This library requires Ruby version >= 1.9.
(GTFS is the Google Transit Feed Spcification.) Install via Ruby Gems.
$ gem install gtfs
Grab the static data, describing the bus system:
Load this data and use it:
$ cd JoesBus
$ irb
> require 'gtfs'
> source ="./data/")
# Do stuff with source... see the GTFS project on GitHub.
I'm following the instructions from the localshred/protbuf readme.
# Go to your brew directory (/usr/local for me)
$ cd `brew --prefix`
# List versions of protobuf
$ brew versions protobuf
2.5.0 git checkout 019364d Library/Formula/protobuf.rb
2.4.1 git checkout 544209f Library/Formula/protobuf.rb
# Check out version 2.4.1 of protobuf
$ git co 544209f Library/Formula/protobuf.rb
# Install this version
$ brew install protobuf
$ gem install protobuf
$ cd JoesBus
$ rprotoc gtfs-realtime.proto --ruby_out ./lib
API end points for Oahu Transit Services, Inc. - Google Transit Feed Specification: Real Time
Substitute the above URLs for the url
variable below. These end point URLs determine which type of data is returned to you.
$ irb
> require 'protobuf'
=> true
> require './lib/gtfs-realtime.pb'
=> true
1.9.3-p362 :007 > require 'open-uri'
=> true
1.9.3-p362 :008 > url = ""
=> ""
1.9.3-p362 :009 > gtfs_bytes = open(url).read
=> "\n\r\n\x031..."
> feed_message =
> msg_hash = feed_message.to_hash
> msg_header = msg_hash[:header]
> msg_entity = msg_hash[:entity]
> msg_entity[0]
=> {:id=>"031", :is_deleted=>false, :vehicle=>{:position=>{:latitude=>21.340709686279297, :longitude=>-158.0762939453125}, :timestamp=>1370140693, :vehicle=>{:id=>"031"}}}
# Each entity format differs depending on which API end point you hit (vehicle position, trip update, service alert).
# See URLs above.
> msg_entity[0].keys
=> [:id, :is_deleted, :vehicle]
> msg_entity[0][:vehicle].keys
=> [:position, :timestamp, :vehicle]
> msg_entity[0][:vehicle][:position].keys
=> [:latitude, :longitude]
# Vehicle Position FeedMessage
> pp e[0]; nil
{:position=>{:latitude=>21.340709686279297, :longitude=>-158.0762939453125},
=> nil
# Service Alert FeedMessage Alert?
> pp e2.first; nil
{:active_period=>[{:start=>1368552600, :end=>253402164000}],
:header_text=>{:translation=>[{:text=>"Road Work", :language=>"en"}]},
"For approximately three months, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, Route 13 will be reversed and will operate in a counter-clockwise direction around the University of Hawaii from Dole St/East-West Center Rd. Board buses at stops across the street from the regular stops.",
=> nil
# Trip Update Feed Message
> pp e3[0]; nil
:stop_time_update=>[{:stop_sequence=>1, :arrival=>{:delay=>0}}]}}
=> nil
More to come.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.