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Li, Xizhi edited this page Dec 8, 2017 · 2 revisions

Tatfook Network Inc.

备注: 分成了产品和技术两个模块介绍。 未来几天会争取给重要章节配置图片或演示动画。

Tatfook Network Inc. is a high tech software company offering creative tools for everyone. 

Keep Your Public Work On The Web We have combined our easy-to-use software and services into one web platform called Everyone can create websites, 3d animations or interactive apps, and keep them online for free and forever.

You are free to use all of our software and core services as long as you open source like us. Only your private online work is charged at an affordable price.


Create Your Own Website

Create Stunning Website With Natural Language We have built powerful online tools for creating open-sourced websites, diagrams, 3d animations alongside millions of others.

  • use natural language to write web pages: we use an extended markdown format with plenty of interactive tools to create feature-rich websites without polluting your text with styles and HTML markups.
  • online editor: create anywhere on any device even when without an Internet connection.
  • hundreds of creative tools: image, video, diagrams, 3d models, menus, slides, etc.
  • customizable URL: you have total control of your page URL and your domain name via CNAME.
  • free for open source users: one click to see the code behind each page you saw on keepwork.

we Keep your Work safe

You fully own your data, we keep your work safe using Git with three copies The styles and text of your website are separated. Users can also use a thirty-party data source for storing online data besides ours. But we try to offer the best storage service of public data for free:

  • Git Cloud Storage: we use GIT, the most widely used version control system to store your data.
  • Customizable Data Source: support GitHub, GitLab and other git storage types besides ours.
  • CDN for all your public data: CDN service is offered free of charge when you use our default git cloud service.
  • You own your data: advanced users can backup and manage your data with git commands.

Create 3D Animations

Free 3D Animation Software for Everyone Paracraft is a free movie-making tool for everyone. In paracraft, anyone above 7 years old can create arbitrary animations and interactive virtual worlds using blocks. You can create 3d scenes or animated characters from scratch, make animations, 3d movies, or learn how to code and publish your digital works. Paracraft is open source and written in NPL with built-in debuggers and code editors.

  • Using blocks to create 3d models and scenes
  • Use bone blocks to define joints
  • Convert blocks into BMAX models
  • BMAX models can be used as any other blocks or as actors in a movie block
  • Use movie block to create animations with camera, actors, subtitles, music track, and event other movie blocks, etc.
  • Role-play actors to record physical animations over time like walking and jumping, etc.
  • Tweak joints directly on a separate animation channel
  • Connect movie blocks to play in sequence
  • Free and Open source

Learn NPL Programming

All of our software is written in Neural Parallel Language or NPL. Learn programming with NPL We wrote the website, its database server, the paracraft software, all in NPL.

  • NPL is a general-purpose open-source language. Its syntax is 100% compatible with Lua.
  • NPLRuntime includes a built-in full-fledged 3D computer game engine, called ParaEngine. It provides essential functionality for building 3D/2D/Web/Server applications.
  • NPL provides rich C/C++ API and large collections of libraries written in NPL.
  • NPL is a single language solution for advanced and interactive GUI, complex opengl/DirectX 3D graphics, scalable webserver, fast database and distributed software frameworks. It is cross-platform, high performance, extensible and debuggable.
  • NPL is a language initially designed in 2004 to simulate the brain. File nodes and connections are ubiquitous; programmers no longer need to touch threading or low-level networking logics to write complex networked applications.
  • NPL can mix user-mode preemptive and non-preemptive code, a single thread can simulate tens of thousands of virtual concurrent code, like concurrency of Erlang.
  • NPL is a weakly-typed scripting language, yet with approaching C/C++ speed thanks to luajit, and can call C/C++ functions with almost zero cost with ffi or file activation.

Learn CAD (Computer Aided Design)

Try Our NPL Programming Oriented CAD Software With some knowledge of programming, one can learn to do professional CAD design with just code files. We are constantly extending our CAD code libraries and making it easier to use and debug. It only takes 30 minutes for a general programmer to self-learn and master NPL CAD. Do not waste time in complex and changing user interface, code is your best and most stable friend.

Open Platform for Future Education

We build KeepWork with Our Vision of Self-directed Learning and Future Education in Mind

  • We teach three languages: Chinese, English, and Programming Languages. We hope more children can use programming languages throughout their lives for content creation.
  • We co-founded a Self-Learning College with Beijing Open University, where you learn by yourself and you assess by yourself.
  • We held PAC or Paracraft Animation Contest twice a year. Anyone can submit their open source works created by paracraft or NPL. It is a major event in our design of future education.

Visit App Center for More Tools

We Continuously Add New Tool and Services to Our App Center

Who is Using it

Students, teachers and companies

Core Technology And Assets

Core Infrastructure

  • Neural Parallel Language:
    • NPL or Neural Parallel Language is an open source, fast, general-purpose scripting language. Its syntax is 100%-compatible with lua. NPL runtime provides essential functionality for building 3D/2D/Server applications that runs on windows/Mac/linux/android/iOS. NPL can mix user-mode preemptive and non-preemptive code. It gives you the concurrency of Erlang and speed of Java/C++ in the same dynamic and weakly-typed language.
    • npl packages:
  • ParaEngine: a Distributed 3D Computer Game Engine:
    • General Purpose Open Source 3D Graphics Engine, featuring a Powerful Voxel Block Rendering System. All ParaEngine API is exposed via NPL, it is now part of the NPLRuntime.
  • TableDB: Yet Another Database System Written in NPL:
    • Super High-Performance Relational and Key/Value Database System For Local or Cloud Applications. It Supports RAFT Consensus protocol and included in NPL main package by default.
  • Web Site Builder and Git Cloud Storage:
    • We have combined our best creative tools and visions of future education into one web platform. We are integrating knowledge engine into it and leveraging it into a conscious software for everyone and everyday use. We define conscious software as a processing tool to digitalize our brain (knowledge) bit by bit into the public Internet.
  • AI Algorithms based on Similarity Theory
    • Written in NPL, this is what powers our autonomous animation system in paracraft. NPL language is initially designed to write human-level artificial intelligence algorithms in a 3d virtual environment. The more user creations, the more data we collect for our AI.

Software Tools For Personal Creation

  • ParaCraft 3D Animation Software:
    • In paracraft, anyone above 7 years old can create arbitrary animations and interactive virtual worlds using blocks。You can create 3d scenes or animated characters from scratch, make animations, 3d movies, or learn how to code and publish your digital works. Paracraft is open source and written in NPL, with built-in debuggers and code editors.
  • Magic Haqi:
    • Magic Haqi is a free/paid 3D MMORPG launched in November 2009, allowing kids to play, create and share 3d worlds. It has over 5 million registered users and tens of thousands of user-created 3d worlds in China.
  • NPL CAD: Using Only NPL Code to Do CAD:
    • With some knowledge of programming, one can learn to do professional CAD design with just code files. We are constantly extending our CAD code libraries and making it easier to use and debug. It only takes 30 minutes for a general programmer to self-learn and master NPL CAD. Do not waste time in complex and changing user interface, code is your best and most stable friend.
  • 3D Printing Service integrated in Paracraft:

Future Education

  • 3D Campus:
    • over two hundreds universities in China has been brought online by undergraduate students using Paracraft with precise geographical information. We will officially launch 3D campus in Sep 2018 as our social platform in schools. The community in schools will help us promote keepwork in the long run.
  • Paracraft Animation Contest:
    • PAC or Paracraft Animation Contest is held twice a year. Anyone can submit their open-sourced animations or interactive worlds created by paracraft or NPL. It is a major event in our design of self-directed education, and we aim to make it a National/International event in the next 5 years.
  • Logitow: storing telling blocks:
  • Cofounded a Self-Learning College with Beijing Open University

Health And Chinese Medicine

Other Projects in Development for KeepWork

  • The New Chinese Encyclopedia: unless wikipedia where each page is curated by all Internet users, we will build the new wiki using large numbers of personal wiki websites on
  • Paracraft Community Edition
  • Virtual Earth
  • Teaching Platform

More projects from remote teams:

Roadmap Of NPL

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