Existing Website Updates
Past due by 3 months
25% complete
- Learn the existing Website / 11ty
- Review the odevs-web repo
- Go through the 11ty.io Docs
- Build your first SSG site.
- Update the Current Site with the changes that were made this year
- Merge all of the PRs this year.
- Fix Netlify to build from the odevs-web repo.
- Integrate eventBrite registration into the Calendar
- …
- Learn the existing Website / 11ty
- Review the odevs-web repo
- Go through the 11ty.io Docs
- Build your first SSG site.
- Update the Current Site with the changes that were made this year
- Merge all of the PRs this year.
- Fix Netlify to build from the odevs-web repo.
- Integrate eventBrite registration into the Calendar
- Look at Eventbrite Integration from API orlando-devs profile
- Determine a way to identify the specific Community Group it is for.
- Target the Events page
- Basic minor updates
- Based on feedback from the Board, add or reorganize existing content.
- Update the front page
This will be useful as we plan for the new site
- Code Freeze for new development on the existing site,
- No new code outside of community group content should be added after October 31st
Below this line might be nice to think about but not important to the above - at least at this juncture.
Work hard to achieve objectives!
Alignment should be self-documenting and intuitive.
Risks and Dependencies
[List potential risks or challenges that might impact the successful execution of this theme, as well as any dependencies on other projects, teams, or resources.]