This is a simple example application inspired by the DiningByFriends application in the book Graph Databases in Action (published in Manning)
This application is using the Mathema.Bytecode4CosmosDB nuget package (prerelease:
Before you can run the App you have to create a Graph DB in Cosmos DB and modify the following properties accordingly:
private const string partitionKey = "TODO"; //must be the same as in the CosmosDB collection without the leading "/"
//... in the main method:
string cosmosHostname = "Your URL"; // Enter your Graph DB URL
int cosmosPort = 443;
string cosmosAuthKey = "Your auth key"; // Enter your Authkey here
string cosmosDatabase = "your database"; // Enter your Database
string cosmosCollection = "your collection"; // Enter your Collection
string cosmosHostname = "";
int cosmosPort = 443;
string cosmosAuthKey = "... ... ... ... ==";
string cosmosDatabase = "graphdb";
string cosmosCollection = "Persons";