Updater Script for Dehydrated + Sophos UTM
This is my hacked together updater script for a ubuntu (or docker container) using dehydrated.
Its beeing run from /etc/dehydrated/certs/yourdomain.com and uses the sophos certificate update script (utm_update_certificate.pl) from m.bunkus https://github.com/mbunkus/utm-update-certificate
- Upload Lets Encrypt Certificate Authority https://letsencrypt.org/certs/lets-encrypt-x3-cross-signed.pem and import that to your sophos, also create a dummy certificate for your domain (we need that to update to)
- Create a Ubuntu based (other distros should work) machine (i used a docker container) with dehydrated that pulls certs for your domain i used the excellent tutorial from Benjamin Bryan, using Dehydrated and dns-01 challenge for lets encrypt --> https://b3n.org/intranet-ssl-certificates-using-lets-encrypt-dns-01/
- Make some ssh-keys and put the pub key into your sophos to access loginuser (need root once to get cert REF names)
- edit the copycerts.sh to your needs (ip, domain etc and most important the REF IDs to your own Cert and lets encrypt CA, see https://www.linet-services.de/sophos-utm-lets-encrypt-automatische-zertifikatsupdates/)
- let dehydrate get your certs
- put the utm_update-certificate.pl script in the same dir as the updater script (/etc/dehydrated/certs/yourdomain.com)
- run ./copycerts.sh (this will upload the nessesary files, run the cert updater and than delete everything aftwards)
- should now have your lets encrypt certs