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Configuring Persistent Bookmarking in Mirador

Jack Reed edited this page May 19, 2020 · 1 revision

Shareable Bookmarks in Mirador

Shareable bookmark URLs in Mirador take the following form:[uniqueid]

The json parameter in the URL contains a unique ID used by the JSON Storage Endpoint, which is responsible for storing viewer states under new IDs and retrieving viewer states based on existing IDs.


As of 2.1, the default back-end is If you wish to interface with your own back-end, you can write your own JSON Storage Endpoint. Ensure that it implements the following methods and fields:

  • options: An object containing settings for your endpoint.
  • Constructor: Should take a single argument opts (Object), initialize default settings and then call jQuery.extend(this.options, opts);.
  • readSync: Should take a single argument blobID (string) and synchronously return the viewer state object stored under blobID.
  • save: Should take a single argument blob (Object) and return a jQuery deferred promise that resolves to the new ID once saving completes.
(function($) {
  $.MyJsonBlobApi = function(opts) {
    this.options = {
      /** Add your defaults here **/
    jQuery.extend(this.options, opts);
  $.MyJsonBlobApi.prototype = {
    readSync: function(blobId) {
      var viewState = {};
      /** Retrieve the view state from blobId here **/
      return viewState;
    save: function(blob) {
      var deferred = jQuery.Deferred();
      /** Resolve deferred to the new ID of the saved blob (view state) here **/
      return deferred.promise();

Configuration Options

To enable persistent bookmarking, ensure that saveSession is not set to false.

By default, Mirador uses as its back-end. If you wish to replace it with your own, set jsonStorageEndpoint to an object with the following keys:

  • name: Any string name to describe the endpoint.
  • module: The string name of the constructor for the endpoint.

Here is an example with an endpoint named MyCoolEndpoint:

<div id="viewer"></div>
<script src="lib/mirador.js"></script>
<script src="lib/mycoolendpoint.js"></script>
  id: "viewer",
  data: [
    {"manifestUri": "http://iiif/id/and/uri/of/your/manifest.json", location : "My Repository"}
  jsonStorageEndpoint: {
    name: "My cool JSON endpoint",
    module: "MyCoolEndpoint"
  saveSession: true