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Rubaiyat Khondaker edited this page Dec 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

Copy-pasting this into an actual file should work

This note showcases a bunch of different markdown formatting.  
You can use *italics* or _italics_.
**Bold** or __Bold__
If you want to strongly emphasise, just **_do_** __*both*__
# Headers are supported too
## At
### Varying
#### Levels

1. You can get
2. Ordered lists
3. By doing numbers like this

* Unordered lists
* work like this.
* Make sure to leave a gap between lists and other things

Back: A few more elements to see.
You can include [links]( to websites.
`Code blocks` are supported
Github-flavoured code blocks too, but Anki won't do syntax highlighting
    print("Hello world!")
Tables should hopefully work:

First Header  | Second Header
------------- | -------------
Content Cell  | Content Cell
Content Cell  | Content Cell

Tags: Way_too_much_info
Clone this wiki locally