Releases: Miss-placed/DECLASSIFIED
v3.2 - Citadelle and Homepage
Now Live!
- Adds a new homepage to help with user engagement and SEO, also helps organise the maps, other related apps and gives us somewhere to build off in the future.
- Adds Citadelle Des Morts and all intel items, main quest steps and easter eggs.
- Add stateful layer toggling (it will remember what layers you've turned off)
- Finish adding final steps for Terminus quest that were missing. (This will close #431)
- Add current map indicator instead of hiding map from dropdown
- Add some basic styling to easter egg menu to match intel menu
Full Changelog: LIVE-v3.1.0...LIVE-v3.2.0
DECLASSIFIED - V3.1 - Terminus Time!
Now Live!
- added terminus prison submap
- added terminus biolabs submap
- added intel markers
- added misc markers
- added easter egg markers
- Registered domain
- Set up easy migration for possible database intergration
Challenge Tracker:
- Moved v1 challenge tracker to legacy app accessible through settings menu in new app
- started on challenge tracker v2
Full Changelog: LIVE-v3.0.0...LIVE-v3.1.0
DECLASSIFIED - V3.0 - A Whole New World - Easter Eggs - Prepping For Black Ops 6!
Now Live!
The app has been completely re-written from the ground up with modern tech. It's also been approached with mobile first in mind, meaning i you were struggling with the old app on mobile or tablet before, it should be a big improvement this time around!
The app is still a work in progress, and is missing one or two features from previously, such as themes and a stats area. However these are both in the pipeline and will be back, bigger and better than before.
Massive thanks goes to @Odinnh. Firstly for letting me rewrite an app that was all his idea to begin with, as well las continuing to help remake a lot of new icons (more to come!) mapping out 1 of the 2 new maps from the gameplay we've seen so far of Liberty Falls, as well as lending his general expertise when it comes to polishing up the look of the app, none of it would have been possible without him!
The legacy site and challenge tracker are still fully accessible (via the settings menu), all of your data will carry over as expected. If you run into any issues with this, please raise an issue here. The challenge tracker hasn't been forgotten either, it is on the list of things to do, but the speed of this rewrite will be determined by demand, we will focus our efforts on the map for now.
Here's a list of all new features as part of V3!
What's Changed
- Fully responsive mobile-first design
- New Map - Liberty Falls
- Easter Egg Markers! (more to come with this feature, including linked steps and images, help gathering this will be much appreciated!)
- A new map control interface, chose the layer of the map you want to see, as well as allowing all types of markers to be toggled on and off at will.
- New graphics and icons
- Ability to filter by uncollected or collected only
Full Changelog: LIVE-v2.3...LIVE-v3.0.0
DECLASSIFIED - V2.3 - Challenge Tracker
The first release of the challenge tracker is here!
- Keep a track of your calling card challenges and check them off as you go
- Pin challenges that you want to keep an eye on and they'll stay on the side
- Fully responsive mobile-first design
What's Changed
- Odinn branch by @Odinnh in #390
- Challenge Tracker V1 by @sol3uk in #391
- Challenge Tracker & Multi Select by @sol3uk in #394
Full Changelog: LIVE-v2.2...LIVE-v2.3
The current, live production app:
What's Changed
- Intel Fixes & Multiselect (use ctrl to select multiple intel items) by @sol3uk in #392
- Added Intel Images by @bola2010 in #346
- Added Images, misc markers and fixed misc locations by @bola2010 in #375
- Odinn branch by @Odinnh in #376
Full Changelog: LIVE-v2.1...LIVE-v2.2
Test out this deployment to see new and upcoming features. Please be aware as this is pre-release this may not always be functional!
The first beta release of the challenge tracker is here!
- Keep a track of your calling card challenges and check them off as you go
- Pin challenges that you want to keep an eye on and they'll stay on the side
- Fully responsive mobile-first design
What's Changed
Full Changelog: LIVE-v2...DEV-v2.3
The current, live production app:
What's Changed
- Intel fixes
- More intel images
- Implement in-app import/export
- Implement collected filter
- fixes #342 switch and fly bug
- Add map name to intel detail modal
- Add intel image (if present) to intel detail modal
- Added "More Info" button functionality that will open the intel description modal
- Added Debug options to the settings menu for "On Click Location Copy" & hiding bug report buttons
- Implement Marker Visibility
Full Changelog: LIVE-v2...LIVE-v2.1
The current, live production app:
Brand new interface and improved filtering and statistics, now including a pie chart!
What's Changed
- Sol3uk/fix filtering v1 by @sol3uk in #294
- New Intel and Intel Fix for Season 4 by @bola2010 in #324
- Fixed misspelled Intel/Added description by @bola2010 in #325
- Update poiV2.js by @bola2010 in #326
- Added missing Forsaken images by @bola2010 in #327
- added faction and type indicators by @Odinnh in #329
- Update poiV2.js by @bola2010 in #328
- leaflet markers override for new markers by @Odinnh in #334
- Update miscV2.js by @bola2010 in #337
- Filtering & Marking as collected rework for V2 by @sol3uk in #331
- V2 Release by @sol3uk in #339
Full Changelog: LIVE-v1.3...LIVE-v2
Test out this deployment to see new and upcoming features. Please be aware as this is pre-release this may not always be functional!
- better ui styling
- new markers
- progress donut
- improved filtering
- place for intel location screenshots
- many many more!
What's Changed
- Sol3uk/fix filtering v1 by @sol3uk in #294
- New Intel and Intel Fix for Season 4 by @bola2010 in #324
- Fixed misspelled Intel/Added description by @bola2010 in #325
- Update poiV2.js by @bola2010 in #326
- Added missing Forsaken images by @bola2010 in #327
- added faction and type indicators by @Odinnh in #329
- Update poiV2.js by @bola2010 in #328
- leaflet markers override for new markers by @Odinnh in #334
- Update miscV2.js by @bola2010 in #337
- Filtering & Marking as collected rework for V2 by @sol3uk in #331
Full Changelog: LIVE-v1.3...DEV-v2
The current, live production app:
What's Changed
- Test workflow and release pipeline by @sol3uk in #173
- Some New S6 Intel & Darkmode fixes by @sol3uk in #208
- Basic list generation & Filtering by @sol3uk in #191
- Fixes #211 by @sol3uk in #232
- Update issue templates by @sol3uk in #233
- Added new misc markers by @bola2010 in #234
- Added New Intel by @bola2010 in #236
- Fixed Intel Location OS6Au4 & RS6Ar5 by @bola2010 in #239
- Added misc markers for Sanatorium and Armada by @bola2010 in #272
- Fixed Intel Names and ID'S by @bola2010 in #273
- Misc Icons, New Intel For Forsaken, Intel fixes & V2 Work In Progress by @sol3uk in #277
New Contributors
Full Changelog: DEV-v1.2...LIVE-v1.3