Frontend administrativo do sistema USPolis - gerenciamento da alocação de turmas da EPUSP.
nodejs v18.14.0 npm v9.3.1
Configurar .env com base no arquivo env-example na raiz do projeto
Instalar as dependências do projeto
Executa o projeto em modo de desenvolvimento (http://localhost:3000)
Cria uma build otimizada para produção na pasta build
Documentação para deploys
This repo follows an architecture very similar to the traditional react.
Some things that are not obvious and are worth noting:
- The landing page is on
This is where the main code of your page is on. Ideally, it will only be an architectural description of the page, connecting different components previously developed, aside from handle functions.
Inside this directory we can find the common
components, which are generic and used by different pages, and the specific components from each page.
This is where all the backend integration code are centered. Basically, a service consists of classes that handles the backend communication.
The services uses the models for interfacing.
Here we have the definitions of the interfaces that need to be sended or received from the backend, aside from eventually some usefull entity that need to be present on lots of pages of the frontend application.