Releases: Kaggle/docker-rstats
v55 - GPU
[This image will be available on Kaggle Notebooks in the next few days]
== Comparing Rscript /tools/r_list_versions.R | sort ==
acepack==1.4.1 | academictwitteR==0.3.1
adabag==4.3 | adabag==5.0
AdaSampling==1.3 | adagio==0.8.5
> additivityTests==1.1-4.1
agua==0.1.2 | agua==0.1.3
> aimsir17==0.0.2
> AMR==2.0.0
apcluster==1.4.10 <
aricode==1.0.2 | argparse==2.2.2
> arulesSequences==0.2-30
assertive.code==0.0-3 | assertive.code==0.0-4
> autocogs==0.1.4
aweek==1.0.3 <
BAMMtools==2.1.10 <
BART==2.9.4 | BAS==1.6.4
base64==2.0.1 <
BasketballAnalyzeR==0.5.0 | BatchGetSymbols==2.6.4
BayesX==0.3-1.1 | BayesX==0.3-2
> bayfoxr==0.0.1
BCBCSF==1.0-1 | BDgraph==2.72
> bdscale==2.0.0
bench==1.1.3 <
> bezier==1.1.2
BiasedUrn==2.0.9 | BiasedUrn==2.0.10
> biclust==
biglasso==1.5.2 <
bigmemory==4.6.1 <
> binancer==1.2.0
> binom==1.1-1.1
> binr==1.1.1
> bioacoustics==0.2.8
BiocManager==1.30.20 | BiocManager==1.30.21
bioseq==0.1.4 | bios2mds==1.2.3
> birk==2.1.2
> bnstruct==1.0.14
bpa==0.1.1 | boxplotdbl==1.4.0
> BradleyTerry2==1.1-2
brew==1.0-8 | brew==1.0-6
> brglm==0.7.2
broom==1.0.4 | broom==1.0.5
bslib==0.4.2 | bslib==0.5.0
bundesligR==0.1.0 <
bupaR==0.5.3 <
cartogram==0.2.2 <
> catdata==1.2.3
> causaleffect==1.3.15
> CCP==1.2
> celestial==1.4.6
chatgpt==0.2.3 <
chk==0.8.1 | chk==0.9.0
chromote==0.1.1 <
> ckanr==0.7.0
> clisymbols==1.2.0
clusterSim==0.51-2 | clusterSim==0.51-3
ClustGeo==2.1 | clustMixType==0.3-9
> cmm==0.12
coarseDataTools==0.6-6 | cobalt==4.5.1
collapse==1.9.5 | collapse==1.9.6
> colourvalues==0.3.9
compareGroups==4.6.0 | compareDF==2.3.5
> compareGroups==4.7.0
CondIndTests==0.1.5 <
confintr==1.0.1 | confintr==1.0.2
> ConsRank==2.1.3
> cooltools==2.0
COUNT==1.3.4 <
countrycode==1.4.0 | countrycode==1.5.0
covidcast==0.4.5 | covidcast==0.5.0
> CovTools==0.5.4
> crossdes==1.1-2
> crosstable==0.6.2
crossval==1.0.4 | crossval==1.0.5
cubature== | cubature==2.1.0
curl==5.0.0 | curl==5.0.1
cvTools==0.3.2 <
> d3Tree==0.2.2
DALEXtra==2.2.1 | DALEXtra==2.3.0
dataMaid==1.4.1 <
datapasta==3.1.0 <
> datetime==0.1.4
dbplot==0.3.3 <
ddplot==0.0.1 <
decon==1.3-4 <
> deepnet==0.2.1
DEoptimR==1.0-13 | DEoptimR==1.0-14
> detzrcr==0.3.1
di==1.1.4 <
> DiceKriging==1.6.0
DIMORA==0.3.4 | DIMORA==0.3.5
dirichletprocess==0.4.1 | dirmult==0.1.3-5
> dismo==1.3-14
> distances==0.1.9
dlr==1.0.1 | dlookr==0.6.1
downlit==0.4.2 <
duckdb==0.7.1-1 | duckdb==0.8.0
dynamicTreeCut==1.63-1 <
easyalluvial==0.3.1 | easycsv==1.0.8
easypackages==0.1.0 <
easyPubMed==2.13 <
> editData==0.1.8
eeptools==1.2.4 | eeptools==1.2.5
EffectStars==1.9-1 <
elo==3.0.1 | embed==1.1.1
embed==1.1.0 <
emdbook==1.3.12 <
EnsCat==1.1 <
> entropy==1.3.1
EpiEstim==2.2-4 <
eventdataR==0.3.1 <
> exactextractr==0.9.1
> exams==2.4-0
fairness==1.2.2 <
farff==1.1.1 <
> fastcluster==1.2.3
> fastrmodels==1.0.2
fCopulae==4022.85 <
FeatureHashing== <
FFTrees==1.9.0 | FFTrees==2.0.0
> FinAna==0.1.2
FinCovRegularization==1.1.0 | findpython==1.0.8
> fishMod==0.29
> fitzRoy==1.3.0
> fivethirtyeight==0.6.2
> flare==
forecastML==0.9.0 <
forestploter==1.1.0 <
> fpp2==2.5
Fragman==1.0.9 <
frair==0.5.100 <
> FSinR==2.0.5
> funData==1.3-8
FuzzyR==2.3.2 <
gamm4==0.2-6 <
gargle==1.4.0 | gargle==1.5.0
gdm==1.5.0-9.1 <
> geigen==2.3
> genalg==0.2.1
GeneCycle==1.1.5 | GeneNet==1.2.16
> genetics==
geobr==1.7.0 | GenSA==1.1.8
> geohashTools==0.3.2
geometry==0.4.7 <
> geoR==1.9-2
GGClassification==0.1 <
GGEBiplots==0.1.3 | ggeffects==1.2.3
ggeffects==1.2.2 | ggenealogy==1.0.1
gggenes==0.5.0 <
gginference==0.1.3 <
> ggiraphExtra==0.3.0
> ggmice==0.0.1
ggnetwork==0.5.12 | ggnewscale==0.4.9
ggnewscale==0.4.8 <
> ggplotlyExtra==0.0.1
ggpointdensity==0.1.0 | ggpol==0.0.7
ggQC==0.0.31 <
ggResidpanel==0.3.0 <
> ggseas==0.5.4
> ggside==0.2.2
ggsn==0.5.0 <
> ggtern==3.4.2
> ggvoronoi==0.8.5
gifski==1.12.0 | gifski==1.12.0-1
git2r==0.32.0 | gistr==0.9.0
> glcm==1.6.5
glm2==1.2.1 | glmmTMB==1.1.7
glmbb==0.5-1 <
glmmLasso==1.6.2 <
> globalOptTests==1.1
gmm==1.7 <
GMMBoost==1.1.3 <
googledrive==2.1.0 | googledrive==2.1.1
googlesheets4==1.1.0 | googlesheets4==1.1.1
GSA==1.03.2 | GSE==4.2-1
gsignal==0.3-5 <
gslnls==1.1.2 <
> GUniFrac==1.7
h2o== | h2o==
> hacksaw==0.0.2
> HDInterval==0.2.4
> hellno==0.0.1
> hexView==0.3-4
> highfrequency==1.0.0
> HMM==1.0.1
HTLR==0.4-4 <
humanize==0.2.0 | huge==1.3.5
> hydroGOF==0.4-0
> hydroTSM==0.6-0
ICS==1.3-1 | ICS==1.3-2
ICV==1.0 <
idefix==1.0.3 <
igraph==1.4.2 | igraph==1.4.3
incidence==1.7.3 <
IndexNumber==1.3.2 <
insight==0.19.1 | insight==0.19.2
intergraph==2.0-2 <
> iotools==0.3-2
> isdals==3.0.0
isotree==0.5.19-1 <
itsadug==2.4.1 <
jiebaR==0.11 | JGL==2.3.1
jointDiag==0.4 <
jsonlite==1.8.4 | jsonlite==1.8.5
kmed==0.4.2 | klustR==0.1.0
knitr==1.42 | knitr==1.43
kohonen==3.0.11 <
> L1pack==0.41-24
> labdsv==2.1-0
> LaplacesDemon==16.1.6
lavaanPlot==0.6.2 <
> leafgl==0.1.1
learnr==0.11.3 | learnr==0.11.4
lfda==1.1.3 <
> librarian==1.8.1
linkprediction==1.0-0 <
lmomco==2.4.7 <
Lmoments==1.3-1 <
Lock5Data==3.0.0 <
> logger==0.2.2
lwgeom==0.2-11 | lwgeom==0.2-13
> maotai==0.2.5
> mapmisc==1.8.0
maptools==1.1-6 | maptools==1.1-7
marginaleffects==0.12.0 <
MarketMatching==1.2.0 <
matrixStats==0.63.0 | matrixStats==1.0.0
> matrixTests==0.2.2
mclustcomp==0.3.3 <
MCMCglmm==2.34 <
MCS==0.1.3 <
mdsr==0.2.7 <
meta==6.2-1 | meta==6.5-0
metR==0.14.0 <
> mFilter==0.1-5
> MFPCA==1.3-10
> mfx==1.2-2
mice==3.15.0 | mice==3.16.0
mirt==1.38.1 | MiRKAT==1.2.3
> mirt==1.39
misty==0.4.10 | misty==0.4.11
mize==0.2.4 <
> mlmRev==1.0-8
mlr3mbo==0.1.2 | mlr3mbo==0.2.1
mlr3pipelines==0.5.0 | mlr3pipelines==0.5.0-1
mlt==1.4-6 | mlrMBO==
> mlt==1.4-7
mmand==1.6.3 <
modeltime==1.2.6 | modelStudio==3.1.2
> modelsummary==1.4.1
> monitoR==1.0.7
morphemepiece==1.2.3 | MortCast==2.7-0 <
morpheus==1.0-4 <
MortalityTables==2.0.3 <
move==4.1.12 | move==4.2.2
MSGARCH==2.51 <
msme==0.5.3 | MSQC==1.1.0
MSwM==1.5 <
> multipanelfigure==2.1.2
> multiUS==1.2.3
mvShapiroTest==1.0 | mvProbit==0.1-10
mvtnorm==1.1-3 | mvtnorm==1.2-2
> naryn==2.6.21
> NatureSounds==1.0.4
ncdump==0.0.3 <
ndtv==0.13.3 <
network==1.18.1 | nestedcv==0.6.6
networkDynamic==0.11.3 <
networkLite==1.0.5 <
neuronorm==1.0.2 <
> nflfastR==4.5.1
> nflreadr==1.3.2
nimble==0.13.2 <
> nnfor==0.9.8
nomclust==2.6.2 <
nonlinearTseries==0.2.12 <
nor1mix==1.3-0 <
npreg==1.0-9 <
opdisDownsampling==0.8.2 | ontologyIndex==2.11
opencv==0.2.3 | opendatatoronto==0.1.5
optimbase==1.0-10 <
optimization==1.0-9 <
optimParallel==1.0-2 <
optR==1.2.5 <
> ordinalForest==2.4-3
> ore==
osmdata==0.2.2 | osmdata==0.2.3
> outbreaks==1.9.0
> overlapping==2.1
packcircles==0.3.5 <
v54 - GPU
[This image will be available on Kaggle Notebooks in the next few days]
== Comparing Rscript /tools/r_list_versions.R | sort ==
> abodOutlier==0.1
> acepack==1.4.1
> actuaRE==0.1.5
adabag==4.2 | adabag==4.3
additivityTests==1.1-4.1 | AdaSampling==1.3
> adegenet==2.1.10
> adegraphics==1.0-18
admisc==0.31 | admisc==0.32
aglm==0.4.0 <
agop==0.2-3 <
ahptopsis2n==0.2.0 | AICcmodavg==2.3-2
AICcmodavg==2.3-1 | AID==2.8
> ALEPlot==1.1
alpaca==0.3.4 | alphavantager==0.1.3
alphavantager==0.1.2 <
andrews==1.1.1 <
> anipaths==0.10.2
anomalize==0.2.3 <
anomaly==4.0.2 <
> apcluster==1.4.10
> ape==5.7-1
arenar==0.2.0 | AppliedPredictiveModeling==1.1-7
argonDash==0.2.0 | aricode==1.0.2
argonR==0.2.0 <
arrow== | arrow==12.0.0
> ars==0.6
arules==1.7-5 | arules==1.7-6
arulesSequences==0.2-28 <
auditor==1.3.3 | autoencoder==1.1
> automap==1.1-9
baguette==1.0.0 | baguette==1.0.1
barcode==1.3.0 | BAMMtools==2.1.10
BART==2.9.3 | bannerCommenter==1.0.0
BAS==1.6.4 | BART==2.9.4
base64url==1.4 | basefun==1.1-4
BatchGetSymbols==2.6.4 | BasketballAnalyzeR==0.5.0
batchtools==0.9.16 <
bayestestR==0.13.0 | bayestestR==0.13.1
bayfoxr==0.0.1 | BB==2019.10-1
bdscale==2.0.0 | BCBCSF==1.0-1
> beanplot==1.3.1
> bench==1.1.3
> berryFunctions==1.22.0
bestNormalize==1.8.3 | bestNormalize==1.9.0
bezier==1.1.2 <
biclust==2.0.3 | bigassertr==0.1.6
bife==0.7.2 <
> biglasso==1.5.2
bigrquery==1.4.1 | bigparallelr==0.3.2
bigstep==1.0.3 | bigrquery==1.4.2
> bigstatsr==1.5.12
binom==1.1-1.1 <
binr==1.1.1 <
> bioseq==0.1.4
> BioStatR==4.0.1
bipartite==2.18 | birankr==1.0.1
birk==2.1.2 <
bizdays==1.0.13 | blme==1.0-5
blavaan==0.4-7 | blob==1.2.4
blob==1.2.3 <
bnlearn==4.8.1 | bnlearn==4.8.3
bnstruct==1.0.14 <
bookdown==0.33 | bookdown==0.34
Boruta==8.0.0 | bpa==0.1.1
> BrailleR==0.32.1
> brant==0.3-0
brew==1.0-6 | brew==1.0-8
brm==1.1.1 | brms==2.19.0
brms==2.18.0 | brnn==0.9.2
broom==1.0.3 | broom==1.0.4
broom.helpers==1.12.0 | broom.helpers==1.13.0
bshazard==1.1 <
> bst==0.3-24
buildmer==2.8 | BTYD==2.4.3
> bundesligR==0.1.0
bupaR==0.5.2 | bupaR==0.5.3
butcher==0.3.1 | butcher==0.3.2
> BVAR==1.0.4
> BVARverse==0.0.1
cachem==1.0.7 | cachem==1.0.8
calendR==1.1 <
> carat==2.2.0
> CARBayes==5.3
> CARBayesdata==3.0
caret==6.0-93 | caret==6.0-94
> cartography==3.1.3
CBPS==0.23 | cccd==1.6
cbsodataR==0.5.1 <
CCP==1.2 <
> cellWise==2.5.2
ChannelAttribution==2.0.6 | chatgpt==0.2.3
chatgpt==0.2.0 | checkmate==2.2.0
checkmate==2.1.0 <
> chk==0.8.1
chron==2.3-60 | chromote==0.1.1
chunked==0.6.0 | chron==2.3-61
ckanr==0.6.0 <
cld3==1.5.0 <
cleandata==0.3.0 <
cli==3.6.0 | cli==3.6.1
clifro==3.2-5 | clinfun==1.1.1
clinspacy==1.0.2 <
clisymbols==1.2.0 | clock==0.7.0
clock==0.6.1 | clubSandwich==0.5.8
clusterCrit==1.2.8 | clusterGeneration==1.3.7
clusterSim==0.50-1 | clusterSim==0.51-2
> ClustGeo==2.1
clv==0.3-2.2 | clustree==0.5.0
> clv==0.3-2.3
cNORM==3.0.2 <
coinmarketcapr==0.4 | collapse==1.9.5
collapse==1.9.3 <
> colordistance==1.1.2
commonmark==1.8.1 | commonmark==1.9.0
compositions==2.0-5 | compositions==2.0-6
condformat==0.10.0 | comprehenr==0.6.10
> concaveman==1.1.0
> CondIndTests==0.1.5
> coneproj==1.16
confintr==0.2.0 | confintr==1.0.1
conicfit==1.0.4 <
contentid==0.0.16 | contentid==0.0.17
coop==0.6-3 <
corpus==0.10.2 | corpustools==0.5.1
corpustools==0.4.10 | correlation==0.8.4
correlation==0.8.3 <
> countcolors==0.9.1
covr==3.6.1 | covidcast==0.4.5
> covr==3.6.2
> cplm==0.7-11
> crawl==2.3.0
cricketr==0.0.26 | cropcircles==0.2.3
crosstable==0.5.0 <
> crossval==1.0.4
crul==1.3 | crul==1.4.0
CTT==2.3.3 | csv==0.6.2
> cthist==1.4.1
Cubist==0.4.2 | Cubist==
cutpointr==1.1.2 <
dagitty==0.3-1 <
dapr==0.0.3 | dashboardthemes==1.1.6
> datapasta==3.1.0
> dataRetrieval==2.7.12
datarobot==2.18.2 <
> dataset==0.2.1
DataVisualizations==1.2.3 | datawizard==0.7.1
datawizard==0.6.5 <
> dbarts==0.9-23
dbplyr==2.3.1 | dbplot==0.3.3
> dbplyr==2.3.2
deaR==1.4 | ddpcr==1.15.1
> ddplot==0.0.1
> deaR==1.4.1
> decon==1.3-4
deldir==1.0-6 | deep==0.1.0
dendextend==1.16.0 | deepregression==1.0.0
dendsort==0.3.4 | deldir==1.0-9
densEstBayes==1.0-2.1 | dendextend==1.17.1
> densEstBayes==1.0-2.2
> densitr==0.2
DEoptimR==1.0-11 | DEoptimR==1.0-13
descr==1.1.5 | descr==1.1.7
descriptr==0.5.2 | DescTools==0.99.49
DescTools==0.99.48 | deSolve==1.35
deSolve==1.34 | detectRUNS==0.9.6
devEMF==4.2 | devEMF==4.3-1
devtools==2.4.5 | devtools==2.4.1
dgof==1.4 | DHARMa==0.4.6
> di==1.1.4
DiagrammeR==1.0.9 | DiagrammeR==1.0.10
dials==1.1.0 | dials==1.2.0
DiceKriging==1.6.0 <
Dict==0.1.0 <
DIMORA==0.3.3 | DIMORA==0.3.4
discreteRV==1.2.2 | dirichletprocess==0.4.1
discrim==1.0.0 | discrim==1.0.1
distillery==1.2-1 | distr==2.9.2
distr==2.9.1 <
distributional==0.3.1 | distributional==0.3.2
> distrom==1.0.1
dlookr==0.6.1 | dlr==1.0.1
dm==1.0.4 <
doFuture==0.12.2 <
donut==1.0.2 <
> DoubleML==0.5.3
dplyr==1.1.0 | dplyr==1.1.2
dslabs==0.7.4 | dslabs==0.7.5
DT==0.27 | DT==0.28
dtplyr==1.3.0 | dtplyr==1.3.1
> dynamicTreeCut==1.63-1
> easyalluvial==0.3.1
> easystats==0.6.0
edgebundleR==0.1.4 | ecodist==2.0.9
> eechidna==1.4.1
> EFAtools==0.4.4
> eha==2.10.3
ellipse==0.4.3 | ellipse==0.4.5
embed==1.0.0 | embed==1.1.0
> emdbook==1.3.12
> emdist==0.3-2
> enrichR==3.2
> ensembleR==0.1.0
Epi==2.47 | Epi==2.47.1
epiR==2.0.58 | epiR==2.0.61
equatiomatic==0.3.1 <
evaluate==0.20 | evaluate==0.21
> evd==2.3-6.1
evtree==1.0-8 | exact2x2==1.6.8
ExpAnalysis3d==0.1.1 | exactci==1.4-2
> ExcelFunctionsR==0.1.4
export==0.3.0 <
extRemes==2.1-3 | fable==0.3.3
fable==0.3.2 | fabletools==0.3.3
fabletools==0.3.2 | FACT==0.1.0
fairmodels==1.2.1 | factorplot==1.1-2
> fairness==1.2.2
> farff==1.1.1
fastcluster==1.2.3 <
fasterize==1.0.4 <
fastGraph==2.1 <
fastmatrix==0.4-1245 | fastmatrix==0.5
fastrmodels==1.0.2 <
fastshap==0.0.7 <
fauxpas==0.5.0 <
fclust== | fCopulae==4022.85
feasts==0.3.0 | feasts==0.3.1
fedstatAPIr==0.2.0 | FeatureImpCluster==0.1.5
> fect==1.0.0
> ff==4.0.9
> Fgmutils==0.9.5
> fHMM==1.1.0
filehash==2.4-5 <
filelock==1.0.2 <
FinCal==0.6.3 | FinancialMath==0.1.1
finetune==1.0.1 | FinCovRegularization==1.1.0
> finetune==1.1.0
fitdistrplus==1.1-8 | fitdistrplus==1.1-11
fivethirtyeight==0.6.2 <
flexmix==2.3-18 | flexmix==2.3-19
flextable==0.8.6 | flexsurv==2.2.2
> flextable==0.9.1
> flock==0.7
FME== <
fmpcloudr==0.1.5 <
FNN== | fMultivar==4021.83
fontawesome==0.5.0 | FNN==
> fontawesome==0.5.1
> forecastML==0.9.0
forestmodel==0.6.2 | ForestFit==2.2.3
> forestploter==1.1.0
fpp2==2.5 <
fractaldim==0.8-5 | Fragman==1.0.9
frontier==1.1-8 | fs==1.6.2
fs==1.6.1 | FSelectorRcpp==0.3.11
fst==0.9.8 | fst==0.9.4
fstcore==0.9.14 | fueleconomy==1.0.0
future.apply==1.10.0 | future.apply==1.11.0
> FuzzyR==2.3.2
gam==1.22-1 | gam==1.22-2
> gamlr==1.13-8
> gamlss==5.4-12
> gamlss.dist==6.0-5
> gap==1.5-1
gapminder==0.3.0 | gapminder==1.0.0
gargle==1.3.0 | gargle==1.4.0
gdalUtilities==1.2.3 | gcookbook==2.0
gdata== | gdalUtili...
v54 - CPU
[This image will be available on Kaggle Notebooks in the next few days]
== Comparing Rscript /tools/r_list_versions.R | sort ==
> abodOutlier==0.1
> acepack==1.4.1
> actuaRE==0.1.5
adabag==4.2 | adabag==4.3
additivityTests==1.1-4.1 | AdaSampling==1.3
> adegenet==2.1.10
> adegraphics==1.0-18
admisc==0.31 | admisc==0.32
aglm==0.4.0 <
agop==0.2-3 <
ahptopsis2n==0.2.0 | AICcmodavg==2.3-2
AICcmodavg==2.3-1 | AID==2.8
> ALEPlot==1.1
alpaca==0.3.4 | alphavantager==0.1.3
alphavantager==0.1.2 <
andrews==1.1.1 <
> anipaths==0.10.2
anomalize==0.2.3 <
anomaly==4.0.2 <
> apcluster==1.4.10
> ape==5.7-1
arenar==0.2.0 | AppliedPredictiveModeling==1.1-7
argonDash==0.2.0 | aricode==1.0.2
argonR==0.2.0 <
arrow== | arrow==12.0.0
> ars==0.6
arules==1.7-5 | arules==1.7-6
arulesSequences==0.2-28 <
auditor==1.3.3 | autoencoder==1.1
> automap==1.1-9
baguette==1.0.0 | baguette==1.0.1
barcode==1.3.0 | BAMMtools==2.1.10
BART==2.9.3 | bannerCommenter==1.0.0
BAS==1.6.4 | BART==2.9.4
base64url==1.4 | basefun==1.1-4
BatchGetSymbols==2.6.4 | BasketballAnalyzeR==0.5.0
batchtools==0.9.16 <
bayestestR==0.13.0 | bayestestR==0.13.1
bayfoxr==0.0.1 | BB==2019.10-1
bdscale==2.0.0 | BCBCSF==1.0-1
> beanplot==1.3.1
> bench==1.1.3
> berryFunctions==1.22.0
bestNormalize==1.8.3 | bestNormalize==1.9.0
bezier==1.1.2 <
biclust==2.0.3 | bigassertr==0.1.6
bife==0.7.2 <
> biglasso==1.5.2
bigrquery==1.4.1 | bigparallelr==0.3.2
bigstep==1.0.3 | bigrquery==1.4.2
> bigstatsr==1.5.12
binom==1.1-1.1 <
binr==1.1.1 <
> bioseq==0.1.4
> BioStatR==4.0.1
bipartite==2.18 | birankr==1.0.1
birk==2.1.2 <
bizdays==1.0.13 | blme==1.0-5
blavaan==0.4-7 | blob==1.2.4
blob==1.2.3 <
bnlearn==4.8.1 | bnlearn==4.8.3
bnstruct==1.0.14 <
bookdown==0.33 | bookdown==0.34
Boruta==8.0.0 | bpa==0.1.1
> BrailleR==0.32.1
> brant==0.3-0
brew==1.0-6 | brew==1.0-8
brm==1.1.1 | brms==2.19.0
brms==2.18.0 | brnn==0.9.2
broom==1.0.3 | broom==1.0.4
broom.helpers==1.12.0 | broom.helpers==1.13.0
bshazard==1.1 <
> bst==0.3-24
buildmer==2.8 | BTYD==2.4.3
> bundesligR==0.1.0
bupaR==0.5.2 | bupaR==0.5.3
butcher==0.3.1 | butcher==0.3.2
> BVAR==1.0.4
> BVARverse==0.0.1
cachem==1.0.7 | cachem==1.0.8
calendR==1.1 <
> carat==2.2.0
> CARBayes==5.3
> CARBayesdata==3.0
caret==6.0-93 | caret==6.0-94
> cartography==3.1.3
CBPS==0.23 | cccd==1.6
cbsodataR==0.5.1 <
CCP==1.2 <
> cellWise==2.5.2
ChannelAttribution==2.0.6 | chatgpt==0.2.3
chatgpt==0.2.0 | checkmate==2.2.0
checkmate==2.1.0 <
> chk==0.8.1
chron==2.3-60 | chromote==0.1.1
chunked==0.6.0 | chron==2.3-61
ckanr==0.6.0 <
cld3==1.5.0 <
cleandata==0.3.0 <
cli==3.6.0 | cli==3.6.1
clifro==3.2-5 | clinfun==1.1.1
clinspacy==1.0.2 <
clisymbols==1.2.0 | clock==0.7.0
clock==0.6.1 | clubSandwich==0.5.8
clusterCrit==1.2.8 | clusterGeneration==1.3.7
clusterSim==0.50-1 | clusterSim==0.51-2
> ClustGeo==2.1
clv==0.3-2.2 | clustree==0.5.0
> clv==0.3-2.3
cNORM==3.0.2 <
coinmarketcapr==0.4 | collapse==1.9.5
collapse==1.9.3 <
> colordistance==1.1.2
commonmark==1.8.1 | commonmark==1.9.0
compositions==2.0-5 | compositions==2.0-6
condformat==0.10.0 | comprehenr==0.6.10
> concaveman==1.1.0
> CondIndTests==0.1.5
> coneproj==1.16
confintr==0.2.0 | confintr==1.0.1
conicfit==1.0.4 <
contentid==0.0.16 | contentid==0.0.17
coop==0.6-3 <
corpus==0.10.2 | corpustools==0.5.1
corpustools==0.4.10 | correlation==0.8.4
correlation==0.8.3 <
> countcolors==0.9.1
covr==3.6.1 | covidcast==0.4.5
> covr==3.6.2
> cplm==0.7-11
> crawl==2.3.0
cricketr==0.0.26 | cropcircles==0.2.3
crosstable==0.5.0 <
> crossval==1.0.4
crul==1.3 | crul==1.4.0
CTT==2.3.3 | csv==0.6.2
> cthist==1.4.1
Cubist==0.4.2 | Cubist==
cutpointr==1.1.2 <
dagitty==0.3-1 <
dapr==0.0.3 | dashboardthemes==1.1.6
> datapasta==3.1.0
> dataRetrieval==2.7.12
datarobot==2.18.2 <
> dataset==0.2.1
DataVisualizations==1.2.3 | datawizard==0.7.1
datawizard==0.6.5 <
> dbarts==0.9-23
dbplyr==2.3.1 | dbplot==0.3.3
> dbplyr==2.3.2
deaR==1.4 | ddpcr==1.15.1
> ddplot==0.0.1
> deaR==1.4.1
> decon==1.3-4
deldir==1.0-6 | deep==0.1.0
dendextend==1.16.0 | deepregression==1.0.0
dendsort==0.3.4 | deldir==1.0-9
densEstBayes==1.0-2.1 | dendextend==1.17.1
> densEstBayes==1.0-2.2
> densitr==0.2
DEoptimR==1.0-11 | DEoptimR==1.0-13
descr==1.1.5 | descr==1.1.7
descriptr==0.5.2 | DescTools==0.99.49
DescTools==0.99.48 | deSolve==1.35
deSolve==1.34 | detectRUNS==0.9.6
devEMF==4.2 | devEMF==4.3-1
devtools==2.4.5 | devtools==2.4.1
dgof==1.4 | DHARMa==0.4.6
> di==1.1.4
DiagrammeR==1.0.9 | DiagrammeR==1.0.10
dials==1.1.0 | dials==1.2.0
DiceKriging==1.6.0 <
Dict==0.1.0 <
DIMORA==0.3.3 | DIMORA==0.3.4
discreteRV==1.2.2 | dirichletprocess==0.4.1
discrim==1.0.0 | discrim==1.0.1
distillery==1.2-1 | distr==2.9.2
distr==2.9.1 <
distributional==0.3.1 | distributional==0.3.2
> distrom==1.0.1
dlookr==0.6.1 | dlr==1.0.1
dm==1.0.4 <
doFuture==0.12.2 <
donut==1.0.2 <
> DoubleML==0.5.3
dplyr==1.1.0 | dplyr==1.1.2
dslabs==0.7.4 | dslabs==0.7.5
DT==0.27 | DT==0.28
dtplyr==1.3.0 | dtplyr==1.3.1
> dynamicTreeCut==1.63-1
> easyalluvial==0.3.1
> easystats==0.6.0
edgebundleR==0.1.4 | ecodist==2.0.9
> eechidna==1.4.1
> EFAtools==0.4.4
> eha==2.10.3
ellipse==0.4.3 | ellipse==0.4.5
embed==1.0.0 | embed==1.1.0
> emdbook==1.3.12
> emdist==0.3-2
> enrichR==3.2
> ensembleR==0.1.0
Epi==2.47 | Epi==2.47.1
epiR==2.0.58 | epiR==2.0.61
equatiomatic==0.3.1 <
evaluate==0.20 | evaluate==0.21
> evd==2.3-6.1
evtree==1.0-8 | exact2x2==1.6.8
ExpAnalysis3d==0.1.1 | exactci==1.4-2
> ExcelFunctionsR==0.1.4
export==0.3.0 <
extRemes==2.1-3 | fable==0.3.3
fable==0.3.2 | fabletools==0.3.3
fabletools==0.3.2 | FACT==0.1.0
fairmodels==1.2.1 | factorplot==1.1-2
> fairness==1.2.2
> farff==1.1.1
fastcluster==1.2.3 <
fasterize==1.0.4 <
fastGraph==2.1 <
fastmatrix==0.4-1245 | fastmatrix==0.5
fastrmodels==1.0.2 <
fastshap==0.0.7 <
fauxpas==0.5.0 <
fclust== | fCopulae==4022.85
feasts==0.3.0 | feasts==0.3.1
fedstatAPIr==0.2.0 | FeatureImpCluster==0.1.5
> fect==1.0.0
> ff==4.0.9
> Fgmutils==0.9.5
> fHMM==1.1.0
filehash==2.4-5 <
filelock==1.0.2 <
FinCal==0.6.3 | FinancialMath==0.1.1
finetune==1.0.1 | FinCovRegularization==1.1.0
> finetune==1.1.0
fitdistrplus==1.1-8 | fitdistrplus==1.1-11
fivethirtyeight==0.6.2 <
flexmix==2.3-18 | flexmix==2.3-19
flextable==0.8.6 | flexsurv==2.2.2
> flextable==0.9.1
> flock==0.7
FME== <
fmpcloudr==0.1.5 <
FNN== | fMultivar==4021.83
fontawesome==0.5.0 | FNN==
> fontawesome==0.5.1
> forecastML==0.9.0
forestmodel==0.6.2 | ForestFit==2.2.3
> forestploter==1.1.0
fpp2==2.5 <
fractaldim==0.8-5 | Fragman==1.0.9
frontier==1.1-8 | fs==1.6.2
fs==1.6.1 | FSelectorRcpp==0.3.11
fst==0.9.8 | fst==0.9.4
fstcore==0.9.14 | fueleconomy==1.0.0
future.apply==1.10.0 | future.apply==1.11.0
> FuzzyR==2.3.2
gam==1.22-1 | gam==1.22-2
> gamlr==1.13-8
> gamlss==5.4-12
> gamlss.dist==6.0-5
> gap==1.5-1
gapminder==0.3.0 | gapminder==1.0.0
gargle==1.3.0 | gargle==1.4.0
gdalUtilities==1.2.3 | gcookbook==2.0
gdata== | gdalUtilities==...
v53 - GPU
[This image will be available on Kaggle Notebooks in the next few days]
== Comparing Rscript /tools/r_list_versions.R | sort ==
abess==0.4.6 <
ade4==1.7-20 | ade4==1.7-22
adegraphics==1.0-16 <
admisc==0.30 | admisc==0.31
AER==1.2-10 | aglm==0.4.0
afex==1.2-1 | agop==0.2-3
agridat==1.21 | agua==0.1.2
agtboost==0.9.3 <
AID==2.7 <
> alabama==2022.4-1
> alpaca==0.3.4
alr4==1.0.6 <
altair==4.2.1 <
andrews==1.1.0 | andrews==1.1.1
anocva==0.1.1 | ANN2==2.3.4
anomalize==0.2.2 | anomalize==0.2.3
> anomaly==4.0.2
apcluster==1.4.10 <
ape==5.6-2 <
aplore3==0.9 <
AppliedPredictiveModeling==1.1-7 | arenar==0.2.0
ARDL==0.2.1 <
areal==0.1.8 <
aricode==1.0.2 <
arrow==10.0.1 | arrow==
arulesViz==1.5-1 | arulesViz==1.5-2
assist==3.1.8 <
attempt==0.3.1 <
automap==1.0-16 | auditor==1.3.3
bacondecomp==0.1.1 <
BART==2.9 | BART==2.9.3
> BAS==1.6.4
baseballr==1.3.0 | base64url==1.4
basecamb==1.1.0 | BatchGetSymbols==2.6.4
> batchtools==0.9.16
> BayesBinMix==1.4.1
BayesTree==0.3-1.4 | BayesX==0.3-1.1
bcp==4.0.3 | bdscale==2.0.0
BETS==0.4.9 <
BH==1.78.0-0 | BH==1.81.0-1
BiasedUrn==2.0.8 | BiasedUrn==2.0.9
> bibtex==0.5.1
> bife==0.7.2
> bigstep==1.0.3
binancer==1.2.0 | bindr==0.1.1
bio3d==2.4-4 | binr==1.1.1
BiocManager==1.30.19 | BiocManager==1.30.20
BiodiversityR==2.15-1 <
bioseq==0.1.4 <
> bipartite==2.18
> birk==2.1.2
blme==1.0-5 | bizdays==1.0.13
> blavaan==0.4-7
BMisc==1.4.5 <
bnclassify==0.4.7 <
> bnstruct==1.0.14
bookdown==0.32 | bookdown==0.33
bootnet==1.5 <
BradleyTerry2==1.1-2 | breakDown==0.2.1
brant==0.3-0 <
brglm==0.7.2 <
> brm==1.1.1
brolgar==0.1.2 | broom==1.0.3
broom==1.0.2 | broom.helpers==1.12.0
broom.helpers==1.11.0 <
> brulee==0.2.0
> bshazard==1.1
> buildmer==2.8
> bupaR==0.5.2
bvls==1.4 | C50==0.1.8
C50==0.1.7 <
cachem==1.0.6 | cachem==1.0.7
> calendR==1.1
candisc==0.8-6 <
car==3.1-1 <
caracas==1.1.2 <
caretEnsemble==2.0.1 | caretEnsemble==2.0.2
cartography==3.0.1 <
caschrono==2.3 <
cds==1.0.3 <
cem==1.1.31 <
cheatsheet==0.1.0 | ChannelAttribution==2.0.6
> chatgpt==0.2.0
checkpoint==1.0.2 <
choroplethr==3.7.1 <
chromote==0.1.1 | chron==2.3-60
chron==2.3-58 | chunked==0.6.0
ciTools==0.6.1 | ckanr==0.6.0
classInt==0.4-8 | classInt==0.4-9
cld2==1.2.4 | cld3==1.5.0
> cleandata==0.3.0
clue==0.3-63 | clue==0.3-64
clusterGeneration==1.3.7 <
ClustGeo==2.1 <
clustree==0.5.0 <
cmfrec==3.5.0 <
cmna==1.0.5 <
cocor==1.1-4 <
collapse==1.9.0 | coinmarketcapr==0.4
> collapse==1.9.3
> collapsibleTree==0.1.7
> colorBlindness==0.1.9
colorspace==2.0-3 | colorspace==2.1-0
Compind==2.6 | compareGroups==4.6.0
compositions==2.0-4 | compositions==2.0-5
condMVNorm==2020.1 | condformat==0.10.0
conflicted==1.1.0 | conflicted==1.2.0
> conicfit==1.0.4
> conText==1.4.3
contrast==0.24.2 <
copula==1.1-1 | copula==1.1-2
> corpus==0.10.2
> corpustools==0.4.10
> COUNT==1.3.4
> COVID19==3.0.3
coxed==0.3.3 <
crch==1.1-1 <
cropcircles==0.1.1 | cricketr==0.0.26
cubature== | crypto2==1.4.5
Cubist==0.4.1 | CTT==2.3.3
> cubature==
> cubing==1.0-5
> Cubist==0.4.2
> CVST==0.2-3
d3r==1.0.0 | d3r==1.0.1
d3Tree==0.2.2 <
dae==3.2-14 <
> dataMaid==1.4.1
> dataPreparation==1.0.5
data.table==1.14.6 | data.table==1.14.8
> DataVisualizations==1.2.3
date==1.2-41 | date==1.2-42
datos==0.5.0 <
dbplyr==2.3.0 | dbplyr==2.3.1
ddalpha==1.3.13 | deaR==1.4
ddpcr==1.15 <
ddplot==0.0.1 <
deaR==1.3.3 <
debugme==1.1.0 <
deepboost==0.1.6 <
deepnet==0.2.1 <
> dendsort==0.3.4
denstrip==1.5.4 <
derivmkts==0.2.5 <
DescTools==0.99.47 | DescTools==0.99.48
devtools==2.4.1 | devtools==2.4.5
DHARMa==0.4.6 <
did==2.1.2 | Dict==0.1.0
> dimRed==0.2.6
discretization==1.0-1.1 <
dismo==1.3-9 | distillery==1.2-1
> distrEx==2.9.0
distrom==1.0.1 <
dm==1.0.3 | dm==1.0.4
doBy==4.6.15 <
dodgr==0.2.19 <
dplyr==1.0.10 | dplyr==1.1.0
drc==3.0-1 | drat==0.2.3
DRDID==1.0.4 <
> DRR==0.0.4
dtplyr==1.2.2 | dtplyr==1.3.0
dtwclust==5.5.11 | dtwclust==5.5.12
duckdb==0.6.2 | duckdb==0.7.1-1
dunn.test==1.3.5 <
dynlm==0.3-6 | e1071==1.7-13
e1071==1.7-12 | earth==5.3.2
earth==5.3.1 | easypackages==0.1.0
easyr==0.5-10 | easyPubMed==2.13
easystats==0.6.0 <
ecodist==2.0.9 | edgebundleR==0.1.4
economiccomplexity==1.4.0 <
editData==0.1.8 <
eechidna==1.4.1 <
effectsize==0.8.2 | effectsize==0.8.3
eigenmodel==1.11 <
> emojifont==0.5.5
ensembleR==0.1.0 <
entropy==1.3.1 <
epiR==2.0.56 | epiR==2.0.58
ergm==4.3.2 | equatiomatic==0.3.1
ergm.count==4.1.1 <
esc==0.5.1 <
eulerr==7.0.0 | eurostat==3.8.2
eva==0.2.6 <
evd==2.3-6.1 | eventdataR==0.3.1
evir==1.7-4 <
exactRankTests==0.8-35 | ExpAnalysis3d==0.1.1
ExcelFunctionsR==0.1.4 <
ExpDes==1.2.2 | expectreg==0.52
explor==0.3.9 | expint==0.1-8
> export==0.3.0
extrafont==0.18 | extrafont==0.19
ez==4.4-0 | extRemes==2.1-3
> FactoClass==1.2.7
> fairmodels==1.2.1
fansi==1.0.3 | fansi==1.0.4
fAssets==3042.84 <
fastai==2.2.0 <
> fasterize==1.0.4
> fastGraph==2.1
fastmap==1.1.0 | fastmap==1.1.1
fastText==1.0.3 <
fBasics==4021.93 | fauxpas==0.5.0
> fBasics==4022.94
fCopulae==4022.85 <
FeatureImpCluster==0.1.5 | fedstatAPIr==0.2.0
featurizer==0.2 | FFTrees==1.9.0
fedmatch==2.0.5 <
fExtremes==4021.83 <
ff==4.0.7 <
FFTrees==1.8.0 <
> filehash==2.4-5
> FinCal==0.6.3
> fingerprint==3.5.7
> fit.models==0.64
> fivethirtyeight==0.6.2
flexdashboard==0.6.0 | flexdashboard==0.6.1
flextable==0.8.3 | flextable==0.8.6
float==0.3-0 | float==0.3-1
fma==2.4 | fma==2.5
> FME==
> fmpcloudr==0.1.5
fMultivar==4021.83 <
fontawesome==0.4.0 | fontawesome==0.5.0
forcats==0.5.2 | fontBitstreamVera==0.1.1
> fontLiberation==0.1.0
> fontquiver==0.2.1
> forcats==1.0.0
forecast==8.20 | forecast==8.21
forecastML==0.9.0 <
Formula==1.2-4 | Formula==1.2-5
fpp2==2.4 | fpp2==2.5
fpp3==0.4.0 | fpp3==0.5
> fractaldim==0.8-5
> frailtyEM==1.0.1
> frair==0.5.100
FRK==2.1.3 <
fs==1.5.2 | fs==1.6.1
FSA==0.9.3 <
FSinR==2.0.5 <
fueleconomy==1.0.0 | functional==0.6
fun==0.3 <
funModeling==1.9.4 <
future==1.30.0 | future==1.32.0
fuzzywuzzyR==1.0.5 <
gam==1.22 | gam==1.22-1
gamlr==1.13-7 <
gamlss==5.4-10 < <
gamlss.dist==6.0-5 <
gap==1.5 <
gargle==1.2.1 | gargle==1.3.0
gCat==0.2 <
gcookbook==2.0 <
gdtools==0.3.0 | gdtools==0.3.1
geckor==0.2.0 <
genalg==0.2.1 <
GenSA==1.1.7 <
geobr==1.7.0 <
geofacet==0.2.0 <
geojsonio==0.10.0 <
geometries==0.2.0 | geometries==0.2.2
geometry== | geometry==0.4.7
geoR==1.9-2 <
> getopt==1.20.3
ggalluvial==0.12.3 | ggalluvial==0.12.5
ggblanket==1.6.2 | ggbump==0.1.0
ggdist==3.2.0 | ggdist==3.2.1
ggeffects==1.1.4 | ggeffects==1.2.0
ggExtra==0.10.0 <
ggfx==1.0.1 | gggibbous==0.1.1
gginference==0.1.3 | gginnards==0.1.1
ggiraph==0.8.5 | ggiraph==0.8.6
ggiraphExtra==0.3.0 <
ggnetwork==0.5.10 <
ggokabeito==0.1.0 <
ggplot2==3.4.0 | ggplot2==3.4.1
ggplotAssist==0.1.3 <
> ggplotlyExtra==0.0.1
ggpointdensity==0.1.0 <
ggpp==0.5.0 | ggpp==0.5.1
ggpubr==0.5.0 | ggRandomForests==2.2.1
ggrepel==0.9.2 | ggrastr==1....
v53 - CPU
[This image will be available on Kaggle Notebooks in the next few days]
== Comparing Rscript /tools/r_list_versions.R | sort ==
abess==0.4.6 <
ade4==1.7-20 | ade4==1.7-22
adegraphics==1.0-16 <
admisc==0.30 | admisc==0.31
AER==1.2-10 | aglm==0.4.0
afex==1.2-1 | agop==0.2-3
agridat==1.21 | agua==0.1.2
agtboost==0.9.3 <
AID==2.7 <
> alabama==2022.4-1
> alpaca==0.3.4
alr4==1.0.6 <
altair==4.2.1 <
andrews==1.1.0 | andrews==1.1.1
anocva==0.1.1 | ANN2==2.3.4
anomalize==0.2.2 | anomalize==0.2.3
> anomaly==4.0.2
apcluster==1.4.10 <
ape==5.6-2 <
aplore3==0.9 <
AppliedPredictiveModeling==1.1-7 | arenar==0.2.0
ARDL==0.2.1 <
areal==0.1.8 <
aricode==1.0.2 <
arrow==10.0.1 | arrow==
arulesViz==1.5-1 | arulesViz==1.5-2
assist==3.1.8 <
attempt==0.3.1 <
automap==1.0-16 | auditor==1.3.3
bacondecomp==0.1.1 <
BART==2.9 | BART==2.9.3
> BAS==1.6.4
baseballr==1.3.0 | base64url==1.4
basecamb==1.1.0 | BatchGetSymbols==2.6.4
> batchtools==0.9.16
> BayesBinMix==1.4.1
BayesTree==0.3-1.4 | BayesX==0.3-1.1
bcp==4.0.3 | bdscale==2.0.0
BETS==0.4.9 <
BH==1.78.0-0 | BH==1.81.0-1
BiasedUrn==2.0.8 | BiasedUrn==2.0.9
> bibtex==0.5.1
> bife==0.7.2
> bigstep==1.0.3
binancer==1.2.0 | bindr==0.1.1
bio3d==2.4-4 | binr==1.1.1
BiocManager==1.30.19 | BiocManager==1.30.20
BiodiversityR==2.15-1 <
bioseq==0.1.4 <
> bipartite==2.18
> birk==2.1.2
blme==1.0-5 | bizdays==1.0.13
> blavaan==0.4-7
BMisc==1.4.5 <
bnclassify==0.4.7 <
> bnstruct==1.0.14
bookdown==0.32 | bookdown==0.33
bootnet==1.5 <
BradleyTerry2==1.1-2 | breakDown==0.2.1
brant==0.3-0 <
brglm==0.7.2 <
> brm==1.1.1
brolgar==0.1.2 | broom==1.0.3
broom==1.0.2 | broom.helpers==1.12.0
broom.helpers==1.11.0 <
> brulee==0.2.0
> bshazard==1.1
> buildmer==2.8
> bupaR==0.5.2
bvls==1.4 | C50==0.1.8
C50==0.1.7 <
cachem==1.0.6 | cachem==1.0.7
> calendR==1.1
candisc==0.8-6 <
car==3.1-1 <
caracas==1.1.2 <
caretEnsemble==2.0.1 | caretEnsemble==2.0.2
cartography==3.0.1 <
caschrono==2.3 <
cds==1.0.3 <
cem==1.1.31 <
cheatsheet==0.1.0 | ChannelAttribution==2.0.6
> chatgpt==0.2.0
checkpoint==1.0.2 <
choroplethr==3.7.1 <
chromote==0.1.1 | chron==2.3-60
chron==2.3-58 | chunked==0.6.0
ciTools==0.6.1 | ckanr==0.6.0
classInt==0.4-8 | classInt==0.4-9
cld2==1.2.4 | cld3==1.5.0
> cleandata==0.3.0
clue==0.3-63 | clue==0.3-64
clusterGeneration==1.3.7 <
ClustGeo==2.1 <
clustree==0.5.0 <
cmfrec==3.5.0 <
cmna==1.0.5 <
cocor==1.1-4 <
collapse==1.9.0 | coinmarketcapr==0.4
> collapse==1.9.3
> collapsibleTree==0.1.7
> colorBlindness==0.1.9
colorspace==2.0-3 | colorspace==2.1-0
Compind==2.6 | compareGroups==4.6.0
compositions==2.0-4 | compositions==2.0-5
condMVNorm==2020.1 | condformat==0.10.0
conflicted==1.1.0 | conflicted==1.2.0
> conicfit==1.0.4
> conText==1.4.3
contrast==0.24.2 <
copula==1.1-1 | copula==1.1-2
> corpus==0.10.2
> corpustools==0.4.10
> COUNT==1.3.4
> COVID19==3.0.3
coxed==0.3.3 <
crch==1.1-1 <
cropcircles==0.1.1 | cricketr==0.0.26
cubature== | crypto2==1.4.5
Cubist==0.4.1 | CTT==2.3.3
> cubature==
> cubing==1.0-5
> Cubist==0.4.2
> CVST==0.2-3
d3r==1.0.0 | d3r==1.0.1
d3Tree==0.2.2 <
dae==3.2-14 <
> dataMaid==1.4.1
> dataPreparation==1.0.5
data.table==1.14.6 | data.table==1.14.8
> DataVisualizations==1.2.3
date==1.2-41 | date==1.2-42
datos==0.5.0 <
dbplyr==2.3.0 | dbplyr==2.3.1
ddalpha==1.3.13 | deaR==1.4
ddpcr==1.15 <
ddplot==0.0.1 <
deaR==1.3.3 <
debugme==1.1.0 <
deepboost==0.1.6 <
deepnet==0.2.1 <
> dendsort==0.3.4
denstrip==1.5.4 <
derivmkts==0.2.5 <
DescTools==0.99.47 | DescTools==0.99.48
devtools==2.4.1 | devtools==2.4.5
DHARMa==0.4.6 <
did==2.1.2 | Dict==0.1.0
> dimRed==0.2.6
discretization==1.0-1.1 <
dismo==1.3-9 | distillery==1.2-1
> distrEx==2.9.0
distrom==1.0.1 <
dm==1.0.3 | dm==1.0.4
doBy==4.6.15 <
dodgr==0.2.19 <
dplyr==1.0.10 | dplyr==1.1.0
drc==3.0-1 | drat==0.2.3
DRDID==1.0.4 <
> DRR==0.0.4
dtplyr==1.2.2 | dtplyr==1.3.0
dtwclust==5.5.11 | dtwclust==5.5.12
duckdb==0.6.2 | duckdb==0.7.1-1
dunn.test==1.3.5 <
dynlm==0.3-6 | e1071==1.7-13
e1071==1.7-12 | earth==5.3.2
earth==5.3.1 | easypackages==0.1.0
easyr==0.5-10 | easyPubMed==2.13
easystats==0.6.0 <
ecodist==2.0.9 | edgebundleR==0.1.4
economiccomplexity==1.4.0 <
editData==0.1.8 <
eechidna==1.4.1 <
effectsize==0.8.2 | effectsize==0.8.3
eigenmodel==1.11 <
> emojifont==0.5.5
ensembleR==0.1.0 <
entropy==1.3.1 <
epiR==2.0.56 | epiR==2.0.58
ergm==4.3.2 | equatiomatic==0.3.1
ergm.count==4.1.1 <
esc==0.5.1 <
eulerr==7.0.0 | eurostat==3.8.2
eva==0.2.6 <
evd==2.3-6.1 | eventdataR==0.3.1
evir==1.7-4 <
exactRankTests==0.8-35 | ExpAnalysis3d==0.1.1
ExcelFunctionsR==0.1.4 <
ExpDes==1.2.2 | expectreg==0.52
explor==0.3.9 | expint==0.1-8
> export==0.3.0
extrafont==0.18 | extrafont==0.19
ez==4.4-0 | extRemes==2.1-3
> FactoClass==1.2.7
> fairmodels==1.2.1
fansi==1.0.3 | fansi==1.0.4
fAssets==3042.84 <
fastai==2.2.0 <
> fasterize==1.0.4
> fastGraph==2.1
fastmap==1.1.0 | fastmap==1.1.1
fastText==1.0.3 <
fBasics==4021.93 | fauxpas==0.5.0
> fBasics==4022.94
fCopulae==4022.85 <
FeatureImpCluster==0.1.5 | fedstatAPIr==0.2.0
featurizer==0.2 | FFTrees==1.9.0
fedmatch==2.0.5 <
fExtremes==4021.83 <
ff==4.0.7 <
FFTrees==1.8.0 <
> filehash==2.4-5
> FinCal==0.6.3
> fingerprint==3.5.7
> fit.models==0.64
> fivethirtyeight==0.6.2
flexdashboard==0.6.0 | flexdashboard==0.6.1
flextable==0.8.3 | flextable==0.8.6
float==0.3-0 | float==0.3-1
fma==2.4 | fma==2.5
> FME==
> fmpcloudr==0.1.5
fMultivar==4021.83 <
fontawesome==0.4.0 | fontawesome==0.5.0
forcats==0.5.2 | fontBitstreamVera==0.1.1
> fontLiberation==0.1.0
> fontquiver==0.2.1
> forcats==1.0.0
forecast==8.20 | forecast==8.21
forecastML==0.9.0 <
Formula==1.2-4 | Formula==1.2-5
fpp2==2.4 | fpp2==2.5
fpp3==0.4.0 | fpp3==0.5
> fractaldim==0.8-5
> frailtyEM==1.0.1
> frair==0.5.100
FRK==2.1.3 <
fs==1.5.2 | fs==1.6.1
FSA==0.9.3 <
FSinR==2.0.5 <
fueleconomy==1.0.0 | functional==0.6
fun==0.3 <
funModeling==1.9.4 <
future==1.30.0 | future==1.32.0
fuzzywuzzyR==1.0.5 <
gam==1.22 | gam==1.22-1
gamlr==1.13-7 <
gamlss==5.4-10 < <
gamlss.dist==6.0-5 <
gap==1.5 <
gargle==1.2.1 | gargle==1.3.0
gCat==0.2 <
gcookbook==2.0 <
gdtools==0.3.0 | gdtools==0.3.1
geckor==0.2.0 <
genalg==0.2.1 <
GenSA==1.1.7 <
geobr==1.7.0 <
geofacet==0.2.0 <
geojsonio==0.10.0 <
geometries==0.2.0 | geometries==0.2.2
geometry== | geometry==0.4.7
geoR==1.9-2 <
> getopt==1.20.3
ggalluvial==0.12.3 | ggalluvial==0.12.5
ggblanket==1.6.2 | ggbump==0.1.0
ggdist==3.2.0 | ggdist==3.2.1
ggeffects==1.1.4 | ggeffects==1.2.0
ggExtra==0.10.0 <
ggfx==1.0.1 | gggibbous==0.1.1
gginference==0.1.3 | gginnards==0.1.1
ggiraph==0.8.5 | ggiraph==0.8.6
ggiraphExtra==0.3.0 <
ggnetwork==0.5.10 <
ggokabeito==0.1.0 <
ggplot2==3.4.0 | ggplot2==3.4.1
ggplotAssist==0.1.3 <
> ggplotlyExtra==0.0.1
ggpointdensity==0.1.0 <
ggpp==0.5.0 | ggpp==0.5.1
ggpubr==0.5.0 | ggRandomForests==2.2.1
ggrepel==0.9.2 | ggrastr==1.0.1
v52 - GPU
[This image will be available on Kaggle Notebooks in the next few days]
== Comparing Rscript /tools/r_list_versions.R | sort ==
> abess==0.4.6
abjutils==0.3.2 <
academictwitteR==0.3.1 <
AcceptanceSampling==1.0-8 <
adegenet==2.1.8 | adegraphics==1.0-16
afex==1.2-0 | afex==1.2-1
> agridat==1.21
alabama==2022.4-1 <
> altair==4.2.1
> andrews==1.1.0
ANN2==2.3.4 <
anndata== <
> aplore3==0.9
aricode==1.0.1 | argonDash==0.2.0
> argonR==0.2.0
> aricode==1.0.2
> arulesSequences==0.2-28
astsa==1.16 | astsa==2.0
autoencoder==1.1 | automap==1.0-16
autothresholdr==1.4.0 <
> bacondecomp==0.1.1
basefun==1.1-3 | basecamb==1.1.0
BatchGetSymbols==2.6.4 <
> bayesforecast==1.0.1
BB==2019.10-1 <
BDEsize==1.6 | bcp==4.0.3
BDgraph==2.71 <
bdscale==2.0.0 <
> bezier==1.1.2
biganalytics==1.1.21 <
billboarder==0.3.1 | billboarder==0.4.0
bindr==0.1.1 <
bindrcpp==0.2.2 <
> binom==1.1-1.1
BiodiversityR==2.14-4 | BiodiversityR==2.15-1
bios2mds==1.2.3 <
> BMisc==1.4.5
BMS==0.3.5 <
bookdown==0.31 | bookdown==0.32
> BradleyTerry2==1.1-2
breakDown==0.2.1 | brew==1.0-6
brew==1.0-8 <
broom==1.0.1 | brolgar==0.1.2
broom.helpers==1.10.0 | broom==1.0.2
> broom.helpers==1.11.0
brulee==0.2.0 <
bslib==0.4.1 | bslib==0.4.2
bst==0.3-23 <
butcher==0.3.0 | bundle==0.1.0
> butcher==0.3.1
captioner==2.2.3 <
CARBayesdata==3.0 | caracas==1.1.2
CARBayesST==3.3 <
care==1.1.11 <
> cartography==3.0.1
> CBPS==0.23
cclust==0.6-25 <
> cheatsheet==0.1.0
choroplethrAdmin1==1.1.1 <
cli==3.4.1 | cli==3.6.0
> clinspacy==1.0.2
clustMixType==0.2-15 | ClustGeo==2.1
> cmfrec==3.5.0
cobalt==4.4.1 <
collapse==1.8.9 | collapse==1.9.0
collapsibleTree==0.1.7 | collections==0.3.7
collections==0.3.6 <
colorBlindness==0.1.9 <
colourvalues==0.3.7 <
compareGroups==4.6.0 | compare==0.2-6
comprehenr==0.6.10 <
concatenate==1.0.0 <
coneproj==1.16 <
> contrast==0.24.2
corpus==0.10.2 <
COUNT==1.3.4 <
coxphf==1.13.1 <
curl==4.3.3 | curl==5.0.0
> d3Tree==0.2.2
> dae==3.2-14
DALEX==2.4.2 | DALEX==2.4.3
DatabionicSwarm==1.1.6 | dapr==0.0.3
datapasta==3.1.0 <
dataPreparation==1.0.5 <
> datarobot==2.18.2
datawizard==0.6.4 | datawizard==0.6.5
date==1.2-40 | date==1.2-41
datetime==0.1.4 <
dbplot==0.3.3 | dbplyr==2.3.0
dbplyr==2.2.1 <
> ddalpha==1.3.13
deaR==1.3.2 | deaR==1.3.3
decido==0.3.0 <
DeclareDesign==1.0.0 <
deepregression==0.3.1 | deepnet==0.2.1
DepthProc==2.1.5 <
> derivmkts==0.2.5
devEMF==4.1-1 | devEMF==4.2
DFA==0.9.0 <
> dgof==1.4
> did==2.1.2
DIMORA==0.3.1 | DIMORA==0.3.3
> discretization==1.0-1.1
distrEx==2.9.0 <
> distrom==1.0.1
dlr==1.0.1 <
> doBy==4.6.15
> dodgr==0.2.19
> donut==1.0.2
doRNG==1.8.2 | doRNG==1.8.6
DoubleML==0.5.2 <
dplR==1.7.4 <
> DRDID==1.0.4
> dreamerr==1.2.3
DT==0.26 | DT==0.27
duckdb==0.6.1 | duckdb==0.6.2
easypackages==0.1.0 | easyr==0.5-10
edfReader==1.2.1 <
> eeptools==1.2.4
> EffectStars==1.9-1
emojifont==0.5.5 | energy==1.7-11
energy==1.7-10 <
> EnsCat==1.1
epiR==2.0.54 | epiR==2.0.56
eplusr==0.15.3 <
epwshiftr==0.1.3 <
> ergm.count==4.1.1
evaluate==0.19 | evaluate==0.20
ExpAnalysis3d==0.1.1 | ExcelFunctionsR==0.1.4
expm==0.999-6 | explore==1.0.2
ExPosition==2.8.23 | expm==0.999-7
fabricatr==1.0.0 | fanplot==4.0.0
facebookadsR==0.1.0 <
fairness==1.2.2 <
> faraway==1.0.8
fasterize==1.0.4 <
fCopulae==4021.84 | fCopulae==4022.85
fdapace==0.5.9 <
> featurizer==0.2
FFTrees==1.7.5 | FFTrees==1.8.0
filesstrings==3.2.3 | finalfit==1.0.6
finalfit==1.0.5 <
fishualize==0.2.3 <
fivethirtyeight==0.6.2 | fixest==0.11.1
flexsurv==2.2 <
fmsb==0.7.4 | fmsb==0.7.5
fNonlinear==4021.81 <
forecast==8.19 | forecast==8.20
> forecastML==0.9.0
formatR==1.12 | formatR==1.14
fpc==2.2-9 | fpc==2.2-10
fpow==0.0-2 <
> FRK==2.1.3
> frontier==1.1-8
> FSinR==2.0.5
fstcore==0.9.12 | fstcore==0.9.14
funprog==0.3.0 <
funtimes==9.0 <
future==1.29.0 | future==1.30.0
fy==0.3.0 | fuzzywuzzyR==1.0.5
> gamlr==1.13-7
gap==1.3-1 | gap==1.5
gapmap==0.1.0 <
> gCat==0.2
gdalcubes==0.6.2 | gdalUtilities==1.2.3
gdalUtilities==1.2.2 <
gdtools==0.2.4 | gdtools==0.3.0
> genalg==0.2.1
> GenBinomApps==1.2
GeneralizedUmatrix==1.2.5 <
genridge==0.6.7 <
> geobr==1.7.0
> geodata==0.5-3
geojsonR==1.1.0 | geojsonR==1.1.1
geostan==0.4.1 <
> gfonts==0.2.0
ggbeeswarm==0.6.0 | ggbeeswarm==0.7.1
ggbump==0.1.0 | ggblanket==1.6.2
> ggcharts==0.2.1
ggdag==0.2.7 <
gginnards==0.1.1 | gginference==0.1.3
> ggjoy==0.4.1
> ggmice==0.0.1
> ggnetwork==0.5.10
ggpmisc==0.5.1 | ggpmisc==0.5.2
ggQC==0.0.31 <
ggsn==0.5.0 | ggsoccer==0.1.7
> ggstatsplot==0.10.0
ggTimeSeries==1.0.2 <
> ggversa==0.0.1
> git2r==0.30.1
> glmmTMB==1.1.5
glmnetUtils==1.1.8 <
glmtoolbox==0.1.4 <
gmapsdistance==4.0.0 <
gmm==1.7 <
> googleAnalyticsR==1.1.0
> googleAuthR==2.0.0
> googlePolylines==0.8.2
gower==1.0.0 | googleway==2.7.6
> gower==1.0.1
> GpGp==0.4.0
graphframes==0.1.2 <
graphicalVAR==0.3 <
greybox==1.0.6 | greybox==1.0.7
grf==2.2.0 | grf==2.2.1
> grImport==0.9-5
> grImport2==0.2-0
> gTests==0.2
gtsummary==1.6.3 | gtsummary==1.7.0
> GUILDS==1.4.5
> gutenbergr==0.2.3
> GWmodel==2.2-9
HardyWeinberg==1.7.5 | harrypotter==2.1.1
heatmaply==1.4.0 | heatmaply==1.4.2
hflights==0.1 <
HiddenMarkov==1.8-13 <
highr==0.9 | highr==0.10
HistogramTools==0.3.2 <
> hopkins==1.0
> housingData==0.3.0
> hqreg==1.4
HRW==1.0-5 | hrqglas==1.0.1
htmlwidgets==1.5.4 | htmlwidgets==1.6.1
> httpcache==1.2.0
httpuv==1.6.6 | httpuv==1.6.8
hutils==1.8.1 | huxtable==5.5.2
huxtable==5.5.1 <
hypr==0.2.3 <
icesTAF==4.0.0 | icesTAF==4.0.2
ijtiff==2.2.9 | imager==0.42.16
imager==0.42.13 | imagerExtra==1.3.2
import==1.3.0 <
ingredients==2.2.0 | ingredients==2.3.0
InspectChangepoint==1.2 <
insurancerating==0.7.1 | insurancerating==0.7.2
intsvy==2.6 <
isoband==0.2.6 | isoband==0.2.7
itsmr==1.10 <
Jmisc== <
KernelKnn==1.1.4 | KernelKnn==1.1.5
> KFAS==1.4.6
> kmed==0.4.2
landsat==1.1.0 | languageserver==0.3.15
languageserver==0.3.14 | LaplacesDemon==16.1.6
latexpdf==0.1.7 <
lava==1.7.0 | lava==1.7.1
lavaan==0.6-12 | lavaan==0.6-13
> leaflet.extras==1.0.0
> leafpm==0.1.0
> learnr==0.11.2
lessR==4.2.4 | lessR==4.2.5
lhs==1.1.5 | lhs==1.1.6
lidaRtRee==4.0.3 | lidR==4.0.2
lidR==4.0.1 <
> lindia==0.9
> linkprediction==1.0-0
listenv==0.8.0 | listenv==0.9.0
> listviewer==3.0.0
> lmomco==2.4.7
> Lmoments==1.3-1
lmridge==1.2.1 <
locfdr==1.1-8 <
> locpol==0.8.0
logisticPCA==0.2 <
logKDE==0.3.2 <
> lomb==2.1.0
> longitudinalData==2.4.1
lunar==0.2-1 <
lwgeom==0.2-10 | lwgeom==0.2-11
> mapedit==0.6.0
mapproj==1.2.9 | mapproj==1.2.11
maptools==1.1-5 | maptools==1.1-6
> maptpx==1.9-7
> MBA==0.1-0
> mco==1.15.6
mctest==1.3.1 <
> mdsr==0.2.7
> measurementProtocol==0.1.0
memery==0.5.6 <
> memuse==4.2-2
meta==6.0-0 | meta==6.1-0
> metaviz==0.3.1
mets==1.3.1 | mets==1.3.2
miceadds==3.15-21 | micEcon==0.6-18
midasr==0.8 <
mildsvm==0.4.0 ...
v51 - GPU
[This image will be available on Kaggle Notebooks in the next few days]
== Comparing Rscript /tools/r_list_versions.R | sort ==
> abd==0.2-8
> abjutils==0.3.2
> AcceptanceSampling==1.0-8
adagio==0.8.5 <
ade4==1.7-19 | ade4==1.7-20
afex==1.1-1 | afex==1.2-0
AFR==0.2.1 <
> agtboost==0.9.3
> AICcmodavg==2.3-1
alphashape3d==1.3.1 <
ALSM==0.2.0 | amap==0.8-19
amap==0.8-18 | Amelia==1.8.1
Amelia==1.8.0 <
> anocva==0.1.1
> apcluster==1.4.10
apollo==0.2.8 <
archive==1.1.5 | ARDL==0.2.1
> areal==0.1.8
> aricode==1.0.1
arrow== | arrow==10.0.1
arules==1.7-4 | arules==1.7-5
AsioHeaders==1.22.1-1 | AsioHeaders==1.22.1-2
assertr==2.8 | assertr==3.0.0
> assist==3.1.8
> attempt==0.3.1
autoFRK==1.4.3 | autothresholdr==1.4.0
automap==1.0-16 <
aws.signature==0.6.0 <
> barcode==1.3.0
> BART==2.9
base64url==1.4 | baseballr==1.3.0
baseline==1.3-4 | basefun==1.1-3
BasketballAnalyzeR==0.5.0 <
bayesm==3.1-4 | bayesm==3.1-5
bayesplot==1.9.0 | bayesplot==1.10.0
bayesrules==0.0.2 <
bbotk==0.5.4 | bbotk==0.7.2
> BDEsize==1.6
> BDgraph==2.71
beanplot==1.3.1 <
> Benchmarking==0.31
BiasedUrn==1.07 | BiasedUrn==2.0.8
bibtex==0.5.0 <
biclustermd==0.2.3 | biganalytics==1.1.21
> bigD==0.2.0
bigmemory.sri==0.1.3 | bigmemory==4.6.1
bigrquery==1.4.0 | bigmemory.sri==0.1.6
> bigrquery==1.4.1
> bindrcpp==0.2.2
binom==1.1-1.1 | bio3d==2.4-4
binr==1.1.1 <
bioacoustics==0.2.8 <
BiocManager==1.30.18 | BiocManager==1.30.19
> bioseq==0.1.4
BioStatR==3.1.2 <
bipartite==2.17 | bit==4.0.5
bit==4.0.4 <
blavaan==0.4-3 <
> BMS==0.3.5
> bnclassify==0.4.7
Bolstad2==1.0-29 | bonsai==0.2.1
bonsai==0.2.0 | bookdown==0.31
bookdown==0.29 | Boom==0.9.11
Boom==0.9.10 <
Boruta==7.0.0 | Boruta==8.0.0
bpca==1.3-4 | brant==0.3-0
> brglm==0.7.2
brnn==0.9.2 | Brobdingnag==1.2-9
Brobdingnag==1.2-7 <
broman==0.80 <
broom.helpers==1.9.0 | broom.helpers==1.10.0
bslib==0.4.0 | bslib==0.4.1
bsts==0.9.8 | bsts==0.9.9
bubblyr==0.1.2 <
C50==0.1.6 | bvls==1.4
> C50==0.1.7
calendR==1.1 <
callr==3.7.2 | callr==3.7.3
car==3.1-0 | captioner==2.2.3
CARBayes==5.3 | car==3.1-1
> CARBayesST==3.3
> care==1.1.11
cartography==3.0.1 | cartogram==0.2.2
> caschrono==2.3
CausalImpact==1.2.7 | CausalImpact==1.3.0
cba==0.2-21 | cba==0.2-23
> cclust==0.6-25
> cds==1.0.3
> cem==1.1.31
> changepoint==2.2.4
ChemoSpec==6.1.3 | checkpoint==1.0.2
ChemoSpecUtils==1.0.0 <
chilemapas==0.3.0 <
> choroplethrAdmin1==1.1.1
ckanr==0.6.0 | circular==0.4-95
> ciTools==0.6.1
> cld2==1.2.4
clue==0.3-61 | clue==0.3-63
clusterability== <
> clusterSim==0.50-1
> clustMixType==0.2-15
> clustree==0.5.0
cmm==0.12 | cmna==1.0.5
> cobalt==4.4.1
coinmarketcapr==0.4 <
collections==0.3.5 | collapsibleTree==0.1.7
> collections==0.3.6
colorhcplot==1.3.1 <
colourpicker==1.1.1 | colourpicker==1.2.0
compareGroups==4.5.1 | compareGroups==4.6.0
> Compind==2.6
> compositions==2.0-4
> comprehenr==0.6.10
> concatenate==1.0.0
> condMVNorm==2020.1
> coneproj==1.16
conText==1.1.0 | contentid==0.0.16
contrast==0.24.2 <
convertr==0.1 <
copula==1.1-0 | copula==1.1-1
CORElearn==1.56.0 | CORElearn==1.57.3
> correlationfunnel==0.2.0
> COUNT==1.3.4
> coxed==0.3.3
> coxphf==1.13.1
> crch==1.1-1
cropcircles==0.1.0 | cropcircles==0.1.1
crypto2==1.4.4 <
csv==0.6.2 <
Cubist==0.4.0 | Cubist==0.4.1
CVST==0.2-3 | cutpointr==1.1.2
> cvar==0.5
> cvAUC==1.1.4
> cvTools==0.3.2
> DatabionicSwarm==1.1.6
dataCompareR==0.1.4 <
datamods==1.3.4 | datamods==1.4.0
datasetsICR==1.0 | data.table==1.14.6
data.table==1.14.4 <
datawizard==0.6.2 | datawizard==0.6.4
date==1.2-39 | date==1.2-40
> dbplot==0.3.3
dbscan==1.1-10 | dbscan==1.1-11
> dcurver==0.9.2
deaR==1.3 | ddplot==0.0.1
> deaR==1.3.2
> decido==0.3.0
> DeclareDesign==1.0.0
> deducorrect==1.3.7
> deepboost==0.1.6
> deepregression==0.3.1
dendroextras==0.2.3 | densEstBayes==1.0-2.1
> denstrip==1.5.4
> DEoptim==2.2-8
> DepthProc==2.1.5
DescTools==0.99.46 | descriptr==0.5.2
deSolve==1.33 | DescTools==0.99.47
devEMF==4.1 | deSolve==1.34
> devEMF==4.1-1
> DFA==0.9.0
> DHARMa==0.4.6
dials==1.0.0 | dials==1.1.0
didrooRFM==1.0.0 <
diffdf==1.0.4 <
digest==0.6.29 | digest==0.6.31
dimRed==0.2.6 <
> discreteRV==1.2.2
dispmod==1.2 | distr==2.9.1
distr==2.8.0 | distrEx==2.9.0
distrEx==2.8.0 <
distributions3==0.2.1 <
distrom==1.0.1 | dlm==1.1-6
diversitree==0.9-16 | dlookr==0.6.1
dlm==1.1-5 | dlr==1.0.1
dlookr==0.6.0 | dm==1.0.3
doBy==4.6.13 <
docstring==1.0.0 <
DoubleML==0.5.1 | DoubleML==0.5.2
> downlit==0.4.2
> dplR==1.7.4
dreamerr==1.2.3 | drc==3.0-1
DRR==0.0.4 <
DT==0.25 | DT==0.26
duckdb==0.5.1 | duckdb==0.6.1
> dummy==0.1.3
e1071==1.7-11 | e1071==1.7-12
> easypackages==0.1.0
> easystats==0.6.0
> ecodist==2.0.9
> edfReader==1.2.1
> editrules==2.9.3
effectsize==0.8.0 | effectsize==0.8.2
eha==2.10.0 <
elevatr==0.4.2 <
EMCluster==0.2-14 | elo==3.0.1
> embed==1.0.0
> Epi==2.47
epiR==2.0.52 | epiR==2.0.54
ergm==4.2.3 | eplusr==0.15.3
> epwshiftr==0.1.3
> ergm==4.3.2
> esc==0.5.1
eurostat==3.7.10 | estimatr==1.0.0
> etm==1.1.1
> eulerr==7.0.0
evaluate==0.17 | evaluate==0.19
exactextractr==0.9.0 <
> ExPanDaR==0.5.3
explore==0.9.0 | explor==0.3.9
> ExPosition==2.8.23
> expss==0.11.4
FAdist==2.4 | fabricatr==1.0.0
> facebookadsR==0.1.0
fANCOVA==0.6-1 <
> fAssets==3042.84
fasterize==1.0.3 | fasterize==1.0.4
> fastshap==0.0.7
> fastText==1.0.3
faux==1.1.0 | fBasics==4021.93
fBasics==4021.92 | fclust==
> fCopulae==4021.84
> fdapace==0.5.9
> FeatureHashing==
> FeatureImpCluster==0.1.5
fGarch==4021.88 | fGarch==4022.89
filehash==2.4-3 | filelock==1.0.2
filehashSQLite==0.2-6 | filesstrings==3.2.3
filematrix==1.3 <
> fishualize==0.2.3
fixest==0.10.4 | fivethirtyeight==0.6.2
flextable==0.8.2 | flextable==0.8.3
fmsb==0.7.3 | fmsb==0.7.4
fontawesome==0.3.0 | fNonlinear==4021.81
> fontawesome==0.4.0
forecast==8.18 | forecast==8.19
ForecastComb==1.3.1 <
> forestmodel==0.6.2
> fpow==0.0-2
fracdiff==1.5-1 | fracdiff==1.5-2
fractaldim==0.8-5 | fredr==2.1.0
frbs==3.2-0 <
FSelectorRcpp==0.3.8 <
fst==0.9.4 | fst==0.9.8
> fstcore==0.9.12
> fun==0.3
> funprog==0.3.0
> funtimes==9.0
future==1.28.0 | future==1.29.0
future.apply==1.9.1 | future.apply==1.10.0
> fy==0.3.0
> GA==3.2.3
gam==1.20.2 | gam==1.22
gamlr==1.13-7 | gamlss==5.4-10
gamlss==5.4-3 <
> gamm4==0.2-6
> gap==1.3-1
> gap.datasets==0.0.5
> gapmap==0.1.0
> gbutils==0.5
gdalUtilities==1.2.1 | gdalcubes==0.6.2
> gdalUtilities==1.2.2
gee==4.13-24 | geckor==0.2.0
> gee==4.13-25
genalg==0.2.1 | geigen==2.3
> generalhoslem==1.3.4
> GeneralizedUmatrix==1.2.5
genius==2.2.3 | geniusr==1.2.1
GenOrd==1.4.0 <
geodist==0.0.7 | geodist==0.0.8
> geofacet==0.2.0
geohashTools==0.3.1 <
geojsonlint==0.4.0 | geojsonR==1.1.0
geosphere==1.5-14 | geoR==1.9-2
geostan==0.4.0 | geosphere==1.5-18
gert==1.9.1 | geostan==0.4.1
GetoptLong==1.0.5 | gert==1.9.2
ggborderline==0.1.0 <
v50 - CPU
[This image will be available on Kaggle Notebooks in the next few days]
== Comparing Rscript /tools/r_list_versions.R | sort ==
abd==0.2-8 <
> academictwitteR==0.3.1
> adagio==0.8.5
> adegenet==2.1.8
admisc==0.29 | admisc==0.30
AFR==0.1.0 | AFR==0.2.1
agridat==1.21 | ahptopsis2n==0.2.0
AICcmodavg==2.3-1 <
> alabama==2022.4-1
> alr4==1.0.6
> ALSM==0.2.0
> amap==0.8-18
anndata== | anndata==
> archive==1.1.5
arrow==9.0.0 | arrow==
asymmetry==2.0.4 <
autocogs==0.1.4 <
> autoFRK==1.4.3
aweek==1.0.2 | aweek==1.0.3
Barnard==1.8 <
barplot3d==1.0.1 <
baseballr==1.3.0 <
> BasketballAnalyzeR==0.5.0
BayesFM==0.1.5 <
bayesGARCH==2.1.10 <
BayesLogit==2.1 <
bayestestR==0.12.1 | bayesrules==0.0.2
> bayestestR==0.13.0
> BayesTree==0.3-1.4
BBmisc==1.12 | BBmisc==1.13
> bdscale==2.0.0
> beanplot==1.3.1
bib2df==1.1.1 | BiasedUrn==1.07
bibtex== | bibtex==0.5.0
> biclustermd==0.2.3
> bioacoustics==0.2.8
Biodem==0.5 <
> bios2mds==1.2.3
> bipartite==2.17
bnlearn==4.7.1 | bnlearn==4.8.1
> Boruta==7.0.0
> bpca==1.3-4
brew==1.0-7 | brew==1.0-8
brms==2.17.0 | brms==2.18.0
> brnn==0.9.2
> broman==0.80
broom.helpers==1.8.0 | broom.helpers==1.9.0
brulee==0.1.0 | brulee==0.2.0
> bst==0.3-23
bupaR==0.5.0 | bubblyr==0.1.2
CADFtest==0.3-3 <
cAIC4==1.0 <
captioner==2.2.3 <
carat==2.0.2 <
cat==0.0-7 <
catdata==1.2.2 <
causaldata==0.1.3 <
> cba==0.2-21
cdparcoord==1.0.1 <
cem==1.1.31 <
changepoint==2.2.3 <
choroplethr==3.7.0 | chilemapas==0.3.0
choroplethrAdmin1==1.1.1 | choroplethr==3.7.1
chron==2.3-57 | chromote==0.1.1
chunked==0.6.0 | chron==2.3-58
classInt==0.4-7 | classInt==0.4-8
cli==3.4.0 | cli==3.4.1
clustMixType==0.2-15 <
> cmm==0.12
cobalt==4.4.0 <
cointReg==0.2.0 | collapse==1.8.9
collapse==1.8.8 <
> colorBlindness==0.1.9
> colourvalues==0.3.7
commonmark==1.8.0 | commonmark==1.8.1
compositions==2.0-4 <
confintr==0.1.2 | confintr==0.2.0
> conText==1.1.0
> contrast==0.24.2
> coop==0.6-3
correlation==0.8.2 | corpus==0.10.2
> correlation==0.8.3
coxed==0.3.3 | cpp11==0.4.3
cpp11==0.4.2 | crayon==1.5.2
crayon==1.5.1 <
> creditmodel==1.3.1
> cropcircles==0.1.0
> crosstable==0.5.0
curl==4.3.2 | curl==4.3.3
cvAUC==1.1.4 <
cvTools==0.3.2 <
> d3r==1.0.0
> dagitty==0.3-1
dapr==0.0.3 <
> datapasta==3.1.0
dataRetrieval==2.7.11 <
data.table==1.14.2 | datasauRus==0.1.6
> datasetsICR==1.0
> data.table==1.14.4
datawizard==0.5.1 | datawizard==0.6.2
dbarts==0.9-22 <
deepdive==1.0.4 | deaR==1.3
deflateBR==1.1.2 | debugme==1.1.0
DEoptim==2.2-6 | dendroextras==0.2.3
dgof==1.4 <
> DiceKriging==1.6.0
Dict==0.1.0 | didrooRFM==1.0.0
DIMORA==0.3.0 | DIMORA==0.3.1
dismo==1.3-8 | dismo==1.3-9
> distributions3==0.2.1
> dlm==1.1-5
> doBy==4.6.13
dotCall64==1.0-1 | dotCall64==1.0-2
drc==3.0-1 <
dtw==1.22-3 | dtw==1.23-1
dtwclust==5.5.10 | dtwclust==5.5.11
duckdb==0.5.0 | duckdb==0.5.1
dummy==0.1.3 <
easyr==0.5-9 <
ecm==6.3.0 <
edgar==2.0.5 <
eeptools==1.2.4 | eechidna==1.4.1
effectsize== | effectsize==0.8.0
> elevatr==0.4.2
elo==3.0.1 <
embed==1.0.0 <
EnsCat==1.1 | ensembleR==0.1.0
Epi==2.47 <
> epiR==2.0.52
> epitools==0.5-10.1
> ergm==4.2.3
etm==1.1.1 <
evaluate==0.16 | eva==0.2.6
> evaluate==0.17
eventdataR==0.3.1 <
exact2x2==1.6.6 | Exact==3.2
Exact==3.1 | exactextractr==0.9.0
exactci==1.4-2 <
ExPanDaR==0.5.3 | ExpAnalysis3d==0.1.1
expss==0.11.1 <
> ez==4.4-0
> FAdist==2.4
fanplot==4.0.0 <
faraway==1.0.8 <
farff==1.1.1 <
> fastcluster==1.2.3
fastmatrix==0.4-124 | fastmatrix==0.4-1245
> fedmatch==2.0.5
> fExtremes==4021.83
FFTrees==1.7.0 | FFTrees==1.7.5
fGarch==4021.87 | fGarch==4021.88
filelock==1.0.2 | filehashSQLite==0.2-6
> filematrix==1.3
FinCal==0.6.3 | finetune==1.0.1
finetune==1.0.0 <
fitzRoy==1.1.0 <
fivethirtyeight==0.6.2 <
flashClust==1.01-2 <
flextable==0.8.0 | flextable==0.8.2
forecast==8.17.0 | forecast==8.18
forestplot==2.0.1 <
fredr==2.1.0 <
freqparcoord==1.0.1 <
FRK==2.0.6 <
FSAdata==0.3.9 <
FuzzyR==2.3.2 <
> gee==4.13-24
geofacet==0.2.0 | genridge==0.6.7
> GenSA==1.1.7
> geodist==0.0.7
> geohashTools==0.3.1
> geojson==0.3.4
> geojsonio==0.10.0
> geojsonlint==0.4.0
geoR==1.9-2 <
gert==1.8.0 | geostan==0.4.0
> gert==1.9.1
ggcorrplot==0.1.3 | ggcorrplot==0.1.4
> ggdag==0.2.6
ggforce==0.3.4 | ggforce==0.4.1
ggfx==1.0.1 <
gghighlight==0.3.3 | gghighlight==0.4.0
gglasso==1.5 <
ggnewscale==0.4.7 | ggnetwork==0.5.10
> ggnewscale==0.4.8
> ggparty==1.0.0
ggplotgui==1.0.0 <
ggpmisc==0.5.0 | ggpmisc==0.5.1
ggpp==0.4.4 | ggpp==0.4.5
ggraph==2.0.6 | ggraph==2.1.0
ggridges==0.5.3 | ggridges==0.5.4
ggsignif==0.6.3 | ggsignif==0.6.4
ggsn==0.5.0 <
ggstatsplot==0.9.4 | ggstatsplot==0.9.5
ggtern==3.3.5 | ggstream==0.1.0
ggtext==0.1.1 | ggtext==0.1.2
> ggvoronoi==0.8.5
> githubinstall==0.2.2
glmmTMB==1.1.4 | glmm==1.4.4
> glmmML==1.1.3
> Gmedian==1.2.7
> gmm==1.7
GoFKernel==2.1-1 <
> googleAnalyticsR==1.1.0
> googleAuthR==2.0.0
googlePolylines==0.8.2 <
graphlayouts==0.8.1 | graphlayouts==0.8.2
greybox==1.0.5 | greybox==1.0.6
> grf==2.2.0
gridtext==0.1.4 | gridtext==0.1.5
> grImport==0.9-5
> grImport2==0.2-0
grr==0.9.5 <
gtExtras==0.4.2 <
gtsummary==1.6.1 | gtsummary==1.6.2
gutenbergr==0.2.1 <
h2o== | gWidgets2==1.0-9
> h2o==
HDCI==1.0-2 | hdf5r==1.3.7
hdf5r==1.3.5 <
heatmaply==1.3.0 | heatmaply==1.4.0
heplots==1.3-9 | heplots==1.4-1
hflights==0.1 <
highfrequency==0.9.5 <
> HMM==1.0.1
> hnp==1.2-6
httr2==0.2.1 | httr2==0.2.2
humaniformat==0.6.0 <
hutils==1.8.1 | hydroGOF==0.4-0
> iCellR==1.6.5
igraph==1.3.4 | igraph==1.3.5
imguR==1.0.3 <
> import==1.3.0
insight==0.18.2 | insight==0.18.5
> interactionTest==1.2
> interplot==0.2.3
ipw==1.0-11 <
irlba==2.3.5 | irlba==
isoband==0.2.5 | isoband==0.2.6
ISOcodes==2022.01.10 | ISOcodes==2022.09.29
jmvcore==2.3.12 | jomo==2.7-4
jomo==2.7-3 <
> jqr==1.2.3
jsonlite==1.8.0 | jsonlite==1.8.2
> jsonvalidate==1.3.2
> kerasR==0.8.1
> keyATM==0.4.1
> kgrams==0.1.2
> kinship2==1.9.6
labelled==2.9.1 | labelled==2.10.0
LaF==0.8.4 <
LambertW==0.6.7 | LambertW==0.6.7-1
languageserver==0.3.13 | languageserver==0.3.14
latexpdf==0.1.7 <
> LatticeKrig==8.4
lavaanPlot==0.6.2 <
> leafgl==0.1.1
leafpop==0.1.0 | leafsync==0.1.0
> leaftime==0.2.0
lexRankr==0.5.2 <
librarian==1.8.1 | lidR==4.0.1
lifecycle==1.0.2 | lifecycle==1.0.3
lift==0.0.2 <
> lindia==0.9
> Lock5Data==3.0.0
> logistf==1.24.1
> logspline==2.1.17
> lomb==2.1.0
lpSolve==5.6.16 | LowRankQP==1.0.5
> lpSolve==5.6.17
ltmle==1.2-0 <
lvplot==0.2.0 | lwgeom==0.2-9
lwgeom==0.2-8 <
malariaAtlas==1.0.1 <
manipulate==1.0.1 <
mapmisc==1.8.0 <
mapview==2.11.0 <
MatchIt==4.4.0 <
matlab==1.0.4 <
matrixcalc==1.0-5 | matrixcalc==1.0-6
> matrixNormal==0.1.1
Matrix.utils==0.9.8 <
> mclustcomp==0.3.3
MCMCglmm==2.34 <
> MCMCvis==0.15.5
> Mcomp==2.8
> measurem...
v50 - GPU
[This image will be available on Kaggle Notebooks in the next few days]
== Comparing Rscript /tools/r_list_versions.R | sort ==
abd==0.2-8 <
> academictwitteR==0.3.1
> adagio==0.8.5
> adegenet==2.1.8
admisc==0.29 | admisc==0.30
AFR==0.1.0 | AFR==0.2.1
agridat==1.21 | ahptopsis2n==0.2.0
AICcmodavg==2.3-1 <
> alabama==2022.4-1
> alr4==1.0.6
> ALSM==0.2.0
> amap==0.8-18
anndata== | anndata==
> archive==1.1.5
arrow==9.0.0 | arrow==
asymmetry==2.0.4 <
autocogs==0.1.4 <
> autoFRK==1.4.3
aweek==1.0.2 | aweek==1.0.3
Barnard==1.8 <
barplot3d==1.0.1 <
baseballr==1.3.0 <
> BasketballAnalyzeR==0.5.0
BayesFM==0.1.5 <
bayesGARCH==2.1.10 <
BayesLogit==2.1 <
bayestestR==0.12.1 | bayesrules==0.0.2
> bayestestR==0.13.0
> BayesTree==0.3-1.4
BBmisc==1.12 | BBmisc==1.13
> bdscale==2.0.0
> beanplot==1.3.1
bib2df==1.1.1 | BiasedUrn==1.07
bibtex== | bibtex==0.5.0
> biclustermd==0.2.3
> bioacoustics==0.2.8
Biodem==0.5 <
> bios2mds==1.2.3
> bipartite==2.17
bnlearn==4.7.1 | bnlearn==4.8.1
> Boruta==7.0.0
> bpca==1.3-4
brew==1.0-7 | brew==1.0-8
brms==2.17.0 | brms==2.18.0
> brnn==0.9.2
> broman==0.80
broom.helpers==1.8.0 | broom.helpers==1.9.0
brulee==0.1.0 | brulee==0.2.0
> bst==0.3-23
bupaR==0.5.0 | bubblyr==0.1.2
CADFtest==0.3-3 <
cAIC4==1.0 <
captioner==2.2.3 <
carat==2.0.2 <
cat==0.0-7 <
catdata==1.2.2 <
causaldata==0.1.3 <
> cba==0.2-21
cdparcoord==1.0.1 <
cem==1.1.31 <
changepoint==2.2.3 <
choroplethr==3.7.0 | chilemapas==0.3.0
choroplethrAdmin1==1.1.1 | choroplethr==3.7.1
chron==2.3-57 | chromote==0.1.1
chunked==0.6.0 | chron==2.3-58
classInt==0.4-7 | classInt==0.4-8
cli==3.4.0 | cli==3.4.1
clustMixType==0.2-15 <
> cmm==0.12
cobalt==4.4.0 <
cointReg==0.2.0 | collapse==1.8.9
collapse==1.8.8 <
> colorBlindness==0.1.9
> colourvalues==0.3.7
commonmark==1.8.0 | commonmark==1.8.1
compositions==2.0-4 <
confintr==0.1.2 | confintr==0.2.0
> conText==1.1.0
> contrast==0.24.2
> coop==0.6-3
correlation==0.8.2 | corpus==0.10.2
> correlation==0.8.3
coxed==0.3.3 | cpp11==0.4.3
cpp11==0.4.2 | crayon==1.5.2
crayon==1.5.1 <
> creditmodel==1.3.1
> cropcircles==0.1.0
> crosstable==0.5.0
curl==4.3.2 | curl==4.3.3
cvAUC==1.1.4 <
cvTools==0.3.2 <
> d3r==1.0.0
> dagitty==0.3-1
dapr==0.0.3 <
> datapasta==3.1.0
dataRetrieval==2.7.11 <
data.table==1.14.2 | datasauRus==0.1.6
> datasetsICR==1.0
> data.table==1.14.4
datawizard==0.5.1 | datawizard==0.6.2
dbarts==0.9-22 <
deepdive==1.0.4 | deaR==1.3
deflateBR==1.1.2 | debugme==1.1.0
DEoptim==2.2-6 | dendroextras==0.2.3
dgof==1.4 <
> DiceKriging==1.6.0
Dict==0.1.0 | didrooRFM==1.0.0
DIMORA==0.3.0 | DIMORA==0.3.1
dismo==1.3-8 | dismo==1.3-9
> distributions3==0.2.1
> dlm==1.1-5
> doBy==4.6.13
dotCall64==1.0-1 | dotCall64==1.0-2
drc==3.0-1 <
dtw==1.22-3 | dtw==1.23-1
dtwclust==5.5.10 | dtwclust==5.5.11
duckdb==0.5.0 | duckdb==0.5.1
dummy==0.1.3 <
easyr==0.5-9 <
ecm==6.3.0 <
edgar==2.0.5 <
eeptools==1.2.4 | eechidna==1.4.1
effectsize== | effectsize==0.8.0
> elevatr==0.4.2
elo==3.0.1 <
embed==1.0.0 <
EnsCat==1.1 | ensembleR==0.1.0
Epi==2.47 <
> epiR==2.0.52
> epitools==0.5-10.1
> ergm==4.2.3
etm==1.1.1 <
evaluate==0.16 | eva==0.2.6
> evaluate==0.17
eventdataR==0.3.1 <
exact2x2==1.6.6 | Exact==3.2
Exact==3.1 | exactextractr==0.9.0
exactci==1.4-2 <
ExPanDaR==0.5.3 | ExpAnalysis3d==0.1.1
expss==0.11.1 <
> ez==4.4-0
> FAdist==2.4
fanplot==4.0.0 <
faraway==1.0.8 <
farff==1.1.1 <
> fastcluster==1.2.3
fastmatrix==0.4-124 | fastmatrix==0.4-1245
> fedmatch==2.0.5
> fExtremes==4021.83
FFTrees==1.7.0 | FFTrees==1.7.5
fGarch==4021.87 | fGarch==4021.88
filelock==1.0.2 | filehashSQLite==0.2-6
> filematrix==1.3
FinCal==0.6.3 | finetune==1.0.1
finetune==1.0.0 <
fitzRoy==1.1.0 <
fivethirtyeight==0.6.2 <
flashClust==1.01-2 <
flextable==0.8.0 | flextable==0.8.2
forecast==8.17.0 | forecast==8.18
forestplot==2.0.1 <
fredr==2.1.0 <
freqparcoord==1.0.1 <
FRK==2.0.6 <
FSAdata==0.3.9 <
FuzzyR==2.3.2 <
> gee==4.13-24
geofacet==0.2.0 | genridge==0.6.7
> GenSA==1.1.7
> geodist==0.0.7
> geohashTools==0.3.1
> geojson==0.3.4
> geojsonio==0.10.0
> geojsonlint==0.4.0
geoR==1.9-2 <
gert==1.8.0 | geostan==0.4.0
> gert==1.9.1
ggcorrplot==0.1.3 | ggcorrplot==0.1.4
> ggdag==0.2.6
ggforce==0.3.4 | ggforce==0.4.1
ggfx==1.0.1 <
gghighlight==0.3.3 | gghighlight==0.4.0
gglasso==1.5 <
ggnewscale==0.4.7 | ggnetwork==0.5.10
> ggnewscale==0.4.8
> ggparty==1.0.0
ggplotgui==1.0.0 <
ggpmisc==0.5.0 | ggpmisc==0.5.1
ggpp==0.4.4 | ggpp==0.4.5
ggraph==2.0.6 | ggraph==2.1.0
ggridges==0.5.3 | ggridges==0.5.4
ggsignif==0.6.3 | ggsignif==0.6.4
ggsn==0.5.0 <
ggstatsplot==0.9.4 | ggstatsplot==0.9.5
ggtern==3.3.5 | ggstream==0.1.0
ggtext==0.1.1 | ggtext==0.1.2
> ggvoronoi==0.8.5
> githubinstall==0.2.2
glmmTMB==1.1.4 | glmm==1.4.4
> glmmML==1.1.3
> Gmedian==1.2.7
> gmm==1.7
GoFKernel==2.1-1 <
> googleAnalyticsR==1.1.0
> googleAuthR==2.0.0
googlePolylines==0.8.2 <
graphlayouts==0.8.1 | graphlayouts==0.8.2
greybox==1.0.5 | greybox==1.0.6
> grf==2.2.0
gridtext==0.1.4 | gridtext==0.1.5
> grImport==0.9-5
> grImport2==0.2-0
grr==0.9.5 <
gtExtras==0.4.2 <
gtsummary==1.6.1 | gtsummary==1.6.2
gutenbergr==0.2.1 <
h2o== | gWidgets2==1.0-9
> h2o==
HDCI==1.0-2 | hdf5r==1.3.7
hdf5r==1.3.5 <
heatmaply==1.3.0 | heatmaply==1.4.0
heplots==1.3-9 | heplots==1.4-1
hflights==0.1 <
highfrequency==0.9.5 <
> HMM==1.0.1
> hnp==1.2-6
httr2==0.2.1 | httr2==0.2.2
humaniformat==0.6.0 <
hutils==1.8.1 | hydroGOF==0.4-0
> iCellR==1.6.5
igraph==1.3.4 | igraph==1.3.5
imguR==1.0.3 <
> import==1.3.0
insight==0.18.2 | insight==0.18.5
> interactionTest==1.2
> interplot==0.2.3
ipw==1.0-11 <
irlba==2.3.5 | irlba==
isoband==0.2.5 | isoband==0.2.6
ISOcodes==2022.01.10 | ISOcodes==2022.09.29
jmvcore==2.3.12 | jomo==2.7-4
jomo==2.7-3 <
> jqr==1.2.3
jsonlite==1.8.0 | jsonlite==1.8.2
> jsonvalidate==1.3.2
> kerasR==0.8.1
> keyATM==0.4.1
> kgrams==0.1.2
> kinship2==1.9.6
labelled==2.9.1 | labelled==2.10.0
LaF==0.8.4 <
LambertW==0.6.7 | LambertW==0.6.7-1
languageserver==0.3.13 | languageserver==0.3.14
latexpdf==0.1.7 <
> LatticeKrig==8.4
lavaanPlot==0.6.2 <
> leafgl==0.1.1
leafpop==0.1.0 | leafsync==0.1.0
> leaftime==0.2.0
lexRankr==0.5.2 <
librarian==1.8.1 | lidR==4.0.1
lifecycle==1.0.2 | lifecycle==1.0.3
lift==0.0.2 <
> lindia==0.9
> Lock5Data==3.0.0
> logistf==1.24.1
> logspline==2.1.17
> lomb==2.1.0
lpSolve==5.6.16 | LowRankQP==1.0.5
> lpSolve==5.6.17
ltmle==1.2-0 <
lvplot==0.2.0 | lwgeom==0.2-9
lwgeom==0.2-8 <
malariaAtlas==1.0.1 <
manipulate==1.0.1 <
mapmisc==1.8.0 <
mapview==2.11.0 <
MatchIt==4.4.0 <
matlab==1.0.4 <
matrixcalc==1.0-5 | matrixcalc==1.0-6
> matrixNormal==0.1.1
Matrix.utils==0.9.8 <
> mclustcomp==0.3.3
MCMCglmm==2.34 <
> MCMCvis==0.15.5
> Mcomp==2.8
> me...
v52 - CPU
[This image will be available on Kaggle Notebooks in the next few days]
== Comparing Rscript /tools/r_list_versions.R | sort ==
> abess==0.4.6
abjutils==0.3.2 <
academictwitteR==0.3.1 <
AcceptanceSampling==1.0-8 <
adegenet==2.1.8 | adegraphics==1.0-16
afex==1.2-0 | afex==1.2-1
> agridat==1.21
alabama==2022.4-1 <
> altair==4.2.1
> andrews==1.1.0
ANN2==2.3.4 <
anndata== <
> aplore3==0.9
aricode==1.0.1 | argonDash==0.2.0
> argonR==0.2.0
> aricode==1.0.2
> arulesSequences==0.2-28
astsa==1.16 | astsa==2.0
autoencoder==1.1 | automap==1.0-16
autothresholdr==1.4.0 <
> bacondecomp==0.1.1
basefun==1.1-3 | basecamb==1.1.0
BatchGetSymbols==2.6.4 <
> bayesforecast==1.0.1
BB==2019.10-1 <
BDEsize==1.6 | bcp==4.0.3
BDgraph==2.71 <
bdscale==2.0.0 <
> bezier==1.1.2
biganalytics==1.1.21 <
billboarder==0.3.1 | billboarder==0.4.0
bindr==0.1.1 <
bindrcpp==0.2.2 <
> binom==1.1-1.1
BiodiversityR==2.14-4 | BiodiversityR==2.15-1
bios2mds==1.2.3 <
> BMisc==1.4.5
BMS==0.3.5 <
bookdown==0.31 | bookdown==0.32
> BradleyTerry2==1.1-2
breakDown==0.2.1 | brew==1.0-6
brew==1.0-8 <
broom==1.0.1 | brolgar==0.1.2
broom.helpers==1.10.0 | broom==1.0.2
> broom.helpers==1.11.0
brulee==0.2.0 <
bslib==0.4.1 | bslib==0.4.2
bst==0.3-23 <
butcher==0.3.0 | bundle==0.1.0
> butcher==0.3.1
captioner==2.2.3 <
CARBayesdata==3.0 | caracas==1.1.2
CARBayesST==3.3 <
care==1.1.11 <
> cartography==3.0.1
> CBPS==0.23
cclust==0.6-25 <
> cheatsheet==0.1.0
choroplethrAdmin1==1.1.1 <
cli==3.4.1 | cli==3.6.0
> clinspacy==1.0.2
clustMixType==0.2-15 | ClustGeo==2.1
> cmfrec==3.5.0
cobalt==4.4.1 <
collapse==1.8.9 | collapse==1.9.0
collapsibleTree==0.1.7 | collections==0.3.7
collections==0.3.6 <
colorBlindness==0.1.9 <
colourvalues==0.3.7 <
compareGroups==4.6.0 | compare==0.2-6
comprehenr==0.6.10 <
concatenate==1.0.0 <
coneproj==1.16 <
> contrast==0.24.2
corpus==0.10.2 <
COUNT==1.3.4 <
coxphf==1.13.1 <
curl==4.3.3 | curl==5.0.0
> d3Tree==0.2.2
> dae==3.2-14
DALEX==2.4.2 | DALEX==2.4.3
DatabionicSwarm==1.1.6 | dapr==0.0.3
datapasta==3.1.0 <
dataPreparation==1.0.5 <
> datarobot==2.18.2
datawizard==0.6.4 | datawizard==0.6.5
date==1.2-40 | date==1.2-41
datetime==0.1.4 <
dbplot==0.3.3 | dbplyr==2.3.0
dbplyr==2.2.1 <
> ddalpha==1.3.13
deaR==1.3.2 | deaR==1.3.3
decido==0.3.0 <
DeclareDesign==1.0.0 <
deepregression==0.3.1 | deepnet==0.2.1
DepthProc==2.1.5 <
> derivmkts==0.2.5
devEMF==4.1-1 | devEMF==4.2
DFA==0.9.0 <
> dgof==1.4
> did==2.1.2
DIMORA==0.3.1 | DIMORA==0.3.3
> discretization==1.0-1.1
distrEx==2.9.0 <
> distrom==1.0.1
dlr==1.0.1 <
> doBy==4.6.15
> dodgr==0.2.19
> donut==1.0.2
doRNG==1.8.2 | doRNG==1.8.6
DoubleML==0.5.2 <
dplR==1.7.4 <
> DRDID==1.0.4
> dreamerr==1.2.3
DT==0.26 | DT==0.27
duckdb==0.6.1 | duckdb==0.6.2
easypackages==0.1.0 | easyr==0.5-10
edfReader==1.2.1 <
> eeptools==1.2.4
> EffectStars==1.9-1
emojifont==0.5.5 | energy==1.7-11
energy==1.7-10 <
> EnsCat==1.1
epiR==2.0.54 | epiR==2.0.56
eplusr==0.15.3 <
epwshiftr==0.1.3 <
> ergm.count==4.1.1
evaluate==0.19 | evaluate==0.20
ExpAnalysis3d==0.1.1 | ExcelFunctionsR==0.1.4
expm==0.999-6 | explore==1.0.2
ExPosition==2.8.23 | expm==0.999-7
fabricatr==1.0.0 | fanplot==4.0.0
facebookadsR==0.1.0 <
fairness==1.2.2 <
> faraway==1.0.8
fasterize==1.0.4 <
fCopulae==4021.84 | fCopulae==4022.85
fdapace==0.5.9 <
> featurizer==0.2
FFTrees==1.7.5 | FFTrees==1.8.0
filesstrings==3.2.3 | finalfit==1.0.6
finalfit==1.0.5 <
fishualize==0.2.3 <
fivethirtyeight==0.6.2 | fixest==0.11.1
flexsurv==2.2 <
fmsb==0.7.4 | fmsb==0.7.5
fNonlinear==4021.81 <
forecast==8.19 | forecast==8.20
> forecastML==0.9.0
formatR==1.12 | formatR==1.14
fpc==2.2-9 | fpc==2.2-10
fpow==0.0-2 <
> FRK==2.1.3
> frontier==1.1-8
> FSinR==2.0.5
fstcore==0.9.12 | fstcore==0.9.14
funprog==0.3.0 <
funtimes==9.0 <
future==1.29.0 | future==1.30.0
fy==0.3.0 | fuzzywuzzyR==1.0.5
> gamlr==1.13-7
gap==1.3-1 | gap==1.5
gapmap==0.1.0 <
> gCat==0.2
gdalcubes==0.6.2 | gdalUtilities==1.2.3
gdalUtilities==1.2.2 <
gdtools==0.2.4 | gdtools==0.3.0
> genalg==0.2.1
> GenBinomApps==1.2
GeneralizedUmatrix==1.2.5 <
genridge==0.6.7 <
> geobr==1.7.0
> geodata==0.5-3
geojsonR==1.1.0 | geojsonR==1.1.1
geostan==0.4.1 <
> gfonts==0.2.0
ggbeeswarm==0.6.0 | ggbeeswarm==0.7.1
ggbump==0.1.0 | ggblanket==1.6.2
> ggcharts==0.2.1
ggdag==0.2.7 <
gginnards==0.1.1 | gginference==0.1.3
> ggjoy==0.4.1
> ggmice==0.0.1
> ggnetwork==0.5.10
ggpmisc==0.5.1 | ggpmisc==0.5.2
ggQC==0.0.31 <
ggsn==0.5.0 | ggsoccer==0.1.7
> ggstatsplot==0.10.0
ggTimeSeries==1.0.2 <
> ggversa==0.0.1
> git2r==0.30.1
> glmmTMB==1.1.5
glmnetUtils==1.1.8 <
glmtoolbox==0.1.4 <
gmapsdistance==4.0.0 <
gmm==1.7 <
> googleAnalyticsR==1.1.0
> googleAuthR==2.0.0
> googlePolylines==0.8.2
gower==1.0.0 | googleway==2.7.6
> gower==1.0.1
> GpGp==0.4.0
graphframes==0.1.2 <
graphicalVAR==0.3 <
greybox==1.0.6 | greybox==1.0.7
grf==2.2.0 | grf==2.2.1
> grImport==0.9-5
> grImport2==0.2-0
> gTests==0.2
gtsummary==1.6.3 | gtsummary==1.7.0
> GUILDS==1.4.5
> gutenbergr==0.2.3
> GWmodel==2.2-9
HardyWeinberg==1.7.5 | harrypotter==2.1.1
heatmaply==1.4.0 | heatmaply==1.4.2
hflights==0.1 <
HiddenMarkov==1.8-13 <
highr==0.9 | highr==0.10
HistogramTools==0.3.2 <
> hopkins==1.0
> housingData==0.3.0
> hqreg==1.4
HRW==1.0-5 | hrqglas==1.0.1
htmlwidgets==1.5.4 | htmlwidgets==1.6.1
> httpcache==1.2.0
httpuv==1.6.6 | httpuv==1.6.8
hutils==1.8.1 | huxtable==5.5.2
huxtable==5.5.1 <
hypr==0.2.3 <
icesTAF==4.0.0 | icesTAF==4.0.2
ijtiff==2.2.9 | imager==0.42.16
imager==0.42.13 | imagerExtra==1.3.2
import==1.3.0 <
ingredients==2.2.0 | ingredients==2.3.0
InspectChangepoint==1.2 <
insurancerating==0.7.1 | insurancerating==0.7.2
intsvy==2.6 <
isoband==0.2.6 | isoband==0.2.7
itsmr==1.10 <
Jmisc== <
KernelKnn==1.1.4 | KernelKnn==1.1.5
> KFAS==1.4.6
> kmed==0.4.2
landsat==1.1.0 | languageserver==0.3.15
languageserver==0.3.14 | LaplacesDemon==16.1.6
latexpdf==0.1.7 <
lava==1.7.0 | lava==1.7.1
lavaan==0.6-12 | lavaan==0.6-13
> leaflet.extras==1.0.0
> leafpm==0.1.0
> learnr==0.11.2
lessR==4.2.4 | lessR==4.2.5
lhs==1.1.5 | lhs==1.1.6
lidaRtRee==4.0.3 | lidR==4.0.2
lidR==4.0.1 <
> lindia==0.9
> linkprediction==1.0-0
listenv==0.8.0 | listenv==0.9.0
> listviewer==3.0.0
> lmomco==2.4.7
> Lmoments==1.3-1
lmridge==1.2.1 <
locfdr==1.1-8 <
> locpol==0.8.0
logisticPCA==0.2 <
logKDE==0.3.2 <
> lomb==2.1.0
> longitudinalData==2.4.1
lunar==0.2-1 <
lwgeom==0.2-10 | lwgeom==0.2-11
> mapedit==0.6.0
mapproj==1.2.9 | mapproj==1.2.11
maptools==1.1-5 | maptools==1.1-6
> maptpx==1.9-7
> MBA==0.1-0
> mco==1.15.6
mctest==1.3.1 <
> mdsr==0.2.7
> measurementProtocol==0.1.0
memery==0.5.6 <
> memuse==4.2-2
meta==6.0-0 | meta==6.1-0
> metaviz==0.3.1
mets==1.3.1 | mets==1.3.2
miceadds==3.15-21 | micEcon==0.6-18
midasr==0.8 <
mildsvm==0.4.0 <