Second Website - Landing-page style
Development of an website prototype featuring a minimalist portfolio style.
๐ค Understanding:
- Add GSAP & JavaScript animations.
๐ค Learning:
- Deepen my knowledge of HTML & CSS and maintain good syntax.
- Deepen my knowledge further on how animations work in JavaScript & GSAP.
- Make the responsiveness more intricate and adaptable.
- Above all, practice and enhance my skills.
This second website allows me to enhance responsiveness and dynamism on simple elements like texts. The purpose of this second site is to implement various dynamic ideas "from Scratch". I was able to add a more modern and dynamic navigation. The site is still in progress; I will refine it gradually, but I do not plan to add other pages (such as contact, portfolio, etc.). I want this second site to remain as a single animated landing page with a certain visual aesthetic. The responsiveness is actually better managed in this project than in "WebsiteOne". I managed to add a fairly decent responsiveness to this project.
Here are different features that I have implemented in the project:
+ Currently in development
+ Currently in development
+ Currently in development
+ Currently in development
+ Currently in development
- Add more animations using JavaScript & GSAP.
- Experiment with integration tests of Three.js or WebGL.
- Revise the overall visual style with new font tests.
- Download or clone it the folder from the project and unzip it.
- Open the WebsiteTwo folder with a code editor of your choice.
- Launch the file
in your browser locally (you can use extensions such as Live Server, Live Preview, etc.).