⭐️ 更新重點 ⭐️
- 無
🔧 修復內容 🔧
- 修復登入判斷頁面導向問題
❗ 注意事項 ❗
- 目前軟體為測試版本,尚未穩定
🧩 其他資訊 🧩
Bityo Discord群組:https://dc.bityo.tw/
靈魂之神工作室 Discord群組:https://discord.gg/CDSqPf8AYp
English Version
⭐️ Update Highlights ⭐️
- None
🔧 Fixes 🔧
- Fixed login page redirection issue
❗ Important Notes ❗
- The software is currently in its testing phase and is not yet stable.
🧩 Additional Information 🧩
This software is a collaborative product developed by Bityo and SoulGod Studio.
--==Related Links==--
Bityo Official Website: https://bityo.tw/
Bityo Discord Group: https://dc.bityo.tw/
SoulGod Studio Discord Group: https://discord.gg/CDSqPf8AYp