Based on tcp-server-client-implementation-in-c
Data is read from input_file.txt Log is written to message_log.txt
rm -r build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build .
./client "input_file.txt"
For example
Content of file.txt
hello world
for i in {1..15}; do cat file.txt file.txt > file2.txt && mv file2.txt file.txt; done
- one client - read data from file - input_file.txt
- on server - write message from client into file - message log
read all file content - not just first line -
demonize process -
check demonizing -
try to send very big file - with size near 1 ml bytes -
serverc 63 не засовывается из text в buff -
add support for client argv[] - input file name -
upscrew (turn on) demonizing - signal handling stops only on the second client call - how to fix it? - think that change position on signal handling part