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v50 - GPU

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@kaggleteam kaggleteam released this 19 Oct 14:45
· 13 commits to main since this release

[This image will be available on Kaggle Notebooks in the next few days]

== Comparing Rscript /tools/r_list_versions.R | sort ==
abd==0.2-8						      <
  						      >	academictwitteR==0.3.1
  						      >	adagio==0.8.5
  						      >	adegenet==2.1.8
admisc==0.29						      |	admisc==0.30
AFR==0.1.0						      |	AFR==0.2.1
agridat==1.21						      |	ahptopsis2n==0.2.0
AICcmodavg==2.3-1					      <
  						      >	alabama==2022.4-1
  						      >	alr4==1.0.6
  						      >	ALSM==0.2.0
  						      >	amap==0.8-18
anndata==					      |	anndata==
  						      >	archive==1.1.5
arrow==9.0.0						      |	arrow==
asymmetry==2.0.4					      <
autocogs==0.1.4						      <
  						      >	autoFRK==1.4.3
aweek==1.0.2						      |	aweek==1.0.3
Barnard==1.8						      <
barplot3d==1.0.1					      <
baseballr==1.3.0					      <
  						      >	BasketballAnalyzeR==0.5.0
BayesFM==0.1.5						      <
bayesGARCH==2.1.10					      <
BayesLogit==2.1						      <
bayestestR==0.12.1					      |	bayesrules==0.0.2
  						      >	bayestestR==0.13.0
  						      >	BayesTree==0.3-1.4
BBmisc==1.12						      |	BBmisc==1.13
  						      >	bdscale==2.0.0
  						      >	beanplot==1.3.1
bib2df==1.1.1						      |	BiasedUrn==1.07
bibtex==						      |	bibtex==0.5.0
  						      >	biclustermd==0.2.3
  						      >	bioacoustics==0.2.8
Biodem==0.5						      <
  						      >	bios2mds==1.2.3
  						      >	bipartite==2.17
bnlearn==4.7.1						      |	bnlearn==4.8.1
  						      >	Boruta==7.0.0
  						      >	bpca==1.3-4
brew==1.0-7						      |	brew==1.0-8
brms==2.17.0						      |	brms==2.18.0
  						      >	brnn==0.9.2
  						      >	broman==0.80
broom.helpers==1.8.0					      |	broom.helpers==1.9.0
brulee==0.1.0						      |	brulee==0.2.0
  						      >	bst==0.3-23
bupaR==0.5.0						      |	bubblyr==0.1.2
CADFtest==0.3-3						      <
cAIC4==1.0						      <
captioner==2.2.3					      <
carat==2.0.2						      <
cat==0.0-7						      <
catdata==1.2.2						      <
causaldata==0.1.3					      <
  						      >	cba==0.2-21
cdparcoord==1.0.1					      <
cem==1.1.31						      <
changepoint==2.2.3					      <
choroplethr==3.7.0					      |	chilemapas==0.3.0
choroplethrAdmin1==1.1.1				      |	choroplethr==3.7.1
chron==2.3-57						      |	chromote==0.1.1
chunked==0.6.0						      |	chron==2.3-58
classInt==0.4-7						      |	classInt==0.4-8
cli==3.4.0						      |	cli==3.4.1
clustMixType==0.2-15					      <
  						      >	cmm==0.12
cobalt==4.4.0						      <
cointReg==0.2.0						      |	collapse==1.8.9
collapse==1.8.8						      <
  						      >	colorBlindness==0.1.9
  						      >	colourvalues==0.3.7
commonmark==1.8.0					      |	commonmark==1.8.1
compositions==2.0-4					      <
confintr==0.1.2						      |	confintr==0.2.0
  						      >	conText==1.1.0
  						      >	contrast==0.24.2
  						      >	coop==0.6-3
correlation==0.8.2					      |	corpus==0.10.2
  						      >	correlation==0.8.3
coxed==0.3.3						      |	cpp11==0.4.3
cpp11==0.4.2						      |	crayon==1.5.2
crayon==1.5.1						      <
  						      >	creditmodel==1.3.1
  						      >	cropcircles==0.1.0
  						      >	crosstable==0.5.0
curl==4.3.2						      |	curl==4.3.3
cvAUC==1.1.4						      <
cvTools==0.3.2						      <
  						      >	d3r==1.0.0
  						      >	dagitty==0.3-1
dapr==0.0.3						      <
  						      >	datapasta==3.1.0
dataRetrieval==2.7.11					      <
data.table==1.14.2					      |	datasauRus==0.1.6
  						      >	datasetsICR==1.0
  						      >	data.table==1.14.4
datawizard==0.5.1					      |	datawizard==0.6.2
dbarts==0.9-22						      <
deepdive==1.0.4						      |	deaR==1.3
deflateBR==1.1.2					      |	debugme==1.1.0
DEoptim==2.2-6						      |	dendroextras==0.2.3
dgof==1.4						      <
  						      >	DiceKriging==1.6.0
Dict==0.1.0						      |	didrooRFM==1.0.0
DIMORA==0.3.0						      |	DIMORA==0.3.1
dismo==1.3-8						      |	dismo==1.3-9
  						      >	distributions3==0.2.1
  						      >	dlm==1.1-5
  						      >	doBy==4.6.13
dotCall64==1.0-1					      |	dotCall64==1.0-2
drc==3.0-1						      <
dtw==1.22-3						      |	dtw==1.23-1
dtwclust==5.5.10					      |	dtwclust==5.5.11
duckdb==0.5.0						      |	duckdb==0.5.1
dummy==0.1.3						      <
easyr==0.5-9						      <
ecm==6.3.0						      <
edgar==2.0.5						      <
eeptools==1.2.4						      |	eechidna==1.4.1
effectsize==					      |	effectsize==0.8.0
  						      >	elevatr==0.4.2
elo==3.0.1						      <
embed==1.0.0						      <
EnsCat==1.1						      |	ensembleR==0.1.0
Epi==2.47						      <
  						      >	epiR==2.0.52
  						      >	epitools==0.5-10.1
  						      >	ergm==4.2.3
etm==1.1.1						      <
evaluate==0.16						      |	eva==0.2.6
  						      >	evaluate==0.17
eventdataR==0.3.1					      <
exact2x2==1.6.6						      |	Exact==3.2
Exact==3.1						      |	exactextractr==0.9.0
exactci==1.4-2						      <
ExPanDaR==0.5.3						      |	ExpAnalysis3d==0.1.1
expss==0.11.1						      <
  						      >	ez==4.4-0
  						      >	FAdist==2.4
fanplot==4.0.0						      <
faraway==1.0.8						      <
farff==1.1.1						      <
  						      >	fastcluster==1.2.3
fastmatrix==0.4-124					      |	fastmatrix==0.4-1245
  						      >	fedmatch==2.0.5
  						      >	fExtremes==4021.83
FFTrees==1.7.0						      |	FFTrees==1.7.5
fGarch==4021.87						      |	fGarch==4021.88
filelock==1.0.2						      |	filehashSQLite==0.2-6
  						      >	filematrix==1.3
FinCal==0.6.3						      |	finetune==1.0.1
finetune==1.0.0						      <
fitzRoy==1.1.0						      <
fivethirtyeight==0.6.2					      <
flashClust==1.01-2					      <
flextable==0.8.0					      |	flextable==0.8.2
forecast==8.17.0					      |	forecast==8.18
forestplot==2.0.1					      <
fredr==2.1.0						      <
freqparcoord==1.0.1					      <
FRK==2.0.6						      <
FSAdata==0.3.9						      <
FuzzyR==2.3.2						      <
  						      >	gee==4.13-24
geofacet==0.2.0						      |	genridge==0.6.7
  						      >	GenSA==1.1.7
  						      >	geodist==0.0.7
  						      >	geohashTools==0.3.1
  						      >	geojson==0.3.4
  						      >	geojsonio==0.10.0
  						      >	geojsonlint==0.4.0
geoR==1.9-2						      <
gert==1.8.0						      |	geostan==0.4.0
  						      >	gert==1.9.1
ggcorrplot==0.1.3					      |	ggcorrplot==0.1.4
  						      >	ggdag==0.2.6
ggforce==0.3.4						      |	ggforce==0.4.1
ggfx==1.0.1						      <
gghighlight==0.3.3					      |	gghighlight==0.4.0
gglasso==1.5						      <
ggnewscale==0.4.7					      |	ggnetwork==0.5.10
  						      >	ggnewscale==0.4.8
  						      >	ggparty==1.0.0
ggplotgui==1.0.0					      <
ggpmisc==0.5.0						      |	ggpmisc==0.5.1
ggpp==0.4.4						      |	ggpp==0.4.5
ggraph==2.0.6						      |	ggraph==2.1.0
ggridges==0.5.3						      |	ggridges==0.5.4
ggsignif==0.6.3						      |	ggsignif==0.6.4
ggsn==0.5.0						      <
ggstatsplot==0.9.4					      |	ggstatsplot==0.9.5
ggtern==3.3.5						      |	ggstream==0.1.0
ggtext==0.1.1						      |	ggtext==0.1.2
  						      >	ggvoronoi==0.8.5
  						      >	githubinstall==0.2.2
glmmTMB==1.1.4						      |	glmm==1.4.4
  						      >	glmmML==1.1.3
  						      >	Gmedian==1.2.7
  						      >	gmm==1.7
GoFKernel==2.1-1					      <
  						      >	googleAnalyticsR==1.1.0
  						      >	googleAuthR==2.0.0
googlePolylines==0.8.2					      <
graphlayouts==0.8.1					      |	graphlayouts==0.8.2
greybox==1.0.5						      |	greybox==1.0.6
  						      >	grf==2.2.0
gridtext==0.1.4						      |	gridtext==0.1.5
  						      >	grImport==0.9-5
  						      >	grImport2==0.2-0
grr==0.9.5						      <
gtExtras==0.4.2						      <
gtsummary==1.6.1					      |	gtsummary==1.6.2
gutenbergr==0.2.1					      <
h2o==						      |	gWidgets2==1.0-9
  						      >	h2o==
HDCI==1.0-2						      |	hdf5r==1.3.7
hdf5r==1.3.5						      <
heatmaply==1.3.0					      |	heatmaply==1.4.0
heplots==1.3-9						      |	heplots==1.4-1
hflights==0.1						      <
highfrequency==0.9.5					      <
  						      >	HMM==1.0.1
  						      >	hnp==1.2-6
httr2==0.2.1						      |	httr2==0.2.2
humaniformat==0.6.0					      <
hutils==1.8.1						      |	hydroGOF==0.4-0
  						      >	iCellR==1.6.5
igraph==1.3.4						      |	igraph==1.3.5
imguR==1.0.3						      <
  						      >	import==1.3.0
insight==0.18.2						      |	insight==0.18.5
  						      >	interactionTest==1.2
  						      >	interplot==0.2.3
ipw==1.0-11						      <
irlba==2.3.5						      |	irlba==
isoband==0.2.5						      |	isoband==0.2.6
ISOcodes==2022.01.10					      |	ISOcodes==2022.09.29
jmvcore==2.3.12						      |	jomo==2.7-4
jomo==2.7-3						      <
  						      >	jqr==1.2.3
jsonlite==1.8.0						      |	jsonlite==1.8.2
  						      >	jsonvalidate==1.3.2
  						      >	kerasR==0.8.1
  						      >	keyATM==0.4.1
  						      >	kgrams==0.1.2
  						      >	kinship2==1.9.6
labelled==2.9.1						      |	labelled==2.10.0
LaF==0.8.4						      <
LambertW==0.6.7						      |	LambertW==0.6.7-1
languageserver==0.3.13					      |	languageserver==0.3.14
latexpdf==0.1.7						      <
  						      >	LatticeKrig==8.4
lavaanPlot==0.6.2					      <
  						      >	leafgl==0.1.1
leafpop==0.1.0						      |	leafsync==0.1.0
  						      >	leaftime==0.2.0
lexRankr==0.5.2						      <
librarian==1.8.1					      |	lidR==4.0.1
lifecycle==1.0.2					      |	lifecycle==1.0.3
lift==0.0.2						      <
  						      >	lindia==0.9
  						      >	Lock5Data==3.0.0
  						      >	logistf==1.24.1
  						      >	logspline==2.1.17
  						      >	lomb==2.1.0
lpSolve==5.6.16						      |	LowRankQP==1.0.5
  						      >	lpSolve==5.6.17
ltmle==1.2-0						      <
lvplot==0.2.0						      |	lwgeom==0.2-9
lwgeom==0.2-8						      <
malariaAtlas==1.0.1					      <
manipulate==1.0.1					      <
mapmisc==1.8.0						      <
mapview==2.11.0						      <
MatchIt==4.4.0						      <
matlab==1.0.4						      <
matrixcalc==1.0-5					      |	matrixcalc==1.0-6
  						      >	matrixNormal==0.1.1
Matrix.utils==0.9.8					      <
  						      >	mclustcomp==0.3.3
MCMCglmm==2.34						      <
  						      >	MCMCvis==0.15.5
  						      >	Mcomp==2.8
  						      >	measurementProtocol==0.1.0
mediation==4.5.0					      <
memisc==					      |	memisc==
meta==5.5-0						      |	MESS==0.5.9
  						      >	meta==6.0-0
metaviz==0.3.1						      <
  						      >	metR==0.13.0
mets==1.3.0						      |	mets==1.3.1
MGMM==1.0.0						      <
miceadds==3.14-3					      <
midasr==0.8						      <
misaem==1.0.1						      |	mipfp==3.2.1
miscset==1.1.0						      <
missMethods==0.3.0					      |	missMethods==0.4.0
mistr==0.0.5						      |	missRanger==2.1.3
mixsqp==0.3-43						      <
MLDataR==0.1.3						      |	MLDataR==1.0.1
mlr==2.19.0						      |	mlr==2.19.1
mlr3misc==0.10.0					      |	mlr3misc==0.11.0
mlr3pipelines==0.4.1					      |	mlr3pipelines==0.4.2
mnormt==2.1.0						      |	mnormt==2.1.1
mongolite==2.6.2					      |	monitoR==1.0.7
  						      >	monobin==0.2.4
mosaic==1.8.4						      |	mosaic==
mosaicCalc==0.5.1					      |	mosaicCalc==0.6.0
mosaicCore==0.9.2					      |	mosaicCore==
MPV==1.58						      |	mscstexta4r==0.1.2
multidplyr==					      |	multidplyr==
  						      >	multilevelmod==1.0.0
multiwayvcov==1.2.3					      <
mvnfast==0.2.7						      <
  						      >	mvProbit==0.1-10
  						      >	NatureSounds==1.0.4
ncdump==0.0.3						      <
  						      >	nCov2019==0.4.5
network==1.17.2						      |	network==1.18.0
neurobase==1.32.2					      |	neurobase==1.32.3
nFactors==2.4.1						      |	nFactors==
nflreadr==1.3.0						      |	nflreadr==1.3.1
  						      >	NGLVieweR==1.3.1
  						      >	ngram==3.2.1
  						      >	NHANES==2.1.0
  						      >	nipals==0.8
  						      >	nlstools==2.0-0
nomclust==2.5.0						      <
normalr==1.0.0						      <
np==0.60-14						      |	np==0.60-15
nullabor==0.3.9						      <
  						      >	onehot==0.1.1
openair==2.10-0						      |	openair==2.11
OpenImageR==1.2.5					      |	OpenImageR==1.2.6
openssl==2.0.3						      |	openssl==2.0.4
  						      >	opera==1.2.0
  						      >	operators==0.1-8
optmatch==0.10.5					      <
  						      >	ordinalNet==2.12
  						      >	orthopolynom==1.0-6.1
oz==1.0-21						      <
ozmaps==0.4.5						      <
padr==0.6.0						      |	padr==0.6.1
pagedown==0.18						      |	pagedown==0.19
  						      >	PairedData==1.1.1
parameters==0.18.2					      |	parameters==0.19.0
parsedate==1.3.0					      |	ParBayesianOptimization==1.2.4
parsnip==1.0.1						      |	parsnip==1.0.2
partools==1.1.6						      |	party==1.3-11
party==1.3-10						      <
PBSddesolve==1.12.6					      |	PBSmapping==2.73.2
pdfetch==0.2.7						      |	pdftools==3.3.2
pdftools==3.3.0						      <
pdist==1.2.1						      <
  						      >	PDtoolkit==0.4.0
penalized==0.9-52					      |	pedometrics==0.12.1
performance==0.9.2					      |	performance==0.10.0
PermAlgo==1.2						      <
petrinetR==0.2.1					      |	pgdraw==1.1
  						      >	phyclust==0.1-30
pins==1.0.2						      <
pivottabler==1.5.3					      |	pivottabler==1.5.4
PlayerRatings==1.1-0					      <
PNADcIBGE==0.7.0					      <
  						      >	poibin==1.5
  						      >	poissonreg==1.0.1
polite==0.1.2						      <
polyreg==0.8.0						      <
PortfolioAnalytics==1.1.0				      <
  						      >	pps==1.0
pracma==2.3.8						      |	pracma==2.4.2
prcr==0.2.1						      <
PReMiuM==3.2.7						      |	PReMiuM==3.2.8
priceR==0.1.64						      |	priceR==0.1.67
profvis==0.3.7						      <
progenyClust==1.2					      <
ProjectTemplate==0.10.2					      <
projmgr==0.1.0						      <
  						      >	propagate==1.0-6
proxyC==0.3.2						      <
psych==2.2.5						      |	psych==2.2.9
psychTools==2.2.5					      |	psychTools==2.2.9
  						      >	ptw==1.9-16
purrr==0.3.4						      |	purrr==0.3.5
  						      >	pvclust==2.2-0
pxweb==0.16.1						      |	pwt8==8.1-1
qpdf==1.2.0						      |	qpdf==1.3.0
  						      >	QRM==0.4-31
qtlmt==0.1-6						      <
queryparser==0.3.1					      <
  						      >	queueing==0.2.12
ragg==1.2.2						      |	rafalib==1.0.0
  						      >	ragg==1.2.3
  						      >	rAmCharts==2.1.15
  						      >	random==0.2.6
  						      >	randomForestExplainer==0.10.1
randtests==1.0.1					      |	randomGLM==1.10-1
raster==3.5-29						      |	raster==3.6-3
ratelimitr==0.4.1					      <
  						      >	rbcb==0.1.10
  						      >	rchess==0.1
RcppArmadillo==				      |	RcppArmadillo==
  						      >	RcppDE==0.1.6
RCurl==1.98-1.8						      |	Rcrawler==0.1.9-1
  						      >	RCurl==1.98-1.9
  						      >	rdrop2==
readr==2.1.2						      |	readr==2.1.3
rebmix==2.14.2						      <
recipes==1.0.1						      |	recipes==1.0.2
RecordLinkage==0.4-12.3					      <
RefManageR==1.3.0					      |	RefManageR==1.4.0
regtools==1.7.0						      <
report==0.5.5						      <
rfUtilities==2.1-5					      <
rgl==0.109.6						      |	rgl==0.110.2
  						      >	RGraphics==3.0-2
riskR==1.1						      |	riskRegression==2022.09.23
riskRegression==2022.03.22				      |	risksetROC==
rje==1.11.0						      <
rlang==1.0.5						      |	Rlab==4.0
rlemon==0.2.0						      |	rlang==1.0.6
  						      >	rlas==1.6.0
  						      >	rle==0.9.2
RLRsim==3.1-8						      |	rmapshaper==0.4.6
rmarkdown==2.16						      |	rmarkdown==2.17
rnaturalearth==0.1.0					      <
  						      >	rnrfa==2.1.0
robustlmm==3.0-2					      |	robustlmm==3.0-4
Robyn==3.7.2						      <
ROI==1.0-0						      <
roperators==1.2.0					      <
rPref==1.3						      <
RRF==1.9.4						      <
Rserve==1.8-10						      <
  						      >	rslp==0.2.0
rsq==2.5						      |	Rspotify==0.1.2
RSQLite==2.2.17						      |	RSQLite==2.2.18
Rssa==1.0.5						      <
  						      >	RStoolbox==0.3.0
Rttf2pt1==1.3.10					      |	Rttf2pt1==1.3.11
  						      >	rwa==0.0.3
  						      >	rworldmap==1.3-6
  						      >	Ryacas==
  						      >	s20x==3.1-31
sampleSelection==1.2-12					      <
  						      >	samplingbook==1.2.4
  						      >	samplingVarEst==1.4
  						      >	sankeywheel==0.1.0
  						      >	sasLM==0.9.2
satellite==1.0.4					      <
score==1.0.2						      |	sctransform==0.3.5
scoringRules==1.0.1					      |	searchConsoleR==0.4.0
sctransform==0.3.4					      |	SearchTrees==0.5.5
sda==1.3.8						      <
seagull==1.1.0						      <
SearchTrees==0.5.3					      <
see==0.7.2						      |	see==0.7.3
seededlda==0.8.1					      <
SemiPar==1.0-4.2					      <
semPower==1.2.0						      <
semTools==0.5-6						      <
settings==0.2.7						      |	Seurat==4.2.0
Seurat==4.1.1						      |	SeuratObject==4.1.2
SeuratObject==4.1.1					      <
SGL==1.3						      <
shinyWidgets==0.7.3					      |	shinyWidgets==0.7.4
  						      >	showimage==1.0.0
sigmajs==0.1.5						      |	sidrar==0.2.9
  						      >	sigmoid==1.4.0
  						      >	signs==0.1.2
simpleboot==1.1-7					      <
simputation==0.2.8					      <
simr==1.0.6						      <
solitude==1.1.3						      <
  						      >	sos==2.1-4
sparcl==1.0.4						      <
sparseinv==0.1.3					      <
sparsepca==0.1.2					      <
sparseSVM==1.1-6					      <
spdep==1.2-5						      |	spdep==1.2-7
spFSR==1.0.0						      <
splancs==2.01-43					      <
spNNGP==1.0.0						      <
  						      >	spotidy==0.1.0
ssanv==1.1						      <
SSN==1.1.15						      <
SSNbayes==0.0.1						      <
  						      >	Stat2Data==2.0.0
statgenGWAS==1.0.8					      |	statebins==1.4.0
  						      >	statgenGWAS==1.0.9
  						      >	StatMatch==1.4.1
statsExpressions==1.3.3					      |	statsExpressions==1.3.4
StMoMo==0.4.1						      <
  						      >	sugrrants==0.2.8
suncalc==0.5.0						      |	sunburstR==2.1.6
  						      >	suncalc==0.5.1
SuperLearner==2.0-28					      |	SuppDists==1.1-9.7
superml==0.5.5						      <
  						      >	survivalROC==1.0.3
susieR==0.12.27						      <
svd==0.5.2						      <
svgtools==1.1.0						      <
svMisc==1.2.3						      <
  						      >	synthpop==1.8-0
systemfit==1.1-28					      <
  						      >	table1==1.4.2
targets==0.13.1						      |	targets==0.13.5
  						      >	teamcolors==0.0.4
Ternary==2.1.0						      <
testthat==3.1.4						      |	testthat==3.1.5
text==0.9.90						      |	text==
textfeatures==0.3.3					      <
textrecipes==1.0.0					      |	textrecipes==1.0.1
  						      >	textreuse==0.1.5
tfhub==0.8.1						      <
tfse==0.5.0						      <
tidycensus==1.2.2					      |	tidycensus==1.2.3
  						      >	tidyft==0.4.5
  						      >	tidyposterior==1.0.0
tidyquery==0.2.3					      <
tidyselect==1.1.2					      |	tidyselect==1.2.0
tidytable==0.8.1					      |	tidytable==0.9.0
tigerstats==0.3.2					      <
timeDate==4021.104					      |	timeDate==4021.106
timeSeries==4021.104					      |	timeSeries==4021.105
tinytex==0.41						      |	tinytex==0.42
  						      >	tmap==3.3-3
TMB==1.9.1						      <
tokenizers==0.2.1					      |	tmvtnorm==1.5
  						      >	tokenizers==0.2.3
torchdatasets==0.1.0					      <
TOSTER==0.4.1						      <
transformr==0.1.4					      <
treeClust==1.1-7					      <
trekcolors==0.1.3					      <
trekfont==0.9.5						      <
trelliscopejs==0.2.6					      <
  						      >	trust==0.1-8
tseries==0.10-51					      |	tseries==0.10-52
tsfeatures==1.0.2					      |	tsfeatures==1.1
tsibble==1.1.2						      |	tsibble==1.1.3
  						      >	TSLSTM==0.1.0
tsoutliers==0.6-8					      <
tune==1.0.0						      |	tune==1.0.1
twang==2.5						      <
txtplot==1.0-4						      <
ucminf==1.1-4						      |	ucminf==1.1-4.1
Unicode==14.0.0-1					      |	Unicode==15.0.0-1
unikn==0.5.0						      <
unmarked==1.2.5						      <
validate==1.1.1						      <
VarSelLCM==					      <
VCA==1.4.5						      <
vctrs==0.4.1						      |	vctrs==0.4.2
vec2dtransf==1.1.2					      |	vegan==2.6-4
vegan==2.6-2						      |	vembedr==0.1.5
visNetwork==2.1.0					      |	visNetwork==2.1.2
visreg==2.7.0						      |	vroom==1.6.0
vroom==1.5.7						      <
  						      >	warbleR==1.1.27
wbstats==1.0.4						      |	wavelets==0.3-0.2
WDI==2.7.7						      |	waveslim==1.8.4
  						      >	WDI==2.7.8
webchem==1.1.3						      |	webdriver==1.0.6
webshot==0.5.3						      |	webshot==0.5.4
  						      >	webshot2==0.1.0
WeightIt==0.13.1					      <
  						      >	widgetframe==0.3.1
  						      >	WikipediR==1.5.0
wk==0.6.0						      |	wk==0.7.0
woeBinning==0.1.6					      <
workflows==1.0.0					      |	workflows==1.1.0
  						      >	worldfootballR==0.6.1
XML==3.99-0.10						      |	XML==3.99-0.11
xts==0.12.1						      |	xts==0.12.2
zoo==1.8-10						      |	zoo==1.8-11
zoom==2.0.6						      <
== Comparing pip freeze ==
certifi==2022.6.15.2					      |	certifi==2022.9.24
executing==1.0.0					      |	executing==1.1.1
fastjsonschema==2.16.1					      |	fastjsonschema==2.16.2
importlib-metadata==4.12.0				      |	importlib-metadata==5.0.0
importlib-resources==5.9.0				      |	importlib-resources==5.10.0
ipykernel==6.15.3					      |	ipykernel==6.16.0
jupyter-server==1.18.1					      |	jupyter-server==1.21.0
jupyter_client==7.3.5					      |	jupyter_client==7.4.2
jupyterlab==3.4.7					      |	jupyterlab==3.4.8
jupyterlab_server==2.15.1				      |	jupyterlab_server==2.16.0
lxml==4.9.1						      <
nbclassic==0.4.3					      |	nbclassic==0.4.5
nbclient==0.6.8						      |	nbclient==0.7.0
nbconvert==7.0.0					      |	nbconvert==7.2.1
nbformat==5.5.0						      |	nbformat==5.7.0
nest-asyncio==1.5.5					      |	nest-asyncio==1.5.6
notebook==6.4.12					      |	notebook==6.5.1
prometheus-client==0.14.1				      |	prometheus-client==0.15.0
pytz==2022.2.1						      |	pytz==2022.4
pyzmq==23.2.1						      |	pyzmq==24.0.1
QtPy==2.2.0						      |	QtPy==2.2.1
stack-data==0.5.0					      |	stack-data==0.5.1
tenacity==8.0.1						      |	tenacity==8.1.0
terminado==0.15.0					      |	terminado==0.16.0
zipp==3.8.1						      |	zipp==3.9.0
== Comparing cat /etc/os-release | grep -oP "PRETTY_NAME=\"\K([^\"]*)" ==
No diff
== Comparing uname -r ==
No diff
== Comparing dpkg --list | awk '{print $2"=="$3}' ==
cuda-toolkit-11-config-common==11.7.99-1		      |	cuda-toolkit-11-config-common==11.8.89-1
cuda-toolkit-config-common==11.7.99-1			      |	cuda-toolkit-config-common==11.8.89-1
ghostscript==9.50~dfsg-5ubuntu4.5			      |	ghostscript==9.50~dfsg-5ubuntu4.6
libgs9:amd64==9.50~dfsg-5ubuntu4.5			      |	libgs9:amd64==9.50~dfsg-5ubuntu4.6
libgs9-common==9.50~dfsg-5ubuntu4.5			      |	libgs9-common==9.50~dfsg-5ubuntu4.6
libnss-systemd:amd64==245.4-4ubuntu3.17			      |	libnss-systemd:amd64==245.4-4ubuntu3.18
libpam-systemd:amd64==245.4-4ubuntu3.17			      |	libpam-systemd:amd64==245.4-4ubuntu3.18
libsystemd0:amd64==245.4-4ubuntu3.17			      |	libsystemd0:amd64==245.4-4ubuntu3.18
libtiff-dev:amd64==4.1.0+git191117-2ubuntu0.20.04.4	      |	libtiff-dev:amd64==4.1.0+git191117-2ubuntu0.20.04.5
libtiff5:amd64==4.1.0+git191117-2ubuntu0.20.04.4	      |	libtiff5:amd64==4.1.0+git191117-2ubuntu0.20.04.5
libtiff5-dev==4.1.0+git191117-2ubuntu0.20.04.4		      |	libtiff5-dev==4.1.0+git191117-2ubuntu0.20.04.5
libtiffxx5:amd64==4.1.0+git191117-2ubuntu0.20.04.4	      |	libtiffxx5:amd64==4.1.0+git191117-2ubuntu0.20.04.5
libwayland-client0:amd64==1.18.0-1			      |	libwayland-client0:amd64==1.18.0-1ubuntu0.1
libwayland-cursor0:amd64==1.18.0-1			      |	libwayland-cursor0:amd64==1.18.0-1ubuntu0.1
libwayland-egl1:amd64==1.18.0-1				      |	libwayland-egl1:amd64==1.18.0-1ubuntu0.1
libwayland-server0:amd64==1.18.0-1			      |	libwayland-server0:amd64==1.18.0-1ubuntu0.1
systemd==245.4-4ubuntu3.17				      |	systemd==245.4-4ubuntu3.18
systemd-sysv==245.4-4ubuntu3.17				      |	systemd-sysv==245.4-4ubuntu3.18
systemd-timesyncd==245.4-4ubuntu3.17			      |	systemd-timesyncd==245.4-4ubuntu3.18