
sidrar==0.2.9 | signal==1.8-0
sigmoid==1.4.0 <
signal==0.7-7 <
simmer== | simmer==
> simpleboot==1.1-7
> simpleNeural==0.1.3
> simstudy==0.7.1
SkewHyperbolic==0.4-0 | SkewHyperbolic==0.4-2
> slippymath==0.3.1
smoof== | smbinning==0.9
sodium==1.3.0 | sodium==1.3.1
solitude==1.1.3 <
sos==2.1-7 | sommer==4.3.3
sound==1.4.5 <
soundClass== <
sp==2.1-1 | sp==2.1-2
sparcl==1.0.4 <
sparsepca==0.1.2 <
sparsesvd==0.2-2 <
spatialreg==1.2-9 | spatialreg==1.3-1
> spBayes==0.4-6
spdep==1.2-8 | spdep==1.3-1
> splm==1.6-3
> spmoran==
ssr==0.1.1 <
stacks==1.0.2 | stacks==1.0.3
startupmsg==0.9.6 <
> StatMatch==1.4.1
statsr==0.3.0 <
> StMoMo==0.4.1
str2str==0.2.1 | storr==1.2.5
> str2str==1.0.0
strex==1.6.1 | stringdist==0.9.12
stringdist==0.9.10 | stringfish==0.16.0
stringfish==0.15.8 | stringi==1.8.2
stringi==1.7.12 | stringr==1.5.1
stringr==1.5.0 <
> StructFDR==1.3
> stylo==0.7.4
sunburstR==2.1.8 <
svd== | survivalmodels==0.1.13
> svd==0.5.5
swirl==2.4.5 <
> synthpop==1.8-0
> TAF==4.2.0
taylor==2.0.1 | Taxonstand==2.4
> taylor==3.0.0
tesseract==5.2.0 | tesseract==5.2.1
texreg==1.38.6 | texreg==1.39.3
text2vec==0.6.3 | text2vec==0.6.4
textir==2.0-5 <
textrecipes==1.0.5 | textrecipes==1.0.6
> textreg==0.1.5
> textTinyR==1.1.7
tfplot==2021.6-1 <
tgp==2.4-21 | tgp==2.4-22
> tidyposterior==1.0.1
> tidytuesdayR==1.0.2
tiff==0.1-11 | tiff==0.1-12
timsac==1.3.8-4 <
tinytex==0.48 | tinytex==0.49
tippy==0.1.0 <
TMB==1.9.6 | TMB==1.9.9
tmvnsim==1.0-2 | tmle==2.0.0
tnet==3.0.16 | TNRS==0.3.4
topicmodels==0.2-14 | topicmodels==0.2-15
topsis==1.0 <
torchdatasets==0.3.0 <
> trajr==1.5.1
> transformr==0.1.4
> trelliscopejs==0.2.6
> trimcluster==0.1-5
tsbox==0.4.1 | TSclust==1.3.1
> tscount==1.4.3
> TSdist==3.7.1
tsfgrnn==1.0.4 | tsfknn==0.5.2
tsintermittent==1.10 <
TTR==0.24.3 | tspmeta==1.2
> tsutils==0.9.4
> TTR==0.24.4
tuneR==1.4.5 | tuneR==1.4.6
tvthemes==1.3.2 <
> twosamples==2.0.1
> txtplot==1.0-4
> UBL==0.0.9
units==0.8-4 | unikn==0.9.0
unmarked==1.3.2 | unisensR==0.3.3
> units==0.8-5
> UniversalCVI==1.1.0
urlchecker==1.0.1 <
> utiml==0.1.7
> varrank==0.5
> vegclust==2.0.2
vetiver==0.2.4 | vetiver==0.2.5
vimpclust==0.1.0 | VineCopula==2.5.0
vitae==0.5.3 | vistime==1.2.4
> vita==1.0.0
> vitae==0.5.4
> voxel==1.3.5
VWPre==1.2.4 | wactor==0.0.1
waldo==0.5.1 | waldo==0.5.2
warp==0.2.0 | warp==0.2.1
> wavelets==0.3-0.2
> wavethresh==4.7.2
> WCM==0.2.2
weathermetrics==1.2.2 | WebPower==0.9.4
webutils==1.1 | webutils==1.2.0
> WeightedROC==2020.1.31
> WikipediR==1.5.0
wk==0.9.0 | wk==0.9.1
> woeBinning==0.1.6
x12==1.10.3 <
xesreadR==0.2.3 | xfun==0.41
xfun==0.40 <
> XICOR==0.4.1
XML==3.99-0.14 | XML==3.99-0.15
zfit==0.4.0 | zip==2.3.0
zip==2.1.1 <
== Comparing pip freeze ==
ansiwrap==0.8.4 | anyio==4.1.0
anyio==4.0.0 <
comm==0.1.4 | comm==0.2.0
exceptiongroup==1.1.3 | exceptiongroup==1.2.0
fastjsonschema==2.18.1 | fastjsonschema==2.19.0
ipykernel==6.26.0 | ipykernel==6.27.1
ipython==8.17.2 | ipython==8.18.1
jsonschema==4.19.2 | jsonschema==4.20.0
jsonschema-specifications==2023.7.1 | jsonschema-specifications==2023.11.1
jupyter-events==0.8.0 | jupyter-events==0.9.0
jupyter_server==2.9.1 | jupyter_server==2.11.1
jupyterlab-pygments==0.2.2 <
jupyterlab_server==2.25.0 | jupyterlab_pygments==0.3.0
> jupyterlab_server==2.25.2
nbclient==0.8.0 | nbclient==0.9.0
nbconvert==7.10.0 | nbconvert==7.11.0
papermill==2.4.0 | papermill==2.5.0
pexpect==4.8.0 | pexpect==4.9.0
platformdirs==3.11.0 | platformdirs==4.0.0
prometheus-client==0.18.0 | prometheus-client==0.19.0
prompt-toolkit==3.0.39 | prompt-toolkit==3.0.41
Pygments==2.16.1 | Pygments==2.17.2
qtconsole==5.4.4 | qtconsole==5.5.1
referencing==0.30.2 | referencing==0.31.0
rpds-py==0.10.6 | rpds-py==0.13.1
terminado==0.17.1 | terminado==0.18.0
textwrap3==0.9.2 <
tornado==6.3.3 | tornado==6.4
traitlets==5.13.0 | traitlets==5.14.0
wcwidth==0.2.9 | wcwidth==0.2.12
== Comparing cat /etc/os-release | grep -oP "PRETTY_NAME=\"\K([^\"]*)" ==
No diff
== Comparing uname -r ==
No diff
== Comparing dpkg --list | awk '{print $2"=="$3}' ==
apt-transport-https==2.0.9 | apt-transport-https==2.0.10
krb5-multidev:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.3 | krb5-multidev:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.4
libavahi-client3:amd64==0.7-4ubuntu7.2 | libavahi-client3:amd64==0.7-4ubuntu7.3
libavahi-common-data:amd64==0.7-4ubuntu7.2 | libavahi-common-data:amd64==0.7-4ubuntu7.3
libavahi-common3:amd64==0.7-4ubuntu7.2 | libavahi-common3:amd64==0.7-4ubuntu7.3
libgsl-dev==2.5+dfsg-6build1 | libgsl-dev==2.5+dfsg-6+deb10u1build0.20.04.1
libgsl23:amd64==2.5+dfsg-6build1 | libgsl23:amd64==2.5+dfsg-6+deb10u1build0.20.04.1
libgslcblas0:amd64==2.5+dfsg-6build1 | libgslcblas0:amd64==2.5+dfsg-6+deb10u1build0.20.04.1
libgssapi-krb5-2:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.3 | libgssapi-krb5-2:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.4
libgssrpc4:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.3 | libgssrpc4:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.4
libk5crypto3:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.3 | libk5crypto3:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.4
libkadm5clnt-mit11:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.3 | libkadm5clnt-mit11:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.4
libkadm5srv-mit11:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.3 | libkadm5srv-mit11:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.4
libkdb5-9:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.3 | libkdb5-9:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.4
libkrb5-3:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.3 | libkrb5-3:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.4
libkrb5-dev:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.3 | libkrb5-dev:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.4
libkrb5support0:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.3 | libkrb5support0:amd64==1.17-6ubuntu4.4
libnode-dev:amd64==10.19.0~dfsg-3ubuntu1.2 | libnode-dev:amd64==10.19.0~dfsg-3ubuntu1.3
libnode64:amd64==10.19.0~dfsg-3ubuntu1.2 | libnode64:amd64==10.19.0~dfsg-3ubuntu1.3
libpoppler-cpp-dev:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1.3 | libpoppler-cpp-dev:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1.4
libpoppler-cpp0v5:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1.3 | libpoppler-cpp0v5:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1.4
libpoppler-dev:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1.3 | libpoppler-dev:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1.4
libpoppler-private-dev:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1.3 | libpoppler-private-dev:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1.4
libpoppler97:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1.3 | libpoppler97:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1.4
libpython3.8-minimal:amd64==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.8 | libpython3.8-minimal:amd64==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.9
libpython3.8-stdlib:amd64==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.8 | libpython3.8-stdlib:amd64==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.9
libsndfile1:amd64==1.0.28-7ubuntu0.1 | libsndfile1:amd64==1.0.28-7ubuntu0.2
libsndfile1-dev==1.0.28-7ubuntu0.1 | libsndfile1-dev==1.0.28-7ubuntu0.2
libtiff5-dev==4.1.0+git191117-2ubuntu0.20.04.10 | libtiff5-dev==4.1.0+git191117-2ubuntu0.20.04.11
openjdk-11-jdk:amd64== | openjdk-11-jdk:amd64==11.0.21+9-0ubuntu1~20.04
openjdk-11-jdk-headless:amd64== | openjdk-11-jdk-headless:amd64==11.0.21+9-0ubuntu1~20.04
openjdk-11-jre:amd64== | openjdk-11-jre:amd64==11.0.21+9-0ubuntu1~20.04
openjdk-11-jre-headless:amd64== | openjdk-11-jre-headless:amd64==11.0.21+9-0ubuntu1~20.04
python-pip-whl==20.0.2-5ubuntu1.9 | python-pip-whl==20.0.2-5ubuntu1.10
python3-urllib3==1.25.8-2ubuntu0.2 | python3-urllib3==1.25.8-2ubuntu0.3
python3.8==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.8 | python3.8==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.9
python3.8-minimal==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.8 | python3.8-minimal==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.9
python3.8-venv==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.8 | python3.8-venv==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.9