Data Encryption Standard for fun
This is my own implementation of DES, to get some experience with working with bit operations and as an introduction to Encyrption. I used the following website as a guide:
###Key This section generate the different subkeys from a given key to use for encrypting and decrypting data.
###Encode Will contain the main method used for encrypting and decrypting data.
###Encode/Permutation Implementation of the intitial and final permutations performed during the encoding of 64 bit words.
###Encode/Feistel Contains implementation of the Feistel function. This includes expansion and supstitution steps.
###Encode/Feistel/Expansion Code to expand 32 bits to 48 using a simple permutaion table.
###Encode/Feistel/Substitution Code to implement the substitution process during which 48 bits gets reduced to 32 bits.
###bittables Contains some python scritpts used to generate lookuptables for the different permutations performed in the various steps of encription.
Feel free to comment on improving at [email protected]