📚 Learning and Implementing the MERN Stack
Welcome to my MERN Stack Learning repository! 🚀 This repository contains all the projects, notes, and exercises as I progress through the Delta Course by Apna College.
The Delta course by Apna College focuses on building a strong foundation in the MERN Stack, comprising:
- M: MongoDB (Database)
- E: Express.js (Backend Framework)
- R: React.js (Frontend Library)
- N: Node.js (Runtime Environment)
It provides a hands-on approach to mastering full-stack development with real-world projects and problem-solving sessions.
- Frontend: React.js, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Database: MongoDB
- Tools & Platforms: Git, GitHub, VS Code
Here’s a glimpse of the projects completed in this course:
To-Do List Application
- Description: A simple CRUD application to manage daily tasks.
- Tech: React.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB.
Authentication System
- Description: User registration and login functionality with JWT-based authentication.
- Tech: React.js, Node.js, MongoDB.
Note: Check out the directory for the source code and detailed documentation for each project.
To clone this repository and explore the projects locally:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Kevindua26/Mern-Stack.git