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EmbedJs is a NodeJS framework that simplifies RAG application development by efficiently processing unstructured data. It segments data, creates relevant embeddings, and stores them in a vector database for quick retrieval.

Here's an example of how easy it is to get started -

const ragApplication = await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
    .addLoader({ type: 'YoutubeSearch', youtubeSearchString: 'Tesla cars' })
    .setVectorDb(new LanceDb({ path: '.db' }))

That's it. Now you can ask questions -

console.log(await ragApplication.query('Tell me about the history of Tesla?'));


  • Supports several large language models

  • Supports many vector databases including self-hosted and cloud variants.

  • Load different kinds of unstructured data. Comes built in with several loaders that makes this easy.

  • Supports several cache options that can greatly improve the performance of your RAG applications in production.

  • EmbedJs's simple and powerful API allows both quick launch and deep customizabilty.

Quick note

The author(s) are looking to add core maintainers for this opensource project. Reach out on Linkedin if you are interested. If you want to contribute in general - create issues on GitHub or send in PRs.


Getting started


You can install the library via NPM or Yarn

npm i @llm-tools/embedjs

Note: The library uses the newer ES6 modules and import syntax.


To configure a new EmbedJs application, you need to do three steps -

1. Pick an LLM
The library supports several LLMs. Activate one by allowing the instructions in the LLM section.

const ragApplication = await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
    .setModel(new HuggingFace({ modelName: 'mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-v0.1' }))

2. Pick a Vector database
The library supports several vector databases. Enable one by allowing the instructions in the Vector Databases section.

    .setVectorDb(new PineconeDb({ projectName: 'test', namespace: 'dev' }))

3. Load some data
The library supports several kinds of loaders. You can use zero, one or many kinds of loaders together to import custom knowledge. Read the loaders section to learn more about the different supported loaders.

    .addLoader(new YoutubeSearchLoader({ searchString: 'Tesla cars' }))
    .addLoader(new SitemapLoader({ url: '' }))

That's it! Now that you have your instance of RAGApplication, you can use it to query against the loaded data sets, like so -

await ragApplication.query('What is Tesla?');


The temperature is a number between 0 and 1. It governs the randomness and creativity of the LLM responses. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic. You can alter it by -

await new RAGApplicationBuilder()

NOTE: The default value is 0.1, which makes the GPT responses very precise.

Search results count

This is the number of documents to aim for when retrieving results from the vector database. A high number of results might mean there is more non-relevant data in the context. A low number might mean none of the relevant documents are retrieved. You need to set the number that works best for you. The parameter can be altered by -

await new RAGApplicationBuilder()

NOTE: The default value is 7.

It is important to note that the library does not simply dump all contextual document chunks into the prompt. It sends them to the model marking them as context documents. The number of documents still counts toward the token limit.

When the number of documents fetched leads to a request above the token limit, the library uses the following strategy -

It runs a preprocessing step to select relevant sections from each document until the total number of tokens is less than the maximum number of tokens allowed by the model. It then uses the transformed documents as context to answer the question.

Customize the prompt

LLM models need some care. The models are notorious for inventing responses when they don't know the answer. Keeping this in mind, the library auto adds a wrapper to all user queries. The default prompt is -

Use all the provided context to answer the query at the end. Answer in full. If you don't know the answer, just say that you don't know, don't try to make up an answer. Query: {0}

The placeholder {0} is replaced with the input query. In some cases, you may want to customize this prompt. This can be done with ease by -

await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
.setQueryTemplate('My own query template')

Get context (dry run)

During development, you may want to test the performance and quality of the Loaders you have enabled without making any LLM calls. You can do this by using the getContext method -

await ragApplication.getContext('What is Steve Jobs?')

Delete loader

You can remove the embeddings added from a specific loader by calling the deleteLoader method with the uniqueId of the loader.

await ragApplication.deleteLoader('uniqueId...', true)

Get count of embedded chunks

You can fetch the count of embeddedings stored in your vector database at any time by calling the getEmbeddingsCount method -

await ragApplication.getEmbeddingsCount()

Remove all embeddings / reset

You can remove all stored embeddings in the vectorDb using the deleteAllEmbeddings method -

await ragApplication.deleteAllEmbeddings(true)

Set cut-off for relevance

The library can filter the embeddings returned from a vector store that have a low relevance score to the query being asked. To do this, set the cut-off value using the setEmbeddingRelevanceCutOff method -

await ragApplication.setEmbeddingRelevanceCutOff(0.23)

Add new loaders later

You can add new loaders at any point dynamically (even after calling the build function on RAGApplicationBuilder). To do this, simply call the addLoader method -

await ragApplication.addLoader(new YoutubeLoader({ videoIdOrUrl: 'pQiT2U5E9tI' }));

Note: Do not forget to await the dynamically added loaders to ensure you wait for the load to complete before making queries on it.

Loader inference

You can add most loaders by passing a string to the addLoader or the addLoaders methods. The value can be a URL, path, JSON or youtube video id. The library will infer the type of content and invoke the appropirate loader automatically.

await ragApplication.addLoader('pQiT2U5E9tI'); //invokes youtube URL
await ragApplication.addLoader(''); //invokes PDF loader

Note: If you pass the path to a local directory, every file in that directory is recursively added (including subfolders)!

Loaders supported

Loaders take a specific format, process the input and create chunks of the data. You can import all the loaders from the path @llm-tools/embedjs. Currently, the library supports the following formats -

Youtube video

To add any youtube video to your app, use YoutubeLoader.

.addLoader(new YoutubeLoader({ videoIdOrUrl: 'w2KbwC-s7pY' }))

Youtube channel

To add all videos in a youtube channel, use YoutubeChannelLoader.

.addLoader(new YoutubeChannelLoader({ youtubeChannelId: '...' }))

Youtube search

To do a general youtube search and add the popular search results, use YoutubeSearchLoader.

.addLoader(new YoutubeSearchLoader({ youtubeSearchString: '...' }))

PDF file

To add a pdf file, use PdfLoader. You can add a local file -

.addLoader(new PdfLoader({ filePathOrUrl: path.resolve('paxos-simple.pdf') }))

Or, you can add a remote file -

.addLoader(new PdfLoader({ url: '' }))

Note: Currently there is no support for PDF forms and password protected documents

Docx file

To add a docx file, use DocxLoader. You can add a local file -

.addLoader(new DocxLoader({ filePathOrUrl: path.resolve('paxos.docx') }))

Or, you can add a remote file -

.addLoader(new DocxLoader({ filePathOrUrl: 'https://xxx' }))

Excel file

To add an excel xlsx file, use ExcelLoader. You can add a local file -

.addLoader(new ExcelLoader({ filePathOrUrl: path.resolve('numbers.xlsx') }))

Or, you can add a remote file -

.addLoader(new ExcelLoader({ filePathOrUrl: 'https://xxx' }))

Powerpoint file

To add an powerpoint / pptx file, use PptLoader. You can add a local file -

.addLoader(new PptLoader({ filePathOrUrl: path.resolve('wow.pptx') }))

Or, you can add a remote file -

.addLoader(new PptLoader({ filePathOrUrl: 'https://xxx' }))

Web page

To add a web page, use WebLoader.

.addLoader(new WebLoader({ urlOrContent: '' }))


To add a confluence space, use ConfluenceLoader.

.addLoader(new ConfluenceLoader({ spaceNames: ['...'] }))

You also need to set the following environment variables -

CONFLUENCE_BASE_URL=<your space base url>
CONFLUENCE_USER_NAME=<your email id or username>
CONFLUENCE_API_TOKEN=<your personal or bot access token>

Note: The confluence space name is the value you see in the url in the space overview page /wiki/spaces/{{ space name }}/overview.


To add a XML sitemap, use SitemapLoader.

.addLoader(new SitemapLoader({ url: '...' }))

This will load all URLs in a sitemap via the WebLoader.


To supply your own text, use TextLoader.

.addLoader(new TextLoader({ text: 'The best company name for a company making colorful socks is MrSocks' }))

Note: Feel free to add your custom text without worrying about duplication. The library will chuck, cache and update the vector databases without duplication.


To add a parsed Javascript object to your embeddings, use JsonLoader. The library will not parse a string to JSON on its own but once this is done, it can be injested easily.

.addLoader(new JsonLoader({ object: { key: value, ... } }))

Note: if you want to restrict the keys that get added to the vectorDb in a dynamically obtained object, you can use the pickKeysForEmbedding optional parameter in the JsonLoader constructor.


To add a Csv file (or URL) to your embeddings, use CsvLoader. The library will parse the Csv and add each row to its vector database.

.addLoader(new CsvLoader({ filePathOrUrl: '...' }))

Note: You can control how the CsvLoader parses the file in great detail by passing in the optional csvParseOptions constructor parameter.

Add a custom loader

You can pass along a custom loader to the addLoader method by extending and implementing the abstract class BaseLoader. Here's how that would look like -

class CustomLoader extends BaseLoader<{ customChunkMetadata: string }> {
    constructor() {

    async *getChunks() {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

We really encourage you send in a PR to this library if you are implementing a common loader pattern, so the community can benefit from it.

More loaders coming soon

If you want to add any other format, please create an issue and we will add it to the list of supported formats. All PRs are welcome.


It's relatively easy to switch between different LLMs using the library. You can import any of the LLMs from the path @llm-tools/embedjs. We support the following LLMs today -


To use the OpenAI LLM models, you need a API key from OpenAI. You can alternatively use Azure OpenAI to run these models. Read the Azure OpenAI section below to learn more about this. In this section, we will cover how to use OpenAI provided LLMs.

The first step is to obtain an API Key from OpenAI. You can do this by visiting their API Portal. Once you obtain a key, set it as an environment variable, like so -

OPENAI_API_KEY="<Your key>"

Once this is done, it is relatively easy to run OpenAI LLMs. All you need is to indicate the model type you want to run.

  • For GPT 3.5 Turbo
const ragApplication = await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
  • For GPT 4
const ragApplication = await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
  • To use a custom model name
const ragApplication = await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
.setModel(new OpenAi({ modelName: 'gpt-4' }))

Note: GPT 3.5 Turbo is used as the default model if you do not specifiy one.

Azure OpenAI

In order to be able to use an OpenAI model on Azure, it first needs to be deployed. Please refer to Azure OpenAI documentation on how to deploy a model on Azure. To run this library, you will need to deploy two models -

  • text-embedding-ada
  • GPT-3.5-turbo (or the 4 series)

Once these models are deployed, using Azure OpenAI instead of the regular OpenAI is easy to do. Just follow these steps -

  • Remove the OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable if you have set it already.

  • Set the following environment variables -

# Set this to `azure`
# The API version you want to use
# The base URL for your Azure OpenAI resource.  You can find this in the Azure portal under your Azure OpenAI resource.
# The API key1 or key2 for your Azure OpenAI resource
export AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY=<Your Azure OpenAI API key>
# The deployment name you used for your embedding model
# The deployment name you used for your llm

You can all set and can now run the Azure OpenAI LLMs using the OpenAi model steps detailed above.


To use Mirstal's models, you will need to get an API Key from Mistral. You can do this from their console. Once you have obtained a key, set Mistral as your LLM of choice -

const ragApplication = await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
.setModel(new Mistral({ accessToken: "<YOUR_MISTRAL_TOKEN_HERE>" }))

By default, the mistral-medium model from Mistral is used. If you want to use a different Mistral model, you can specify it via the optional parameter to the Mistral constructor, like so -

const ragApplication = await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
.setModel(new Mistral({ accessToken: "<YOUR_MISTRAL_TOKEN_HERE>", modelName: "..." }))

Note: If you want to run Mistral open source for free, you can do so using the HuggingFace platform (read below). Just make sure to set the modelName to mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1 or the version you want to run.

Hugging Face

Hugging face needs no introduction. They host a variety of open source LLMs and you can use most of them for free. To run hugging face inference based LLMs with this library, you will need a free hugging face token.

You can get an API Token by signing up for hugging face and generate a token from this page. Once you get the token, set it to the environment like so -


That's all, now you can use any hugging face model. To do this set HuggingFace as your model processor of choice -

const ragApplication = await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
.setModel(new HuggingFace({ modelName: "..." })))

Note: Not all hugging face models are fully free to consume via their API. Since running these models takes a lot of resources, Hugging Face charges a fee for a few of the larger ones. This is the case with Meta's meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf, for example.

To use these 'not-free' models via HuggingFace, you need to subscribe to their Pro plan or create a custom inference endpoint. It is possible to self host these models for free and run them locally via Ollama - support for which is coming soon.


To use Anthropic's Claude models, you will need to get an API Key from Anthropic. You can do this from their console. Once you obtain a key, set it in the environment variable, like so -


Once this is done, it is relatively easy to use Anthropic's Claude in your RAG application. Simply set Anthropic as your LLM of choice -

const ragApplication = await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
.setModel(new Anthropic())

By default, the claude-3-sonnet-20240229 model from Anthropic is used. If you want to use a different Anthropic model, you can specify it via the optional parameter to the Anthropic constructor, like so -

const ragApplication = await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
.setModel(new Anthropic({ modelName: "..." }))

You can read more about the various models provided by Anthropic here.

Vertex AI

You to use Gemini LLM and other models on Google Cloud Platform via VertexAI. Read more about all the supported LLMs.

To get started, you need to set the right access credentials to google cloud. You have two options here -

  • Authenticate by using gcloud CLI:
gcloud auth application-default login
  • Authentication using Service Account with JSON key and environment variable:
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="<Path to credentials.json>"

Once done, all you need to do is set the model to VertexAI. Here's an example -

const ragApplication = await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
    .setModel(new VertexAI({ modelName: 'gemini-1.5-pro-preview-0409'}))
    .setEmbeddingModel(new GeckoEmbedding())

See also /examples/vertexai for further documentation about authentication options and how to use it.

Note: Default model is gemini-1.0-pro.


You can also use locally running Ollama models. Installation instructions for Ollama can be found here.

Once Ollama is installed, you can start a local LLM by executing ollama run <modelname>. Once this is done, you can use that in the Ollama constructor by passing the modelName parameter. Here's an example -

const ragApplication = await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
.setModel(new Ollama({
    modelName: "llama3",
    baseUrl: 'http://localhost:11434'

Note: Default port in which Ollama runs, is 11434, but if for some reason you use something else, you can pass baseUrl with the port number as the second argument:

Use custom LLM model

You can use a custom LLM model by implementing the BaseModel interface. Here's how that would look like -

class MyOwnLLMImplementation implements BaseModel {
    override async init(): Promise<void> {} //optional to override

    protected abstract runQuery(
        system: string, //the system prompt
        userQuery: string, //the current user query
        supportingContext: Chunk[], //all supporting documents
        pastConversations: ConversationHistory[], //the chat history so far
    ): Promise<string> {
        throw new Error("Method not implemented.");

Once done, you can pass this class to the setModel method like shown in the examples above. That said, we really encourage you send in a PR to this library if you are implementing a famous or common LLM, so the community can benefit from it.

More LLMs coming soon

If you want us to add support for a specific LLM, please create an issue and we will prioritize it. All PRs are welcome.

Currently, we next plan to add support for Ollama.

Embedding models

Embedding models are LLMs that convert a string into vector better suited for processing. In most cases, the default text-embedding-3-small model from OpenAI is going to be good enough. If you want to use this model, you do not have to do anything extra.

However in some advanced cases, you may want to change this; after all, different embedding models perform differently under different curcumstances. The library allows you to do this using the method setEmbeddingModel while building the RAGApplication.

The library supports the following embedding models -

OpenAI v3 Small

The text-embedding-3-small is a new standard embedding model released by OpenAI in Jan, 2024. It is the default used by the libary. This model is cheaper and better than their older Ada model. This model returns vectors with dimension 1536.

You do not have to do anything to enable it.

OpenAI v3 Large

The text-embedding-3-large is also a new standard embedding model released by OpenAI in Jan, 2024. This model is the best embedding model provided by OpenAI as of now but is also the most expensive. This model returns vectors with dimension 3072.

To set it as your model of choice -

  • Set OpenAi3LargeEmbeddings as your embedding model on RAGApplicationBuilder
import { OpenAi3LargeEmbeddings } from '@llm-tools/embedjs';

await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
.setEmbeddingModel(new OpenAi3LargeEmbeddings())


The text-embedding-ada-002 is a well known model from OpenAI. You can read more about it here. This model returns vectors with dimension 1536.

To set it as your model of choice -

  • Set AdaEmbeddings as your embedding model on RAGApplicationBuilder
import { AdaEmbeddings } from '@llm-tools/embedjs';

await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
.setEmbeddingModel(new AdaEmbeddings())


The library supports usage of Cohere-AI embed-english-v2.0 embedding model out of the box. This model returns vectors with dimension 4096.

Here's what you have to do to enable it -

  • Sign up for an account with Cohere-AI if you have not done so already. Once done, go to the API Keys section and copy an API_KEY.

  • Load the key you just obtained in the environment variable COHERE_API_KEY

  • Set CohereEmbeddings as your embedding model on RAGApplicationBuilder
import { CohereEmbeddings } from '@llm-tools/embedjs';

await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
.setEmbeddingModel(new CohereEmbeddings())

Gecko Embedding

The libaray supports the embedding model textembedding-gecko with 768 dimensions on VertexAI.

To use this, you can authenticate to Vertex AI on GCP. Refer here on how to do this. Once done, simply set GeckoEmbedding as your choice of embedding model, like so -

import { GeckoEmbedding } from '@llm-tools/embedjs';

await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
.setEmbeddingModel(new GeckoEmbedding())

For example usage of GeckoEmbedding with Gemini LLM on VertexAI check the folder /examples/vertexai/.

Use custom embedding model

You can use your own custom embedding model by implementing the BaseEmbeddings interface. Here's how that would look like -

class MyOwnEmbeddingImplementation implements BaseEmbeddings {
    embedDocuments(texts: string[]): Promise<number[][]> {
        throw new Error("Method not implemented.");

    embedQuery(text: string): Promise<number[]> {
        throw new Error("Method not implemented.");

    getDimensions(): number {
        throw new Error("Method not implemented.");

Once done, you can pass this class to the setEmbeddingModel method like shown in the Cohere example above. That said, we really encourage you send in a PR to this library if you are implementing a famous or common embedding provider, so the community can benefit from it.

More embedding models coming soon

If you want us to add support for a specific embedding model, please create an issue and we will prioritize it. All PRs are welcome.

Vector databases supported

The library allows you to save your processed and unique embeddings with the vector databases of your choice. Here are the supported databases right now -


You can enable Pinecone storage by following these steps -

  • Create an account with Pinecone if you don't have one already. There is a good free tier.

  • Install pinecone package in your project

npm install @pinecone-database/pinecone
  • Set the pinecone environment variable PINECONE_API_KEY. This can be obtained from the API Keys section on the Pinecone dashboard.
PINECONE_API_KEY=<your api key>
  • Set the Pinecone database as your choice of vectorDb
import { PineconeDb } from '@llm-tools/embedjs/vectorDb/pinecone';

.setVectorDb(new PineconeDb({
    projectName: 'test',
    namespace: 'dev',
    indexSpec: {
        pod: {
            podType: 'p1.x1',
            environment: 'us-east1-gcp',

Note: Pinecone supports serverless and pod based index deployments. You can control how you want your index created using the indexSpec attribute. This is mandatory to be provided but comes with full type specification. Read more about configuring this here.


LanceDB is a local vector database with great performance. Follow these steps to use LanceDB as your vector database -

  • Install LanceDb package in your project
npm install vectordb
  • Set LanceDB database as your choice of vectorDb
import { LanceDb } from '@llm-tools/embedjs/vectorDb/lance';

.setVectorDb(new LanceDb({ path: path.resolve('/db') }))

Note: The path property will be used by LanceDB to create a directory to host all the database files. There is also support for creating temporary directories for testing -

import { LanceDb } from '@llm-tools/embedjs/vectorDb/lance';

.setVectorDb(new LanceDb({ path: 'lance-', isTemp: true }))

In this case, the path property is used as a prefix to create the temporary directory in the OS temp directory folder.


Chroma is an open source vector database. It's designed to be Python first and to connect to it from NodeJS, you will need to run Chroma in a container following the steps listed here. Once done, follow these steps to use Chroma as your vector database -

  • Install Chroma package in your project
npm install chromadb
  • Set Chroma database as your choice of vectorDb
import { ChromaDb } from '@llm-tools/embedjs/vectorDb/chroma';

.setVectorDb(new ChromaDb({ url: 'http://localhost:8000' }))

Note: This is the default url and port if you run the Chroma docker container using the command docker-compose up -d --build.

A warning -

In our testing, chroma performed the poorest in being able to retrieve relevant documents among the supported vector databases.


HNSWLib is an in-memory vectorstore. It is great for beginners to get started with since you do not need access to the file system or a cloud service. Follow these steps to use HNSWLib as your vector database -

  • Install HNSWLib package in your project
npm install hnswlib-node
  • Set HNSWLib database as your choice of vectorDb
import { HNSWDb } from '@llm-tools/embedjs/vectorDb/hnswlib';

.setVectorDb(new HNSWDb())

Note: This is a purely in-memory vector store. All values are lost when application is restarted.


Weaviate is an open source vector store. You can deploy it locally on docker or use their managed cloud offering. Follow these steps to use Weaviate as your vector database -

  • Install Weaviate package in your project
npm install weaviate-ts-client
  • Set Weaviate database as your choice of vectorDb
import { WeaviateDb } from '@llm-tools/embedjs/vectorDb/weaviate';

.setVectorDb(new WeaviateDb({ host: '...', apiKey: '...', className: '...', scheme: '...' }))


Qdrant is an Open-Source Vector Database and Vector Search Engine written in Rust. To use it -

  • Install Qdrant package in your project
npm install @qdrant/js-client-rest
  • Set Qdrant database as your choice of vectorDb
import { QdrantDb } from '@llm-tools/embedjs/vectorDb/qdrant';

.setVectorDb(new QdrantDb({ apiKey: '...'; url: '...'; clusterName: '...' }))

Bring your own database

You can pass along your vector database to the setVectorDb method by implementing the interface BaseDb. Here's how that would look like -

class MyOwnDb implements BaseDb {
    async init({ dimensions }: { dimensions: number }): Promise<void> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    async insertChunks(chunks: EmbeddedChunk[]): Promise<number> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    async similaritySearch(query: number[], k: number): Promise<Chunk[]> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    async getVectorCount(): Promise<number> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    async deleteKeys(keys: string[]): Promise<void> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

    async reset(): Promise<void> {
        throw new Error('Method not implemented.');

We really encourage you send in a PR to this library if you are implementing a famous or common database, so the community can benefit from it.

More databases coming soon

If you want to add support for any other vector database, please create an issue and we will add it to the list of supported databases. All PRs are welcome.


Caches serve to reduce re-processing embeddings, loaders and queries. There is no need to load, chunk and store a large PDF File or web page on every run. Caching smartly is built in and can be enabled out of the box simply by setting a cache processor using the method setCache while building the RAGApplication.

The library supports the following caches -


You can use LMDB to cache values locally on disk.

  • Install LMDB package in your project
npm install lmdb
  • Set LmdbCache as your cache provider on RAGApplicationBuilder
import { LmdbCache } from '@llm-tools/embedjs/cache/lmdb';

await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
.setCache(new LmdbCache({ path: path.resolve('./cache') }))

Note: The path property will be used by the LMDB driver to create a folder housing the LMDB database files.


You can use a simple in-memory cache to store values during testing.

  • Set MemoryCache as your cache provider on RAGApplicationBuilder
import { MemoryCache } from '@llm-tools/embedjs/cache/memory';

await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
.setCache(new MemoryCache())

Note: Although this cache can remove duplicate loaders and chunks, its store does not persist between process restarts. You should only be using it for testing.


You can use redis as a cache to store values during testing.

  • Set RedisCache as your cache provider on RAGApplicationBuilder
import { RedisCache } from '@llm-tools/embedjs/cache/redis';

await new RAGApplicationBuilder()
.setCache(new RedisCache({ ... }))

Note: The library internally uses IORedis to work with redis. RedisCache constructor supports all IORedis constructor parameters. Check IORedis documentation for more detials.

Bring your own cache

You can pass along your own cache provider to the setCache method by implementing the interface BaseCache. Here's how that would look like -

class MyOwnCache implements BaseCache {
    async init(): Promise<void> {
        throw new Error("Method not implemented.");

    async addLoader(loaderId: string, chunkCount: number ): Promise<void> {
        throw new Error("Method not implemented.");

    async getLoader(loaderId: string): Promise<{ chunkCount: number }> {
        throw new Error("Method not implemented.");

    async hasLoader(loaderId: string): Promise<boolean> {
        throw new Error("Method not implemented.");

We really encourage you send in a PR to this library if you are implementing a famous or common cache provider, so the community can benefit from it.

More caches coming soon

If you want to add support for any other cache providers, please create an issue and we will add it to the list of supported caches. All PRs are welcome.

Langsmith Integration

Langsmith allows you to keep track of how you use LLM and embedding models. It logs histories, token uses and other metadata. Follow these three simple steps to enable -

  • Sign up for an account with Langsmith
  • Generate an API Key from your admin page
  • Set the following environment keys in your project
export LANGCHAIN_PROJECT="<project name>"
export LANGCHAIN_API_KEY="<api key>"

Sample projects

Here's a list of projects / examples built with RagKit

Project Description
nestjs-embedjs-template A NestJS server side template
nextjs-chatbot-template A NextJS chat template - including a chat UI
slack-bot A slack bot that can answer questions based on learnt confluence spaces


Contributions are welcome! Please check out the issues on the repository, and feel free to open a pull request. For more information, please see the contributing guidelines.


A NodeJS RAG framework to easily work with LLMs and embeddings







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  • TypeScript 98.1%
  • JavaScript 1.9%