ShareTheBaton is an educational web application designed to provide graduating nursing students with additional training that they might not get during a traditional degree program. It was developed as a sample Rails project for the April 2014 Web Development Immersive course at General Assembly. It was developed over a 4 day sprint to model the agile software development process.
- Ruby 2.1.1
- Ruby on Rails 4.1.1
- PostgreSQL Database
- Authentication & Authorization from scratch using bcrypt-ruby
- Testing using using rspec-rails, capybara, shoulda-matchers and factory_girl_rails
- CSS styling using sass with SCSS syntax.
- As a user I can sign up for an account on the site
- As a user I can log into my account
- As a user I can view a list of available courses
- As a user I can register for a course
A full list of user stories can be found by looking at this Pivotal Tracker Project