Just data builder for using in tests. You should extend this builder for your own builders to have more expressive interfaces
const DataBuilder = require('smp-data-builder');
class CarBuilder extends DataBuilder {
withWheels(num) {
return this.with('wheels', num);
withPassenger(passenger) {
// This will concatenate existing 'passengers' with new passenger every time
return this.with('passengers', [ passenger ]);
withCharacteristics(charName, charVal) {
// This will merge existing 'characteristics' object with new object every time
return this.with('characteristics', {
[charName]: charVal
/* ... */
const carBuilder = new CarBuilder();
carBuilder.withWheels(2).withPassenger('John Doe').withCharacteristics({ speed: 100 });
const car = carBuilder.build();
wheels: 2,
passengers: [ 'John Doe' ],
characteristics: {
speed: 100
build() returns new object every time so:
carBuilder.build() !== carBuilder.build()
Note: when you call with() for existing property and both existing property and new value are objects they will be merged. Let's set up some data:
this.with('someObject', { a: 1 });
this.obj = {
someObject: {
a: 1
Using 'with' with object value again is going to merge objects:
this.with('someObject', { b: 2 });
this.obj = {
someObject: {
a: 1,
b: 2
But after using 'with' with another value type, 'someObject' will be replaced
this.with('someObject', 123);
this.obj = {
someObject: 123
Same works for arrays but values will be concatenated.
There are only 2 methods:
- with(propertyName, value) — place given value under propertyName in data to be built, returns current DataBuilder instance;
- build() — builds object, returns new object every time build() is called;