A dataset and some analysis of all the Lok Sabha debates up till 25th March 2021.
- PDFs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13f2_rkDOzMOY6UYozx2gcPMrIii-475k?usp=sharing
- Text Files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14IBwHoa32ANWQhVATjbFoU6MkwZkOk2g?usp=sharing
An interface to visualize the locations mentioned in the 16th Lok Sabha. It can be visited here.
- Lok Sabha Data Scraper: Contains scripts to download the lok sabha debate pdfs available at Lok Sabha Digital Library.
- Aryan2 to Unicode Map: Contains script for knowing the font(s) used in a pdf along with their encoding and a Aryan2 font encoding to Unicode encoding map.
- OCR: Contains script for performing on pdfs.
- Lok Sabha Data Harshil: Contains script for cleaning the text and storing them in desired format as a csv file.
- NER and POS Tagging: Contains scripts to perform NER on English data and POS Tagging on Hindi data. Also includes a failed attempt at NER using Deep Pavlov for Hindi data.
- Calculate Stats: Contains scripts to calculate various stats such as number of files in each Lok Sabha, number of entites, frequency of entites, etc.
- Hindi NER: Contains trials run for NER for Hindi text using Flair and IndicBart.
- Geocoding (GoogleMapsAPI): Contains script for getting the geo-coordinates (latitude and longitude) of a location using Google Maps API.
- Geocoding (NominatimAPI): Contains script for getting the geo-coordinates (latitude and longitude) of a location using Nominatim API. Also, contains script for getting names of all countries, states and cities/towns in the world and translating them into hindi using google translate.