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DanielYang edited this page Dec 1, 2022 · 4 revisions
  • Paddle:源于产业实践的开源深度学习框架。

  • Models:产业级特色模型库,包含CV,NLP,Speech,推荐,大模型、科学计算等领域

  • PaddleSlim:模型压缩工具库,支持低比特量化、知识蒸馏、稀疏化和模型结构搜索等策略

  • FastDeploy:全场景高性能AI推理部署套件,提供开箱即用的云边端部署体验。

  • PaddleClas:图像识别开发套件,轻松解决图像识别和图像分类任务的的工具集

  • PaddleDetection:目标检测开发套件,支持目标检测、关键点检测、实例分割等任务

  • PaddleSeg:图像分割开发套件,端到端完成从训练到部署的全流程图像分割应用

  • PaddleOCR:文字识别开发套件,丰富、领先、且实用的OCR工具库

  • PaddleGAN:图像生成开发套件,覆盖影像超分、上色、风格迁移、动作迁移等功能

  • PaddleVideo:视频理解开发套件,支持体育、媒体、安防、医疗等行业解决方案

  • Paddle3D:3D感知套件,支持视觉、激光雷达、多模态3D感知及3D语义分割等任务

  • PaddleNLP:自然语言处理模型库,支持主流NLP任务,适用于学术研究与产业应用

  • PaddleSpeech:智能语音模型库,简单易用的 all-in-one 语音工具箱

  • PaddleTS:时间序列模型库,支持异常检测、时序表征、概率预测、自动超参寻优等任务

  • PaddleScience:飞桨科学计算工具组件,提供PINN/FNO求解器,支持流体、固体等领域科学仿真

  • PaddleHub:预训练模型应用工具,涵盖CV、NLP、Speech等主流品类的 400+ 预训练模型

  • EasyData:通用、领先且实用的数据自动扩充与数据质量优化工具库

  • VisualDL:可视化分析工具,助力用户直观地理解模型训练过程及网络结构,高效实现模型优化。

  • 飞桨官网:源于产业实践的开源深度学习平台

  • AI Studio:学习与实训社区,免费GPU算力、海量项目、数据、课程、比赛,活动

Projects in PaddlePaddleFor details
  • Paddle: PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning framework from industrial practice.
  • Models: officially maintained, supported by PaddlePaddle, including CV, NLP, Speech, Rec, TS, Big Models and so on.
  • PaddleSlim: a compression toolkit for CV, NLP, Speech models, improving the hardware resource utilization of AI models.
  • FastDeploy: an easy-to-use and high performance AI model deployment toolkit for cloud, mobile and edge
  • PaddleClas: an Image classification and image recognition toolkit for industry and academia.
  • PaddleDetection: an object detection toolkit, supporting object detection, instance segmentation and so on
  • PaddleSeg: a high-efficient toolkit for image segmentation
  • PaddleOCR: an awesome multilingual OCR toolkit
  • PaddleGAN: an easy-to-use GAN toolkit, providing high-performance implementation of classic and SOTA GAN models.
  • PaddleVideo: an awesome video understanding toolkit
  • Paddle3D: a 3D object detection toolbox, supporting point-cloud, monocular and multi-modal
  • PaddleNLP: an easy-to-use NLP library, supporting wide-range of NLP tasks from research to industrial applications.
  • PaddleSpeech: an easy-to-use speech models library
  • PaddleTS: an awesome and easy-to-use Time Series models library
  • PaddleScience: an AI for Science toolkit for solving multi-physics simulation
  • PaddleHub: an awesome pre-trained models toolkit, providing 400+ models
  • EasyData: an easy-to-use data processing toolkit
  • VisualDL: a deep learning visualization analysis toolkit
  • PaddlePaddle Offical site: an open-source deep learning platform originated from industrial practice
  • AI Studio: offer free GPUs and a huge repository of community content.
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