The GPS_Screener
function is a fast and versatile R-based tool for automatically detecting anomalies in GPS data. using a combination of movement metrics. It combines movement metrics, optional acceleration data (e.g., VeDBA), and isolation forest models to handle a wide range of GPS data complexities, including burst modes and 1 Hz recordings. Additionally, it offers visualization capabilities to inspect anomaly detection results interactively.
[This function is in active development. Feedback, testing, and suggestions for improvement are highly encouraged!]
Data Pre-Processing:
- Processes GPS burst modes and standardizes GPS intervals to a consistent sampling frequency, ensuring robust anomaly detection for diverse datasets (e.g., burst modes or 1 Hz recordings).
Anomaly Detection:
- Derives GPS movement metrics by analyzing three consecutive fixes, including outbound and inbound speed, vertex angles, and distance changes between the first and third fixes.
- Combines within-function defined thresholds with unsupervised multi-dimensional isolation forest models.
Acceleration Data Integration (see 'Eobs_Data_Reader' function to process acceleration data from Eobs devices):
- Leverages VeDBA (or equivalent) as an optional additional metric to improve anomaly detection.
- Matches acceleration data to GPS fixes, even with irregular or non-aligned timestamps, and calculates mean VeDBA for preceding intervals. (See the Eobs_Data_Reader function for pre-processing acceleration data from e-obs devices).
- Requires both GPS and acceleration timestamps to be in the same POSIXct format (Y-m-d H:M:S or Y-m-d H:M:OS).
Interactive Visualization:
- Provides dynamic Leaflet maps to explore anomaly detection results, including filtering layers for intuitive data inspection.
- Adaptive handling of missing or irregular data.
- Post-modelling refinement using biologically meaningful thresholds to improve accuracy.
- Optional integration of GPS height as an additional parameter for anomaly detection and timestamp subsetting.
- Detailed outputs, including processed data and diagnostic visuals, for comprehensive analysis.
: POSIXct vector of GPS timestamps (must be in Y-m-d H:M:S format). Missing values (NA) are not allowed.GPS_longitude
: Numeric vector of GPS longitude values (decimal degrees). May include NAs or zeros.GPS_latitude
: Numeric vector of GPS latitude values (decimal degrees). May include NAs or zeros.
: POSIXct vector of acceleration timestamps. If supplied, it must match the format of GPS_TS (Y-m-d H:M:S or Y-m-d H:M:OS) and cannot contain NAs (default = NULL).VeDBA
: Numeric vector of VeDBA (or equivalent activity metric) values matching the length ofACC_TS
(default = NULL).drop_out
: Numeric value (in seconds) defining the maximum temporal gap for identifying large drop-outs in GPS data (default = 3600). Although its functionality is not actively used in the function, the output includes a corresponding column for reference.burst_method
: Character string specifying the method for processing GPS bursts. Options include "median", "mean", "last", or "none" (default = "last").burst_len
: Numeric value (seconds) for defining the typical maximum burst durations (default = 1).standardise_time_interval
: Numeric value (seconds) for standardizing GPS fix intervals to a consistent time step (default = NULL).standardise_universal
: Logical value (TRUE/FALSE) indicating whether'standardise_time_interval'
is applied across all GPS data or restricted to continuous 1 Hz periods (default = FALSE).IF_conf
: Numeric confidence level for isolation forest anomaly detection (default = 0.99).iso_sample_size
: Numeric value for the sample size used in the isolation forest model (default = 256).GPS_height
: Numeric vector of GPS height values matching the length of GPS data (default = NULL). This is used as an additional parameter within the anomaly detection.start_timestamp
: POSIXct value for subsetting data, defining the start of the time range (optional; but must be used withend_timestamp
: POSIXct value for subsetting data, defining the end of the time range (optional; but must be used withstart_timestamp
: Numeric value defining the maximum biologically plausible speed (in m/s) for the species of interest (default = 5).GPS_accuracy
: Numeric value estimating the GPS error radius (in meters) under stationary conditions (default = 25). A value of 25 m is recommended based on empirical data for forested habitats. Recommended to not make this value smaller than 10 m.plot
: Logical value (TRUE/FALSE) indicating whether to generate diagnostic plots (default = TRUE).
A data frame containing:
: A sequential integer vector that uniquely identifies each row in the dataset. Used as a reference index (relative to initial supplied data) for processing and merging data.Timestamp
: Timestamp of the fixTime_diff
: Time difference (in seconds) between consecutive GPS fixes.GPS_longitude
: Raw GPS coordinates (in decimal degrees).Fix_number
: Relative order of each kept processed GPS fix per burst or continuous 1 Hz data collection session (unlessstandardise_time_interval
was used).Window_group
: Grouping variable which incremented each time the cumualtive time exceeded thedrop_out
: The original length (in seconds) of each burst or continuous GPS session prior to processing.GPS_longitude_filtered
: GPS coordinates (in decimal degrees), corresponding to the processed values.Time_diff_filtered
: Represents the time interval (s) between filtered GPS fixes but is replicated across all rows associated with each fix group.Ang_vertex
: The turning angle (in degrees) at each fix, calculated using three consecutive GPS points. Values range from 0° to 180°, where higher angles indicate sharper turns.Outgoing_speed
: Movement speeds (in meters per second) calculated between the current GPS fix and the following one.Incoming_speed
: Movement speeds (in meters per second) calculated between the current GPS fix and the preceding one.Dist_circular
: The straight-line distance (in meters) between the GPS fix preceding the current one and the fix following the current one. Useful for identifying circular or looping movements.GPS_height (optional)
: vertical altitude values (in meters) associated with each GPS fix. This field is included only if the user provides height data as an input.mean_VeDBA_interval (optional)
: The mean VeDBA (or equivalent supplied metric) over the time interval leading up to each GPS fix. This field is included only if acceleration data is provided.Verdict_IF
: A categorical variable indicating whether a GPS fix is classified as"Anomalous"
or"Not Anomalous"
based on isolation forest analysis and custom rules.
- Interactive Map:
- Dynamic leaflet map with color-coded anomaly results.
- Toggleable layers for unfiltered, filtered, and "Not Anomalous" tracks.
- Scale bar for distance estimation.
- Summary Plots:
- Histograms showing distributions of key metrics, annotated with quantile thresholds.
# GPS data
df <- read.csv("C:/Users/richard/xxxxxx/Gandalf.csv")
# Covert to POSIXct
df$timestamp = as.POSIXct(df$timestamp, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
head(df$timestamp, 1) ; tail(df$timestamp, 1)
# Ensure no duplicated time stamps
# make sure no NAs in timestamp
df = subset(df, !$timestamp))
# Ensure GPS data are sorted by time
df <- df %>% arrange(timestamp)
# Load ACC VeDBA data --> Use the Eobs_Data_Reader function to processs and extract acceleration data from Eobs' devices
setwd("C:/Users/richard/xxxxxx/Eobs data [All studies]/Invisible networks/Processed data")
library(fst) # Fast, and easy way to serialize data frames when writing and reading data.
df.acc <- read_fst("Gandalf.processed.acc.fst")
# Covert to POSIXct
df.acc$interpolated_timestamp = as.POSIXct(df.acc$interpolated_timestamp, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS")
head(df.acc$interpolated_timestamp, 1) ; tail(df.acc$interpolated_timestamp, 1)
# Filter out potentially duplicated timestamps and short ACC bursts
df.acc = subset(df.acc, df.acc$duplicate_times == FALSE & df.acc$standardized_burst_duration >= 5)
# make sure no NAs in timestamp
df.acc = subset(df.acc, !$interpolated_timestamp))
# Group by standardized_burst_id and compute mean VeDBA and median interpolated_timestamp to obtain a single mean value per burst
df.acc_summary <- df.acc %>%
group_by(standardized_burst_id) %>% # Mean VeDBA value per burst ID (here, about 10 s bursts every 1 min)
mean_VeDBA = mean(VeDBA, na.rm = TRUE), # Mean VeDBA
timestamp = median(interpolated_timestamp, na.rm = TRUE) # Median interpolated timestamp of the burst
) %>% arrange(timestamp) %>% # Ensure timestamps are in correct chronological order
results <- GPS_Screener(GPS_TS = df$timestamp,
GPS_longitude = df$location.long,
GPS_latitude = df$,
ACC_TS = df.acc_summary$timestamp,
VeDBA = df.acc_summary$mean_VeDBA,
drop_out = 1800,
burst_method = "last",
standardise_time_interval = 240, #4 min intervals
standardise_universal = FALSE,
burst_len = 10, #bursts were 10 s
IF_conf = 0.99, #99 percentile for anomaly detection
iso_sample_size = 500,
GPS_height = df$height.above.ellipsoid,
start_timestamp = "2024-05-04 10:31:00",
end_timestamp = "2024-05-31 19:59:11",
max_speed = 5,
GPS_accuracy = 25,
plot = TRUE)
The function installs and uses the following R packages:
- zoo
- dplyr
- tidyr
- data.table
- ggplot2
- leaflet
- assertthat
- isotree
- Input timestamps must consistently use the POSIXct format.
- Results are heavily influenced by the quality and consistency of the input data.
- A previously C++ implemented "distance from median" rolling time function—designed to calculate median fixes within a dynamically adjusted temporal window—was removed. This metric proved ineffective for datasets with temporally sparse fix intervals (e.g., >1 minute), especially for highly dynamic animal movement patterns. For people with high-res data sets, this maybe a useful metric. Contact for more info.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
For questions, bug reports, suggestions, or contributions, please contact:
- Richard Gunner
- Email: [email protected]
- GitHub: Richard6195