coloful notifications on a decorative cube
flash the firmware located in /firmware
using esptool
like this --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash -fm dio 0x00000 nodemcu_ncube_20201116.bin
upload the lua files
npm run upload
upload the lfs image
alias nu="node ./node_modules/nodemcu-tool/bin/nodemcu-tool.js"
nu upload lfs.img
nu terminal
node.setpartitiontable{lfs_size = 0x20000, spiffs_addr = 0x120000, spiffs_size = 0x20000}
booting for the first time will create a wifi network called nCube_xxx
where xxx stands for your device id. Connect to the network to setup your wifi connection using the nodemcu enduser setup.
to re-enable EUS connect D1
to gnd
during boot.
If this does not work for some reason you can clear the wifi config manually like this
nu remove eus_params.lua
nu terminal