Provides control, sensing and management systems to run on board the rover.
Ensure you have base_station, nova_common, and webots_ros repositories in your catkin workspace as well, and that you have installed all of their dependencies.
If you want to use the Webots simulator for testing, clone the simulator repository as well.
MUST HAVE Linux version 16.04 with ROS kinetic installed.
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev pip install Jetson.GPIO
Create a directory with path core_rover/include/lib/x86-64 and include the Phoenix-Linux-SocketCAN-Example/lib/x86-64 binaries from this link in there:
For the IMU, install just the RTIMULib section with instructions following this link: must be copied and pasted from the RTIMULib/Linux/build/RTIMULib directory into catkin_ws/devel/lib directory