Since I couldn't find a suitable watch face for my Garmin watch, I created one by myself.
Download at Garmin Connect IQ Store
Background images are from:
They have been slightly modified and one has been created by myself.
Fonts are from:
Komikazoom by Apostrophic Lab
Roboto by Google
Consola Mono by Wojciech Kalinowski
Impossible by Apostrophic Lab
Grimoire Of Death by GGBotNet
Typesauce by MaxiGamer
Troika by Joel Carrouche
Kanit by Cadson Demak
Noto Sans Korean
As well as one self-created font for time display.
All icons are self-made.
The watchface contains 5 different themes and the positions and some settings of the widgets can be adjusted.
Furthermore, the background- and text-colors can be also customized.
It was developed for Garmin Venu® Sq 2 and Garmin Venu® Sq 2 Music and is now also available for Venu® Sq. and Venu® Sq. Music
Due to memory limitations, the background images are not available on the Venu® Sq.
If you like the watchface, you can support me at
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