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Almost anything you can do in E-goi, you can do with our API.

The API describes each available method. Learn about parameters, errors, and how to format your requests. That means you can easily call on E-goi actions for your integration. API Full documentation at

If you find a bug or something worth fixing, create an issue.




Building the API client library requires:

  1. Java 1.7+
  2. Maven/Gradle


To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:

mvn clean install

To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:

mvn clean deploy

Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.

Maven users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:


Gradle users

Add this dependency to your project's build file:

compile "org.egoi:egoi-java-client:1.1.1RC1"


At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn clean package

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/egoi-java-client-1.1.1RC1.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:

// Import classes:
import org.egoi.client.ApiClient;
import org.egoi.client.ApiException;
import org.egoi.client.Configuration;
import org.egoi.client.auth.*;
import org.egoi.client.models.*;
import org.egoi.client.api.AdvancedReportsApi;

public class Example {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
    // Configure API key authorization: Apikey
    ApiKeyAuth Apikey = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("Apikey");
    Apikey.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
    // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)

    AdvancedReportsApi apiInstance = new AdvancedReportsApi(defaultClient);
    GenerateEmailBouncesReport generateEmailBouncesReport = new GenerateEmailBouncesReport(); // GenerateEmailBouncesReport | Parameters for the email bounces report
    try {
      AcceptedResponse result = apiInstance.generateEmailBouncesReport(generateEmailBouncesReport);
    } catch (ApiException e) {
      System.err.println("Exception when calling AdvancedReportsApi#generateEmailBouncesReport");
      System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
      System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
      System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AdvancedReportsApi generateEmailBouncesReport POST /reports/advanced/email-bounces Generate email bounces report
AdvancedReportsApi generateEmailClicksByContactReport POST /reports/advanced/email-clicks-by-contact Generate email clicks by contact report
AdvancedReportsApi generateEmailClicksByUrlReport POST /reports/advanced/email-clicks-by-url Generate email clicks by URL report
AdvancedReportsApi generateEmailEventsReport POST /reports/advanced/email-events Generate email events report
AdvancedReportsApi generateEmailSmsReport POST /reports/advanced/sms-bounces Generate SMS bounces report
AdvancedReportsApi generateEmailUnsubscriptionsReport POST /reports/advanced/email-unsubscriptions Generate email unsubscriptions report
AdvancedReportsApi generateFormAnswersReport POST /reports/advanced/form-answers Generate form answers report
AdvancedReportsApi generateSendsReport POST /reports/advanced/sends Generate sends report
AdvancedReportsApi generateSmsEventsReport POST /reports/advanced/sms-events Generate SMS events report
AdvancedReportsApi generateSubscriptionsReport POST /reports/advanced/subscriptions Generate subscriptions report
AdvancedReportsApi generateUnsubscriptionsReport POST /reports/advanced/unsubscriptions Generate unsubscriptions report
AdvancedReportsApi getAllAdvancedReports GET /reports/advanced Get all advanced reports
AutomationsApi deleteAutomation DELETE /automations/{automation_id} Remove automation
AutomationsApi getAllAutomations GET /automations Get all automations
CNamesApi createCName POST /cnames Create cname
CNamesApi getAllCNames GET /cnames Get All CNames
CampaignGroupsApi createCampaignGroup POST /campaign-groups Create new campaign group
CampaignGroupsApi deleteCampaignGroup DELETE /campaign-groups/{group_id} Remove Campaign Group
CampaignGroupsApi getAllCampaignGroups GET /campaign-groups Get all campaign groups
CampaignGroupsApi updateCampaignGroup PUT /campaign-groups/{group_id} Update a specific campaign group
CampaignsApi deleteCampaigns DELETE /campaigns/{campaign_hash} Remove Campaign
CampaignsApi getAllCampaigns GET /campaigns Get all Campaigns
ContactsApi actionActivateContacts POST /lists/{list_id}/contacts/actions/activate Activate contacts
ContactsApi actionAttachTag POST /lists/{list_id}/contacts/actions/attach-tag Attach tag to contact
ContactsApi actionDeactivateContacts POST /lists/{list_id}/contacts/actions/deactivate Deactivate contacts
ContactsApi actionDetachTag POST /lists/{list_id}/contacts/actions/detach-tag Detach tag to contact
ContactsApi actionExportContacts POST /lists/{list_id}/contacts/actions/export Exports a list of contacts
ContactsApi actionForgetContacts POST /lists/{list_id}/contacts/actions/forget Forget contacts
ContactsApi actionImportBulk POST /lists/{list_id}/contacts/actions/import-bulk Import collection of contacts
ContactsApi actionStartAutomation POST /lists/{list_id}/contacts/actions/start-automation Start automation
ContactsApi actionUnsubscribeContact POST /lists/{list_id}/contacts/actions/unsubscribe Unsubscribes contacts
ContactsApi createContact POST /lists/{list_id}/contacts Create new contact
ContactsApi getAllContactActivities GET /lists/{list_id}/contacts/{contact_id}/activities Get all contact activities
ContactsApi getAllContacts GET /lists/{list_id}/contacts Get all contacts
ContactsApi getAllContactsBySegment GET /lists/{list_id}/contacts/segment/{segment_id} Get all contacts by Segment Id
ContactsApi getContact GET /lists/{list_id}/contacts/{contact_id} Get contact
ContactsApi patchContact PATCH /lists/{list_id}/contacts/{contact_id} Update a specific contact
ContactsApi searchContacts GET /contacts/search Search contact
EcommerceApi createCart POST /{domain}/carts Create cart
EcommerceApi createCatalog POST /catalogs Create new catalog
EcommerceApi createOrder POST /{domain}/orders Create order
EcommerceApi createProduct POST /catalogs/{catalog_id}/products Create new product
EcommerceApi deleteCatalog DELETE /catalogs/{catalog_id} Remove catalog
EcommerceApi deleteProduct DELETE /catalogs/{catalog_id}/products/{product_identifier} Remove product
EcommerceApi getAllCatalogs GET /catalogs Get all catalogs
EcommerceApi getAllProducts GET /catalogs/{catalog_id}/products Get all products
EcommerceApi getProduct GET /catalogs/{catalog_id}/products/{product_identifier} Get product
EcommerceApi importProducts POST /catalogs/{catalog_id}/products/actions/import Import products
EcommerceApi updateProduct PATCH /catalogs/{catalog_id}/products/{product_identifier} Update product
EcommerceActivityApi importOrdersBulk POST /lists/{list_id}/orders Orders import bulk request
EmailApi actionEnableEmailRss POST /campaigns/email/rss/{campaign_hash}/actions/enable Enables a rss email campaign
EmailApi actionSendEmail POST /campaigns/email/{campaign_hash}/actions/send Send email message
EmailApi createEmailCampaign POST /campaigns/email Create new email campaign
EmailApi createEmailRssCampaign POST /campaigns/email/rss Create new email rss campaign
EmailApi patchEmailCampaign PATCH /campaigns/email/{campaign_hash} Update a specific email campaign
FieldsApi createExtraField POST /lists/{list_id}/fields/extra Create extra field
FieldsApi createFieldOption POST /lists/{list_id}/fields/extra/{field_id}/options Create new field option
FieldsApi deleteExtraField DELETE /lists/{list_id}/fields/extra/{field_id} Remove extra field
FieldsApi deleteFieldOption DELETE /lists/{list_id}/fields/extra/{field_id}/options/{option_id} Deletes an option
FieldsApi getAllFieldOptions GET /lists/{list_id}/fields/extra/{field_id}/options Get all field options
FieldsApi getAllFields GET /lists/{list_id}/fields Get all fields
FieldsApi patchBaseField PATCH /lists/{list_id}/fields/base/{field_id} Update base field
FieldsApi patchExtraField PATCH /lists/{list_id}/fields/extra/{field_id} Update extra field
FieldsApi updateFieldOption PATCH /lists/{list_id}/fields/extra/{field_id}/options/{option_id} Update field option
ListsApi createList POST /lists Create new list
ListsApi deleteList DELETE /lists/{list_id} Remove list
ListsApi getAllLists GET /lists Get all lists
ListsApi updateList PATCH /lists/{list_id} Update a specific list
MyAccountApi enableTe POST /my-account/actions/enable-te Enable Track&Engage
MyAccountApi getMyAccount GET /my-account Get My Account Info
OperationsApi actionApproveOperation POST /operations/actions/approve Approve operation
OperationsApi actionCancelOperation POST /operations/actions/cancel Cancel operation
OperationsApi actionPauseOperation POST /operations/actions/pause Pause operation
OperationsApi actionResumeOperation POST /operations/actions/resume Resume operation
OperationsApi getAllOperations GET /operations Get all queued operations
PingApi ping POST /ping Pings the API
PushApi actionSendPush POST /campaigns/push/{campaign_hash}/actions/send Send push message
PushApi createPushCampaign POST /campaigns/push Create new push campaign
PushApi getPushApp GET /push/apps/{app_id} Get a Push application from E-goi
PushApi getPushApps GET /push/apps Get all Push applications from E-goi
PushApi patchPushCampaign PATCH /campaigns/push/{campaign_hash} Update a specific push campaign
PushApi registerPushEvent POST /push/apps/{app_id}/event Registers an event from the push notification.
PushApi registerPushToken POST /push/apps/{app_id}/token Registers a Firebase token
ReportsApi getSMSReport GET /reports/sms/{campaign_hash} Get sms report
ReportsApi getVoiceReport GET /reports/voice/{campaign_hash} Get voice report
ReportsApi getWebPushReport GET /reports/web-push/{campaign_hash} Get webpush report
SegmentsApi deleteSegment DELETE /lists/{list_id}/segments/{segment_id} Remove segment
SegmentsApi getAllSegments GET /lists/{list_id}/segments Get all segments
SendersApi createCellphoneSender POST /senders/cellphone Create cellphone sender
SendersApi createEmailSender POST /senders/email Create email sender
SendersApi createPhoneSender POST /senders/phone Create phone sender
SendersApi deleteCellphoneSender DELETE /senders/cellphone/{sender_id} Remove cellphone sender
SendersApi deleteEmailSender DELETE /senders/email/{sender_id} Remove email sender
SendersApi deletePhoneSender DELETE /senders/phone/{sender_id} Remove phone sender
SendersApi getAllCellphoneSenders GET /senders/cellphone Get all cellphone senders
SendersApi getAllEmailSenders GET /senders/email Get all email senders
SendersApi getAllPhoneSenders GET /senders/phone Get all phone senders
SendersApi putEmailSender PUT /senders/email/{sender_id} Update email sender
SmartSmsApi actionSendSmartSms POST /campaigns/smart-sms/{campaign_hash}/actions/send Send smart sms message
SmartSmsApi createSmartSmsCampaign POST /campaigns/smart-sms Create new smart sms campaign
SmartSmsApi patchSmartSmsCampaign PATCH /campaigns/smart-sms/{campaign_hash} Update a specific smart sms campaign
SmsApi actionSendSms POST /campaigns/sms/{campaign_hash}/actions/send Send sms message
SmsApi createSmsCampaign POST /campaigns/sms Create new sms campaign
SmsApi patchSmsCampaign PATCH /campaigns/sms/{campaign_hash} Update a specific sms campaign
SuppressionListApi getAllSuppressionList GET /suppression-list Get the suppression list
TagsApi createTag POST /tags Create new tag
TagsApi deleteTag DELETE /tags/{tag_id} Remove tag
TagsApi getAllTags GET /tags Get all tags
TagsApi updateTag PUT /tags/{tag_id} Update a specific tag
TrackEngageApi getAllDomains GET /trackengage/domains Get all domains
TrackEngageApi getAllGoals GET /trackengage/goals Get all goals
UsersApi deleteUser DELETE /users/{user_id} Remove user
UsersApi getAllUsers GET /users Get all users
UtilitiesApi getAllCountries GET /utilities/countries Get all countries
VoiceApi actionSendVoice POST /campaigns/voice/{campaign_hash}/actions/send Send voice message
VoiceApi createVoiceCampaign POST /campaigns/voice Create new voice campaign
VoiceApi patchVoiceCampaign PATCH /campaigns/voice/{campaign_hash} Update a specific voice campaign
WebHooksApi createWebhook POST /webhooks Create new webhook
WebHooksApi deleteWebhook DELETE /webhooks/{webhook_id} Remove webhook
WebHooksApi getAllWebhooks GET /webhooks Get all webhooks
WebpushApi actionEnableWebPushRss POST /campaigns/webpush/rss/{campaign_hash}/actions/enable Enable a rss webpush campaign
WebpushApi actionSendWebPush POST /campaigns/web-push/{campaign_hash}/actions/send Send webpush message
WebpushApi createWebPushCampaign POST /campaigns/web-push Create new webpush campaign
WebpushApi createWebPushRssCampaign POST /campaigns/webpush/rss Create new webpush rss campaign
WebpushApi createWebpushSite POST /webpush/sites Creates a webpush site
WebpushApi getAllWebPushSites GET /webpush/sites Get all webpush sites
WebpushApi patchWebPushCampaign PATCH /campaigns/web-push/{campaign_hash} Update a specific webpush campaign

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Apikey
  • Location: HTTP header


It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.



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