Welcome to the Mastermind Game! This project is a web-based implementation of the classic code-breaking game, Mastermind.
- Mastermind Game
Mastermind is a player-versus-computer game where the player has ten tries to guess the four-digit secret code created by the computer. This project provides a web interface for playing the game, with a backend server to handle game logic.
- Start a new game
- Submit guesses and receive feedback
- Track the number of attempts and guess history
- Display feedback and guess history to the player
- Track the seconds it takes to win or lose
- Game ends after max number of attempts made or a win
- Frontend: React.js
- Backend: Flask (Python)
- HTTP Client: Axios
- Styling: CSS
- Node.js and npm
- Python and pip
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/LilLoveBytes/mastermind-game-li.git cd mastermind-game-li
Create a virtual environment
cd mastermind-game-li/backend python3 -m venv venv
Activate virtual environment
- On macOS/Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
- On Windows:
Install backend dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install frontend dependencies
cd ../frontend npm install
- Navigate to the backend directory:
cd ../backend
- Set debug mode to off:
export FLASK_DEBUG=0
- Start the Flask server:
flask run
- Navigate to the frontend directory:
cd ../frontend
- Start the React development server:
npm start
- Option 1: Through the browser
- After starting the Flask server and the React development server, open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to play the game utilizing a simple UI on the webpage. Note: the secret combo will be logged to the terminal where Flask server is running, but it will not be exposed to the user on the web browser.
- Option 2: Postman API Request
- After starting the Flask server, you can use Postman to send POST requests to http://localhost:5000 to interact directly with the backend. Note: using Postman will expose the secret combo. Refer to the API section below for more information. If encountering 500/503 errors, retry after quiting and restarting the Flask server.
Method: POST
Description: initializes a new game session
Request Body: None
Response Example:
{ "message": "New game started", "secret_combo": [ 0, 1, 4, 3 ] }
Method: POST
Description: submits a guess and returns feedback
Request Body:
{ "guess": "1234" }
Response Example:
{ "feedback": "Your guess [1237] has 2 correct numbers, with 0 in the correct position.", "history": { "guesses": [ "7556", "1234", "1237" ], "message": "You've made 3 guess(es) so far and have 7 attempt(s) remaining." }, "message": "Guess submitted" }
Response Example:
{ "feedback": "You've guessed the correct combination in 87 seconds. You win!", "history": { "guesses": [ "7556", "1234", "1237", "0143" ], "message": "You've made 4 guess(es) so far and have 6 attempt(s) remaining." }, "message": "Guess submitted" }
The backend tests are written using the unittest
module in Python. These tests ensure that the game logic and API endpoints work as expected.
To run the backend test, navigate to the backend
directory and use the following command:
PYTHONPATH=backend python -m unittest discover -s backend/app/tests
This command sets the PYTHONPATH
to include the backend
directory and runs the tests using the unittest
discovery mechanism.
The backend of this project is build using Flask, a lightweight framework in Python. The backend handles the game logic and API endpoints.
- backend/
- app/
- models/
: Contains the game logic and functions for handling game state, guesses, and feedback.
- routes/
: Defines the Flask routes for starting a new game and submitting a guess
: Initializes Flask application, sets up configurations, and registers blueprints.requirements.txt
: Lists the Python dependencies required for the backend.
- models/
- app/
The frontend of this project is built using React.js. It provides the user interface for interacting with this game.
- frontend/
- public/
- src/
- components/
: Handles the game interface, including button to start a game, form for submiting guesses, and button to display feedback.
: Sets up the main structure of the application.index.js
: Entry point for the React applicationpackage.json
: Lists the JavaScript dependencies and scripts for the frontend.
- components/
I plan to enhance this game by adding difficulity levels. The current configuration will be considered the "Normal" level. In the "Hard" level, players will attempt to guess a six-digit number in five or fewer attempts and in less than 180 seconds. Players will be able to select their difficulty level at the start of a new game and see the timer count down from 3 minutes.