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Django MongoDB Cash Backend

The only Django MongoDB Cache backend you need.

Installation and Usage

Install with:

pip install django-mongodb-cash-backend

Add the following to your Django settings:

    'default': {
        'BACKEND': 'django_mongodb_cash_backend.MongoDBCache',
        "LOCATION": "hostname[:port]",
        "OPTIONS": {
            "USERNAME": "username_if_desired",
            "PASSWORD": "password_if_needed",
            "DATABASE": "cache_db_name",
            "COLLECTION": "cache_colleciton", # default: django_cache
        "TIMEOUT": 86400, # either set TIMEOUT or MAX_ENTRIES, not both
        "MAX_ENTRIES": 10000, # either set MAX_ENTRIES or TIMEOUT, not both

Tips and hints

Django MongoDB cash backend will handle TTL index creation, or will create a capped collection if MAX_ENTRIES is set. You should ensure that the collections are not created beforehands, so that the backend can do its work correctly.