Official implementation of SimpliMix: A Simplified Manifold Mixup for Few-shot Point Cloud Classification
(accepted by WACV 2024).
This project is built upon the following environment:
- Install Python 3.7
- Install CUDA 11.0
- Install PyTorch 1.10.2
The package requirements include:
- pytorch==1.10.2
- tqdm==4.63.1
- tensorboard==2.8.0
- Download ModelNet40
- Download ModelNet40-C from Google Drive. In our experiments, we only use the LiDAR corruption pattern.
- Download ScanObjectNN
- Download ShapeNet
Train protonet in the 5-way 1-shot setting on the ModelNet40 dataset:
python --dataset modelnet40 --fs_head protonet --backbone dgcnn --k_way 5 --n_shot 1
Train protonet with simplimix in the 5-way 1-shot setting on the ModelNet40 dataset:
python --dataset modelnet40 --fs_head protonet --backbone dgcnn_mm4 --k_way 5 --n_shot 1
python --train False