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This is an unofficial update of PhileasFogg's mod which can be found on the Ludeon Forums

New drugs

  • Detoxamin Detoxamin, a drug that reduces toxic sensitivity by isolating and incorporating toxins. Take one every two days. (No known sideeffects.)
  • Methylanphenamid Methylanphenamid, which increases awareness and learning ability. One use lasts three days. (Strongest effect on third day; may have strong sideeffects.)
  • Tranquiazepin Tranquiazepin. Immediatly releaves all stress after ingestion. Take one per day. (Highly addictive.)
  • Mortracain Mortracain, a relatively strong painkiller. Used to treat moderate to serious pain. Take every two days. (May be addictive.)
  • Tritoxylon Tritoxylon, which drastically boosts the metabolic system and therefore heavily increases the immune response - among other body functions. Take one every two days. (May have severe sideeffects.)
  • Good old vegetable broth Good old vegetable broth. Eating one per day helps shaking of some diseases.

Overhaul of existing and addition of new diseases

This section is by far the biggest part of this mod. I changed every single disease in the game. Not in their fundamental principles. But they all now have some randomness factor. This way it depends not only on your pawns ability to shake a disease off. It is more ... how to say this? ... natural. One pawn gets a heavy case of flu, the other only a light infection.

Diseases now also aren't only a case of "sh*t or bust". For example: even if your pawns survived an infection with the plague, they may have encapsulated pathogens in their femur, spine or pelvis, which, at a later time, will cause a new outbreak of the dormant disease. Also diseases can now cause secondary diseases or long-term conditions. Some, like the plague, may cause a benign growth as secondary disease. Sleeping sickness, on the other hand, now has a chance to cause a long-term condition: a damage to essential brainparts which has no immidient effect, but inevitably leads to a case of coma in the foreseeable future. From that your pawn may awake - maybe twenty days later. Maybe six or fifteen years later. Maybe never.

Changes to existing diseases, long-term conditions and injuries (in excerpts):

  • Wound infections - can now cause a severe sepsis, that is hard to cure (nearly impossible at a early stage of the game). The heavier the infection, the higher the chance for a sepsis. At later stages of the infection, other bodyparts, like your pawns internal organs or their brain, may take secondary damage, which again can cause future problems. At the latest stages, they may lapse into a coma.
  • Sleeping sickness - as previously mentioned, can cause a long-term condition that finally leads to a coma. The disease may also cause secondary damage to your pawns eyes or brain.
  • Plague - can cause the growth of benign tumors and may encapsulate itself in your pawns bones, causing additional benign growths or a new outbreak of the disease at a future time.
  • Malaria - may cause liver inflammations, secondary liver damage, coma and/or encapsulate itself into your pawns livers.
  • Hearing loss - now advance slowly over time and is now case of hearing one day and be deaf the next one.
  • Eyesight loss - same slow progress as hearing loss.
  • Frail - a similar slow progress as hearing and eyesight loss.
  • Bad back - a similar slow progress as hearing and eyesight loss.
  • Dementia - a similar slow progress as the four conditions above. At early stages (when reflective faculty is still given) can dementia cause cases of unease. At its last stage it will inevitably lead into a coma. Your pawn will not wake up again.
  • Alzheimer's - similar to dementia: at early stages (when reflective faculty is still given) can alzheimer's disease cause cases of unease. At its last stage it will inevitably lead into a coma. Your pawn will not wake up again.
  • Trauma Savant - there are now diffent versions of this long-term condition. All with the same negative effects, but varying positives.
  • Muscle parasites - can now encapsulate and come back at a later time.
  • Gut worms - their toxins may cause secondary damage to varying internal organs.
  • Injuries - have a higher chance of infection. Especially bite wounds!
  • Food poisoning - now lasts for around two days but loses its intensity over time.
  • Cryptosleep sickness - lasts a bit longe but losses its intensity over time, similar to food poisoning.
  • Flu - chance to cause secondary damage to lung heart and/or brain; at its latest stage: chance of coma.
  • Cirrhosis - slowly procedes over time until your pawns liver isn't of any use anymore.
  • Chemical damage - similar to cirrhosis: slowly procedes over time until your pawns organ isn't of any use anymore. If this organ was your pawns brain - well...
  • Carcinoma - spreads! The bigger its grown, the faster it spreads. You probably don't want your pawns to carry a carcinoma around over a longer time - except you just gave 'em order to dig their own grave. May also cause cases of unease.
  • Asthma - now can get way worser than before. If they reach the final stage (status asthmaticus), they will die. Has a chance to cause a coma at later stages (oxygen deficit).
  • Malnutrition - needs a bit more time to get dangerous.
  • Toxic buildup - get at a earlier stage dangerous. May not only cause dementia or carcinoma, but also coma and secondary damage.
  • Anesthetic - may cause coma or secondary damage to the brain.

New diseases, long-term conditions and injuries (descriptions are only short roundups; some diseases base on real ones and even share their name, others are completely made-up):

  • Induced coma - pawns can be put in an artificial coma. This may last either two days, five days, fifteen days, thirty days or an unknown duration (between fourty days and more than eighteen years. In their coma, they only need energy for their basal metabolism. So their hungerrate at an induced coma with an unknown duration is reduced to 65%. At shorter durations, the hunger rate is higher. The reason for this lies in an even higher immun response, the shorter the coma duration. This is no natural behaviour. It is (at least in my imagination) brought about by a medication mixture to help pawns, put in a short-term "healing" coma, to fight a severe illness off.
  • Stupor - can be caused by some drugs or a mental disease.
  • Unease - most often caused by a severe illnesse may this condition after some time lead to suicide preparations and probably to a pawn died by his/her own hand.
  • Stroke - similar progression as a heart attack - only in your pawns brain.
  • Acute appendicitis - gets fatal within a day. Better act fast.
  • Bardel syndrome - a severe mental long-term condition, that can be treated to be hold at bay. Reaches, if not properly treated, from a stage of almost symptom freedom, via a stage of light confusion, via mania, via frightening, through to furious anger. (uncurable)
  • Benign growth - a lighter version of the basegame carcinoma. Doesn't spread but hinders the organ/limb/whatever in its function.
  • Blood cancer - immature blood cells flood your pawns blood and increasingly hinder blood pumping and filtration. Leads to death untreated.
  • Campbell's disease - a moderate mental long-term condition, that can be treated to be hold at bay. Reaches, if not properly treated, from a stage of symptom freedom, via a stage of cognitive restraints, via hallucinations, via delusions, through to a catatonic stage. (uncurable)
  • Central pathway impairments - a secondary condition, that hinders manipulation and inevitably leads to coma from that your pawn will awake again - within days or years. (uncurable)
  • Cerebral artery stenosis - similar to heart artery blockage, but in the brain. (uncurable)
  • Chawbaeck's - slowly advancing sinew contractions. Afflicted hands or feet will someday be unusuable. (uncurable)
  • Coma - unlike an induced coma, this condition wasn't intended. Your pawns may or may not wake up again. (uncurable)
  • Common cold - a simple common cold. Can be catched at every biome.
  • Epstein-Barr virus, type C - an evolved version of the current EBV. Can cause blood cancer, toothache, carcinoma, benign growths, stomach ulcer, inflammations or dermal irritations (scratches). (uncurable)
  • Lymphatic mechanites - similar to sensory or fibrous mechanites. Boosts metabolism, blood pumping and filtration. Can be catched at every biome.
  • Brain worm - an evolved version of the measly tapeworm. Can cause dementia, central pathway impairments, coma and/or secondary brain damage.
  • Heart worm - an evolved version of the heartworm. Can cause secondary damage to the heart.
  • Lung worms - can cause secondary damage to the lung.
  • Hansen-Kampff disease - an acquired immunodeficiency. Your pawn will loss its ability to fight disease off over years. Causes necrosis from time to time. (uncurable)
  • Hepatitis K - evolved chronic hepatic inflammation. Fluctuates between extreme defensive immune response, which cause pain, hunger and exhaust your pawn, and extreme virus activity, that can cause cirrhosis, carcinoma and inflammations. Keep the disease at a balanced (and symptom-free) middle stage. (uncurable)
  • Hyperthyroidism - reduces your pawns need for rest, but increases hunger and social fighting chance. Reduces max. comfy temp., manipulation and bloodpumping. (uncurable)
  • Hypothyroidism - reduces your pawns hunger rate and social fighting chance, but increases their need for rest. Increases min. comfy temp., reduces consciousness and will cause unease from time to time. (uncurable)
  • Inflammation - can be caused by other disease or will occasionally appear. Can cause sepsis if not treated properly.
  • Kindred-Dick virus - can cause dermal irritations (scratches), inflammations and at later stages secondary damage to various bodyparts. Can be catched at nearly every biome; exceptions: temperate forest and tropical rainforest.
  • Migraine - a long-term condition similar to asthma. Causes severe pain and decreases sight, hearing and consciousness at higher stages.
  • Multiple sclerosis - fast or slowly reduces your pawns abilities until it inevitably leads to death. (uncurable)
  • Necrosis - needs to be cut out or it leads to a severe sepsis. Mostly caused by other diseases.
  • New Reschian fever - Will decrease your pawns max. comfy temp. and increase their psychic sensitivity as it increases in severity. Can cause eyesight loss, necrosis, migraine or (at its last stage) alzheimer's. Can be catched at every biome.
  • Osteoporosis - will slowly render your pawns bones useless. (uncurable)
  • Parkinsons - your pawn will get their ability to move or manipulate slowly reduced. May cause stupor and/or dementia. (uncurable)
  • Peripheral pathway obstruction - disturbs nerval communication and so reduces the efficiency of affected bodyparts. As a sideeffect reduces psychic sensitivity - because of disturbed nerval communication. (uncurable)
  • Psoriasis rimothica - an evolved version of the current psoriasis. Slowly covers the whole body. Causes mild pain and unease.
  • Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - can be caused be traumatic events like a psychic shock or severe blood loss. Increases social fight chance and your pawns need for rest. Slightly reduces the pain factor and consciousness. Can cause unease and/or stupor.
  • Secondary damage - can only be caused by other disease to various bodyparts. May or may not slowly get worse.
  • Sepsis - a serious thread. Can cause necrosis and at later stages secondary damage to bodyparts. Can cause coma at the last stages. Will lead to death if not properly treated.
  • Stomach ulcer - will finally lead to a stomach carcinoma.
  • Suicide preparations - can only be cause be unease. May or may not lead to a suicide or a suicide attempt.
  • Toothache - can be treated. In some cases a tooth extracton may be necessary.
  • Tuberculosis - can encapsulate itself in various bodyparts and cause a new outbreak at a later time. May cause necrosis and/or secondary damage to the lung and can lead to a bad back (bone tuberculosis). Can be catched at every biome.
  • Voight-Bernstein disease - will cause inflammations and create Voight-Bernstein tumors at other bodyparts, which themself can cause new Voight-Bernstein tumors. The disease itself is non-lethal. But the tumors will finally destroy affected bodyparts. Has the potential to get out off hand quickly. Can be catched at many biomes; exceptions: boreal forest, tundra, ice sheet and sea ice.

How to get those diseases?

  • Many of them are "birthday events". This means (AFAIK), once in a year your pawn has a chance to get a disease. In the basegame this could be: alzheimer's, dementia, bad back, cataract, hearing loss, frail, carcinoma, asthma or heart artery blockage (correct me, if I'm wrong or forget some disease). Now this can also be: toothache, acute appendicitis, inflammation, Epstein-Barr virus, Hepatitis K, Hansen-Kampff disease, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, psoriasis, blood cancer, peripheral pathway obstruction, multiple sclerosis, Campbells disease, Bardel syndrome, stomach ulcer, benign growth, necrosis, Chawbaeck's, osteoporosis, parkinson's, migraine or cerebral artery stenosis.
  • Additionally some disease are cause by others - for example, Epstein-Barr virus can and will cause blood cancer, extreme blood loss can cause PTSD.
  • Other disease are biome events, like the plague, flu, malaria, etc. New biome diseases are: common cold, lymphatic mechanites, brain worm, heart worm, lung worms, Kindred-Dick virus, New Reschian fever, Tuberculosis and Voight-Bernstein disease. Have a look at there description above to see in which biomes they appear.

Additional basegame changes

  • Penoxycilin: is also effectiv in preventing infections with tuberculosis, Kindred-Dick virus and Voight-Bernstein disease.
  • diseaseVictimFractionRange: all biome diseases now only infect between 10% and 30% of your population. In basegame this would be 20% to 50% of your pawns.
  • withdrawal: some drug withdrawals (GoJuice, Yayo, Flake, WakeUp) now may cause a stupor.
  • alcohol tolerance: now has a low chance to cause dementia.
  • life expectancy: as this game plays 3.000 years in the future, there should (at least in my imagination) have happend some increase in life expectancy. So I increased it from 80 to 95 years.

Mod list order


  • PhileasFogg for the original mod!
  • Mystikvm for the update to B19
  • Jabbamonkey, for his/her textures packs, which I used in some small parts as starting point for my drug textures.
  • Marnador, for the RimWor(l)d font.
  • Tynan, for this great game!