A simple timeline widget with smooth scrolling and zooming.
The concept is there are two types of items : tasks and events.
- A task represents some continuous action, and events occur during the task's execution.
- Any event must have a parent task.
- Tasks may have different types, specified by a user.
- There must be an axis for every task type (temporary, going to remove this constraint soon)
- A unique style can be specified for every task type.
- Both tasks and events have time duration.
- There is a storage for tasks implemented as a separate class
So, a basic example of using the class may look as follows:
TaskStoragePtr taskStorage = std::make_shared<TaskStorage>();
SphereTimeLineWidget* timeLineWidget = new SphereTimeLineWidget(taskStorage);
TaskStyle testTaskStyle1(QBrush(Qt::red), QPen(Qt::red), ":/Sphere/Resources/timeline_warning_vector.svg");
TaskStyle testTaskStyle2(QBrush(Qt::blue), QPen(Qt::blue), "");
TaskStyle testTaskStyle3(QBrush(QColor(0, 87, 16)), QPen(QColor(0, 87, 16)), "");
timeLineWidget->addItemType(TEST_ITEM_TYPE_1, testTaskStyle1);
timeLineWidget->addItemType(TEST_ITEM_TYPE_2, testTaskStyle2);
timeLineWidget->addItemType(TEST_ITEM_TYPE_2, testTaskStyle3);
TaskItemPtr taskPtr = std::make_shared<TaskItem>(QDateTime::currentDateTime(),
0, //no end time
true, //task is infinite
EventItemPtr eventPtr = std::make_shared<EventItem(QDateTime::currentDateTime().addMonth(5),