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Social Networking App

Before running the app assuming that python 3.8.xx is installed on development machine

  1. Create virtual environment with python3.8.xx
python3.8 -m venv env
  1. Activate the virtual environment
source env/bin/activate
  1. Install requisite packages:
sh scripts/
  1. Run the migrations to reflect the django models to database (sqlite for test)
python migrate
  1. Run Server Locally
python runserver
  1. Create Superuser for Admin-panel
python createsuperuser
  1. Run Tests
python test
  1. API Documentation:
http://localhost:8000/swagger/  (swagger documentation)

http://localhost:8000/users/ (POST) (Add User)
http://localhost:8000/login/ (POST) (Login)
http://localhost:8000/posts/ (POST) (Create New Post)
http://localhost:8000/posts/ (GET) (Get all posts)
http://localhost:8000/users/1/ (PUT) (Update a post)
http://localhost:8000/users/1/ (DELETE) (Delete Post)
http://localhost:8000/posts_like/ (POST) (Like/Dislike post)
http://localhost:8000/posts_like/ (GET) (get Liked/Disliked posts)
http://localhost:8000/posts_like/1/ (GET) (get Liked/Disliked posts)