This repository is to encourage people to collaborate, learn and share code.
This Repository is a place to share code and to help each other learn more. We all have lots of skills we can offer. Instead of always taking from open source let give back. Hopefully this repository will evolve in to a place to do so.
While we can add technologies as we go along lets start with these
- Styled Components
- Javascript
- React
- Contributing To Open Source
Since this is all about contributing to open source. What you need to do to contribute is to fork the repository then start your own branch on your local machine. Then when you want to contribute something to the repository put in a pull request. The administrators will review and merge your pull request into the master branch. Just try to keep things on topic and consistent.
Note the React_Styled_Components/Contributed_Components folder is where to put your styled components you made or refactored yourself. If you used someones elses for inspiration please give credit in the comments
Here are some resources on how to contribute to open source. And also how to ask good questions and sharing codes samples when you need help.
The Definitive Guide to Contributing to Open Source
How to Write Good Commit Messages
How to be great at asking coding questions
Code Sandbox is great for running code samples